1.Official logo of the CROWS SUPPORTERS GROUP
2.Executive Committee Position:
2.1.1.Liaise with the Events / Fundraising Co -Ordinator on all issues
2.1.2.To do committee seating arrangements.
2.1.3.Web site design
2.2.Vice President
2.2.1.Booking of buses with bus company when required.
2.2.2.Seating arrangements, supplying information sheet about bus trips to passengers when booking fee is paid.
2.2.3.Assist with web page.
2.2.4.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting
2.3.Public Officer / Sponsorship
2.3.1.Liaise with all sponsors as required.
2.3.2.Liaise with Vice President on sponsors.
2.3.3.Responsible for Sponsorship tickets on game day and provide a copy of tickets to committee.
2.3.4.Create an action plan and report and submit recommendations on Sponsorship at all Committee meetings.
2.3.5.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting
2.4.Secretary / Membership
2.4.1.Be responsible for distributing membership packs and making available at shed before season starts.
2.4.2.Create action plan and report and submit recommendations to all committee meetings.
2.4.3.Liaise with all members and be responsible for building membership numbers.
2.4.4.Coordinate seating arrangements for football tickets with committee members.
2.4.5.Birthday cards to be sent to members for special birthdays – 60 and over -10 year intervals.
2.4.6.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
2.5.1.Treasurer with an appointed Committee Person will count all monies
2.5.2.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting
3.Management Committee Position
NO 1 Events / Fundraising Co-Ordinator
NO 2 Match Day / Property Co-Ordinator
NO 3 Committee member/ Assistant Treasurer
NO 4 Magazine Co-Ordinator
NO 5 Banner Co-Ordinator
NO 6 Committee member/ Assistant Secretary
NO 7 Committee member
3.1Events / Fundraising Co-Ordinator
3.1.1.Chair sub committee meetings.
3.1.2.Provide minutes from all fundraising meetings to committee, one week prior to the monthly committee meeting.
3.1.3.Report recommendations to general committee meeting.
3.1.4.Oversee all requirements by A.F.C.
3.1.5.All fundraising ideas / request must be referred to the coordinator for follow up at the next committee meeting.
3.1.6.Bookings for all Fundraising events.
3.1.7.Printing requirements for all raffle books and tickets.
3.1.8.Liaise with the President on all issues.
3.1.9.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.2.Match Day / Property Co-Ordinator
3.2.1.Responsible for distribution and return of flags, floggers, patties on game day.
3.2.2.Responsible for transfer and return of banners and appropriate equipment with trailer (Including ½ Time)
3.2.3.Stock report required every committee meeting and unsure that a report is available for the Treasurer prior to end of financial year
3.2.4.Liaise with the Vice President on all issues.
3.2.5.Responsible to fill all members requirements re clothing
3.2.6.Be responsible for the property management, data, collating items, advising committee of accurate numbers at each committee meeting.
3.2.7.Advise committee when stocks require replenishing.
3.2.8.Keys to cupboards holding all property.
3.2.9.To maintain jackets, Flags (cleaning, Repairs etc ) and lay out floggers and flags for drying after matches when required.
3.2.10.To coordinate and hand out items as required by the AFC
3.2.11.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.3.Committee Member / Assistant Treasurer
3.3.1.Liaise with the Public Officer / Sponsorship on all issues.
3.3.2.Assist the treasurer in counting of monies.
3.3.3.Assist Public Officer / Sponsorship with sponsors on game day.
3.3.4.Be responsible for coordinating Xmas Party and bookings for members.
3.3.5.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.4.Magazine Co-Ordinator
3.4.1.All birthdays put in Shed News.
3.4.2.To format Shed News and be in charge of all distribution of, after final approval of details in Shed News from Public Officer / Sponsorship by the 15th day of each month.
3.4.3.To organize magazine for end of year distribution.
3.4.4.Ensure all events have photographs taken and are developed and archived in photo albums and on CD’s and are at banner each week, and remain the property of the Crows Supporters Group.
3.4.5.Liaise with the Public Officer/ Sponsorship on all issues.
