CRT Grant Review Meeting

CRT Grant Review Meeting

Thursday 10th December 14.30-16.00, Nobel House room 404


Defra: CRT:

Shirley Trundle (Chair) Sandra Kelly

[Redacted] Allan Leighton

[Redacted] (notes) Richard Parry




Tom Surrey


Note of meeting

1.  Introductions

Shirley Trundle welcomed everyone to the tenth grant review meeting between Defra and the Canal & River Trust and introductions were made. Shirley welcomed Allan Leighton the new Chair of the Trustees and [Redacted] who stepped in for [Redacted], representing Defra’s Finance Business Team.

2.  Actions from the last meeting, July 2015.

Minutes were finalised and agreed at the end of November and CRT confirmed publication on their website. There was one outstanding action - to arrange a meeting between CRT estates team and Defra’s head of estates team about the asset management system and shared experiences. It was previously agreed that the meeting would take place once the head of estates team was in post. Defra confirmed that the post was very recently filled and that they will arrange a meeting with CRT in the New Year.

Action – Defra to arrange meeting with CRT estates team in the New Year to discuss the asset management system and shared experiences.

3.  CEO update

CRT provided a general update on the Trust’s recent progress, governance matters and current public and media issues, as follows:

[Commercially confidential information redacted].

Fundraising - CRT is supportive of some of the proposed changes to the current regulatory framework governing fundraising; following recommendations from the Etherington Review to have an effective regulatory regime that is applied consistently to all charities in order to safeguard public trust and confidence. CRT had concerns that there’s a risk for legitimate non-intrusive fundraising activities to be jeopardised. CRT confirmed that they will work with other charities through National Council for Voluntary Organisations and ACEVO (Charity Leaders Network) to try to ensure that this response remains proportionate.

Pension Scheme – CRT advised that a consultation was underway regarding the changes taking place to their existing pension scheme and that 19 roadshows had been carried out to explain the changes to CRT staff. CRT confirmed that there was general understanding amongst employees as to why the changes were necessary and that a good alternative pension scheme is being offered. The consultation will close at the end of January.

Governance – CRT confirmed that elections to form the new Trust Council commenced in November [commercially confidential information redacted].

Flooding – CRT reported some flooding in the North West margins, but with no significant damage and explained that their canals are often used to help move flood water. CRT confirmed they will be part of future flood resilience and mitigation plans. [Post meeting note: January 2016 - CRT confirmed that the impact of the post Boxing Day floods to CRT infrastructure was c£17m].

New chairman of trustees. – Allan Leighton, who became chairman of trustees in September, provided a brief update. He advised that the transition was going well and strong executive changes taking place with more planned. He considered CRT in good shape and focused on the right things and looking at the longer term. He also referred to a recent stakeholder event held in Manchester where they looked at local teams in more detail as well as the Trust’s strengths and weaknesses.

Health – CRT mentioned that a lot of their focus is on what benefits canals can offer to help improve health. Defra advised that the government was also looking at links between the natural environment, recreation and health and is considering an evidence review into the benefits and how to get people that would benefit the most to engage more. CRT offered to share their work undertaken with Cardiff University looking at health, learning and skills. Defra advised that DCMS new Sports Strategy will refer to outdoor recreation, countryside and encouraging people to get active outdoors and engage more with the natural environment. CRT agreed to share their findings with DCMS as well. [Post meeting note: DCMS Sports Strategy published on 17 December 2015:].

Action: CRT to share paper on their work with Cardiff University, covering health, learning and skills with Defra and DCMS (Defra to provide a contact).

4.  Interim Funding Update:

CRT provided a summary for the first six months of the current financial year and confirmed that spend is slightly behind the original plan although CRT expected the full spend to be incurred such that the overall result was for broadly break-even by the end of financial year. CRT also explained that the previous financial year was a particularly profitable year through their successes with disposing of investment property, and in comparison this financial year it has been a lot more difficult to find the right quality of property for investment. However, CRT income and expenditure forecast is broadly in line with their original plan. Defra confirmed they were content.

5.  Efficiencies:

CRT provided an overview of the efficiency savings currently underway and advised that the importance to generate efficiency savings was shared across the whole Trust. CRT noted in particular the changes to the Pensions Fund, which will provide annual savings of [commercially sensitive information redacted] although part of this will be used to improve the existing DC plan. On the operational side, CRT confirmed that regional teams were becoming more centrally focused and providing a more joined up approach – for example, how best to manage waste from dredging – i.e. spreading on agricultural land. CRT also agreed to speak with land management organisations to see if dredge waste could be used to help with wildlife management, although there were concerns over the toxicity of this waste.

6.  Risk

CRT advised that much more focus was being put into the risk register to help drive planning, for both the immediate and long term, and that it was intended for the register to be a living document and under continuous assessment. CRT recently held an audit committee and trustees risk workshop to look specifically at the risks in detail. This was a successful event and CRT hope to continue with these in future.

7.  AOB:

EA Navigations - CRT met with Minister Stewart in October to discuss the transfer of EA navigations to CRT. The Minister confirmed that Defra remained committed to the transfer when economic circumstances allow. However, the Minister said he welcomed suggestions from CRT and EA on how they could take this transfer on themselves. CRT confirmed they will be meeting EA in the New Year to discuss further. Inland Waterways Association (IWA) is currently lobbying Government for this transfer to happen. CRT advised that they were meeting IWA on 11th December and would try and get a feel of where IWA are at with this campaign.

Ashby Canal Restoration – Defra confirmed that the Minister would be meeting with Andrew Bridgend MP on 12th January to discuss the restoration of the Ashby Canal. However, as the Minister is not responsible for operational matters on waterways, including navigation restorations, CRT had also been invited to attend.

Date of Next meeting – It was agreed for the next meeting to be held within the first two weeks of April as Easter holidays will be early next year.

Action: Defra and CRT to agree dates for all three Grant Review Meetings planned for 2016.

Summary of actions

Actions / Who?
Defra to arrange meeting with CRT estates team in the New Year to discuss the asset management system and shared experiences. / Defra/CRT
[Commercially confidential information redacted]. / [Redacted]
CRT to share paper on their work with Cardiff University, covering health, learning and skills with Defra and DCMS (Defra to provide contact). / CRT
Defra and CRT to agree dates for all three Grant Review Meetings planned for 2016. / Defra/CRT


Inland Waterways Team