Crowley’s Ridge Educational Service Cooperative rev. 6/22/17
Teacher Name: ______School District______
CTE Program Area:______Location of Activity ______
Name of Activity: ______Date(s) /Range of Activity ______
Mark Perkins Performance Indicator most closely associated with this activity:
☐ Reading/Lang Arts Academic Attainment ☐ Postsecondary Placement
☐ Mathematics Academic Attainment ☐ Student Graduation Rate
☐ Technical Skill Attainment ☐ Nontraditional Participation/Completion
Mark required or permissive uses of funds associated with this activity:
☐ Integration of academic and technical skills ☐ Linking secondary and postsecondary CTE programs
☐ Experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry ☐ Use of technology in CTE
☐ Professional development for teachers, administrators and counselors ☐ Evaluation of Perkins-funded programs
☐ Activities to prepare special populations enrolled in CTE programs ☐ Involvement of parents, business, or labor organizations in CTE programs
☐ Career guidance and academic counseling for CTE students ☐ Local education and business partnerships
☐ Support for CTE student organizations ☐ Mentoring and support services for CTE students
☐ Development of small, personalized career-themed learning communities ☐ Support for Family and Consumer Sciences programs
☐ CTE programs for school dropouts to complete secondary education ☐ Assistance for students in transition to further education or employment
☐ Training and activities in nontraditional fields ☐ Other: ______
1. Will Students be attending this activity? ______ If yes, how many?______
2. Will a school vehicle be used for transportation? ______If yes, how many students will be transported in the in the school vehicle? ______
3. Conferences that require taxies, shuttles, etc., are approvable but with restrictions. More information will be provided to you as needed. Will you use any of these for this activity? ______
Estimate of Reimbursable Expenditures:
Hotel Cost Per Night ______X #of nights______= Total Cost: ______
Hotel beginning date & check out date: ______
*Cost of Meals ______
**Registration ______
Mileage Cost ______
*School Car Fuel Cost ______
*Detailed receipts required TOTAL ______
**PO copy and receipts required
1. This document must be completed, signed by all parties, and approved prior to travel in order for Perkins funds to be obligated for this activity. This is no guarantee that the amount requested will be reimbursed; this is contingent upon documentation and Perkins guidelines. This activity will not count toward required state or local PD hours due to the use of Perkins funds.
2. Immediately upon return from travel, all of the above must be documented on a TR1, receipts attached along with an agenda, signed by all parties, and submitted to your Perkins finance office.
Teacher Signature Date Superintendent or Supt. Designee Signature Date CRESC CTE Coordinator Signature Date