3.4.6.Ensure photograph of both sides of banners are taken in Adelaide by magazine coordinator and delegated elsewhere if coordinator will not be attending matches.
3.4.7.Ensure that crow magazine insert and Adelaide Football Club are kept updated.
3.4.8.All advertising of functions and notice board kept up to date.
3.4.9.Photos to be given weekly to President or Vice President for website
3.4.10.All platinum gold sponsors in shed news
3.4.11.Display Cupboards to be looked after.
3.4.12.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting
3.5.Banner Co-Ordinator
3.5.1.Liaise with the Adelaide Football Club, re banner sayings only.
3.5.2.Liaise with the members on banner sayings.
3.5.3.Assume responsibility for facilities at banner making.
3.5.4.Assume responsibility for interstate transfer of banner.
3.5.5.Liaise with contact to all groups interstate, re banners
3.5.6.Position banner personnel in Adelaide.
3.5.7.All hard copy records kept.
3.5.8.Liaise with the Vice President on all issues.
3.5.9.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.6.Committee Member / Assistant Secretary
3.6.1.Liaise with the Public Officer / Sponsorship on all issues.
3.6.2.Minutes to be taken at all meetings
3.6.3.Person to distribute minutes to committee prior to next meeting
3.6.4.To assist Secretary / Membership when required
3.6.5.To meet and greet members and public at banner.
3.6.6.Assist Public Officer/ Sponsorship with sponsors on game day.
3.6.7.Be responsible for coordinating Xmas Party with Committee Member/Assistant Treasurer.
3.6.8.Ensure cards are sent to players for milestone games, Birthdays and long term injuries and tabled at each committee meetings.
3.6.9.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.7.Committee Member
3.7.1.Liaise with President on all issues.
3.7.2.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.8.Melbourne based coordinator.
3.8.1.Liaise with all Melbourne based members and be responsible for building membership
3.8.2.Position banner personnel in Melbourne only.
3.8.3.Responsibilities for all equipment to be taken on match day or to delegate to the Melbourne base assistant.
3.8.4.Liaise with the Vice President on all issues of Melbourne group.
3.8.5.Liaise with the Treasurer in monies for group.
3.8.6.Be responsible for raising some monies
3.8.7.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting.
3.9.Melbourne based assistant.
3.9.1.Assist Melbourne Co Ordinator.
3.9.2.In charge of trailer in Melbourne and ongoing maintenance
3.9.3.Other duties as directed by President or agreed at committee monthly meeting
4.Crows Supporters Group Structure
5.Members code of conduct:
As a Crows Supporters Group Member the following will not be tolerated while representing the group.
5.1.Abusive, insulting and threatening language.
5.2.This warning will cover excessive noise, foul language, making a general nuisance of oneself and drug or alcohol related matters and fighting.
5.3.There is a total no drugs policy at all times with the Crows Supporters Group members.
(With the exception of prescribed or over the counter medication)
5.4.This will be actioned and followed though by the Executive Committee and tabled at the next committee meeting.
5.5.Do not initiate contact whilst on oval and in race with players/officials and umpires.
5.6.Only people required for match day duty are to be in the race.
5.7.Mobiles phones must not be used while on oval.
5.8One designated camera person on oval.
5.9.Must be 13 years of age to enter Stadium on banner duties.
5.10.If a member brings the Crows Supporters Group or Adelaide Football Club name into disrepute Section 13 – “Suspensions and Expulsion “of the Constitution will apply.
6.Bus travel:
6.1.The Crows Supporters Group will not be held responsible for personal belongings whilst on these trips.
6.2.Persons travelling do so at their own risk.
6.3.No smoking or alcohol permitted on buses.
6.4.Consideration to be shown to others travelling on buses (sleeping etc).
6.5.Deposit of $20.00 is Non Refundable re booking of trip and Non Transferable.
6.6.Deposit to be paid within 7 days of booking
6.7.Full payment required 7 days before express trip and full payment required 30 days before overnight stay bus trip.
6.8.The driver will announce at beginning of trips that behaviour not in the best interests of the Adelaide Football Club and the Crows Supporters Group will not be tolerated and passengers ignoring this warning will be removed from the bus and left to find their own way.
6.9.Crows Supporters Group committee will delegate a CSG member or responsible person in charge of bus to welcome and give a few directions and House keeping.
7.Final Tickets and Bus Trips
7.1.Tickets will be available for those person/s who have sent in the “REGISTRATION OF INTEREST” forms. “ON TIME”
7.2.Phone calls for home and away finals should be made on Monday and Tuesday after 9am to 6pm (Adelaide time and by Landline only) prior to the actual game for members who have returned an expression of interest form only; other members and non-members may ring Wednesday to the nominated committee member.
7.3.All bus fares & tickets must be paid in full no later than the Wednesday, prior to the actual game.
7.4.Payment must be made by either cheque or money order for late bookings.
7.5Payment must be paid by the internet for late bookings.
7.6.Bus & ground seating allocation will be given to persons who book & pay in full.
7.7.Any special requirements or requests must be made whilst booking the said bus & ground tickets.
8.Grand final tickets “ONLY” :
8.1.Grand Final tickets & bus fares will be available for you to confirm on the Sunday prior to the game by phone “ONLY
8.2.All phone calls must be made to the Secretary/ Membership on the Sunday after 9.00 am and before 8.00pm ( Adelaide Time ) via the landline only.
8.3.Priority 1 – members who put in registration of interest forms
Priority 2 – members who have not put in registration of interest forms
Priority 3 – non-members
8.4.There will be no prior arrangements made to reserve tickets & no Favouritism made re this point.
8.5As a group we are governed by the AFL and AFC and as such our rules may be overruled and not apply. All CSG members who have returned their Expression of Interest form will receive a Grand Final Registration form issued by the AFC that must be returned by the stipulated date.
9.General rules:
9.1.Any one towing trailers must have full comprehensive insurance.
9.2.Any one storing trailers must have insurance on property where kept.
9.3.No Alcohol to be consumed by driver of vehicle towing any trailers that belongs to the group
9.4.No whistles and horns.
9.5.The Crows Supporters Group will not be held responsible for any personal belongings left anywhere.
9.6.All committee members must provide on request all paper work and summary of previous month’s events, and forward planning to allocated person as per structure
9.7.On renewal of tickets it should be stated that it is part and parcel of renewal that the member is to actively support the Crows Supporters Group.
10.Match day arrangements:
10.1.Designated Crows Supporters Group person to check-in with Ground Management before the commencement of the main match.
10.2.President would be responsible for all contact made to Ground Manager and or Police/Security.
10.3.Crows Supporters Group Committee to be responsible for co-coordinating/liaising with ground staff and police regarding the general behaviour of the Crows Supporters Group including compliance with the guidelines.
10.4.No alcohol is to be brought into the ground
10.5.No alcohol to be consumed within the designated Crows Supporters Group area by members and non-members.
10.6.No alcohol to be consumed by any person involved in the holding up of the banner before a game. (The banner overseer’s decision will be final)
10.7.The throwing of the match football or any other objects at the goal umpire or any persons on the arena will result in the person being escorted from the venue, charged by police and their membership cancelled.
10.8.Six (6) Crows Supporters Group members at each game will be allowed into the stadium before gate opening times to assist with the carrying of banners and equipment into the ground.
10.9.All other members will enter the ground in the same manner as patrons.
10.10. Seating arrangements as per arrangements by ground management. At the MCG groups are not to sit in levels N, P OR Q of the Southern Stand or the upper levels.
10.11. For a match where there is no specified home side (e.g. Preseason Games). Supporter Groups must be at least a minimum of 2 bays apart from each other or as per prior arrangements with ground management.
10.12. Group to enter the arena at the conclusion of the curtain raiser match to enable sufficient time to erect banners. Banners often contain sponsors messages and groups need time to display these messages.
10.13. Crows Supporters Group members are to remain off the arena until after the second siren has sounded
10.14. The minimum age to be able to access the ground to assist with holding the banner is thirteen (13) years old. Ground Managers will enforce this rule.
10.15 Members are not to stand on the seats at any time.
10.16. At the MCG all bags, flags and floggers belonging to the group are to enter via Bay 6 Roller Door and 5a staff gate not through the Southern stand car park entry (except when sitting in the Ponsford Stand).
11.Extra for Docklands Stadium:
11.1.Six group members who help with the banner must access into the stadium via the Service entry on level b2 (southern end of stadium-Bourke St West). Group members must check in with security personnel at this entry.
11.2.At Docklands Stadium all cars, Trailers and bags will be searched on arrival at the Security Entrance.
11.3.All tickets including arena passes are to be produced at this time. Cars are not to be left
unattended in the road way and are for dropping off /picking up equipment purpose only. Cars are not to be parked in any marked or designated walkways. One car pass will be issued to each competing club
11.4.Area passes can be picked up at gate upon entry
11.5.All Vehicles must travel in a clockwise direction.
11.6.The speed limit is 10 km per hour with hazard lights flashing at all times whilst the vehicle is moving.
11.7.Time limited to 20 minutes for loading and unloading unless otherwise agreed by Security.
11.8.Crows Supporters Group members will be permitted to access the arena no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of the game generally. For a game commencing at 2.10 pm group members have access onto the arena to show the banner from 1.40 pm.
11.9.Access onto the arena is via the southwestern ramp (l b2) for the home teams, and via the northwestern ramp (l b2) for the away teams.
11.10. All Members and Banner material to leave the area immediately and material to be taken back
to designated storeroom on level B2.
11.11. Members are only permitted to enter the arena after pre-game warm up prior to the game and
after all players, umpires and officials have left the arena at the conclusion of the game.
11.12. Access to the player’s race prior to and at the conclusion of the event will only be permitted to
those members who have an arena pass for the particular event.
11.13. Members seating is located directly behind the goals at the northern and southern ends of the
Northern Between Aisles 24 and 25 Rows A to L
Southern Between Aisles 48 and 1 Rows A to L
12.1.The maximum number of personnel on the ground at any one time will be twenty six (26) people (includes photographer), however on excessive high wind days this may be increased to twenty eight (28) with the permission from ground management.
12.2.1.Minimum of 6 ropes must be manned and used on banners of the Crows Supporters Group at all games. Additional ropes may used in consultation with ground management.
12.2.2.Messages on banners are not be to offensive to clubs, to public or any other party.
12.2.3.The maximum size of banners in Melbourne is: 18 metres (60 feet) 8 metres (25 feet)
12.2.4.The maximum of size of banners at Football Park is: 12 metres (40 feet) 6 metres (20 feet)
12.2.5.Where possible banners are to be erected to ensure their team runs onto the area at an angle that will not allow them to impinge on the opposing teams warm up area.
12.2.6.Banners are not to be erected in the 50-metre area of the ground at each end.
12.2.7.Banners are not to be stored in the players’ race due to the safety factor of players’ 12.3. All group members and banner material to leave the area immediately after their team has
broken through the banner.
12.4.At the MCG banner material to be placed next to the Southern Stand behind roller door or in the bin at the Ponsford Stand end.
12.5.Floggers and flags shall only be over the fence when in use whilst any officially sanctioned AFL game is in progress. (Unless you have been authorised by ground manager).
12.6.Flagpoles are to be no longer than 1.6 metres (6 feet) in length. All poles must include a flag.
12.7.Music sticks and other instruments are strictly banned and will be confiscated by the ground manager.
12.8.There is to be no cut-up paper or streamers taken to matches.
13.Penalties / fines:
13.1.Oversized banners/flags: $ 500.00 for the first offence, $1,000.00 for each subsequent offence
13.2.Invading Arena before second siren:$1,000.00 for each offence
13.3.Alcohol brought into ground by member $500.00 for each offence
13.4.Alcohol within group’s area $500.00 for each offence
13.5.Bringing in and/or throwing any cut-up paper $500.00 for each offence
13.6.The above penalties will be imposed by the AFL following reports from individual Ground Managers. Fines will not carry over from previous seasons.
13.7.Any member of the group disregarding rules shall be reported to ground management and penalties may apply to group.
14.Crows Supporters Group - Food Handling Procedures.