CROSS-CUTTING Program 2018

Research projects

in the field of genomic variability

Letter of intent

The letter of intent must be uploaded by the candidate to the EVA website ( before April 2, 2018 at 17:00.

Table of contents

Section I: Civil status


2.Partner candidate team (if applicable)

Section II: Scientific section


2.Project summary

Section III: CV(s) of the team(s)

Section IV: Disqualified experts:

Section I: Civil status


First name
Home laboratory
Laboratory director
Team leader
Team name
Laboratory address

2.Partner candidate team (if applicable)

Surname of responsible party at partner team
First name of responsible party at partner team
Home laboratory
Laboratory director
Team leader
Team name
Laboratory address

Provide anorganizational chartof the partner team.

Section II: Scientific section

The objective of the cross-cutting program is to fund the scientific program defined in the text of the call for projects, which will be carried out by a consortium of teams. You are applying to join the consortium.

This letter of intent must be written in English and must include the following sections:


  • Your current research topic (10lines)
  • How it links to the cross-cutting program (max. 10lines)
  • Why you want to participate in the cross-cutting program (max. 10lines)
  • The tools and human resources available in your team for this project (max. half a page)
  • A collaboration of mobilized teams (if applicable) (max. half a page)

Refer to the text of thecall for projects for information on the program objectives and the different workpackages.

Choice of workpackage
☐ / Workpackage1:Phenotyping and sequencing in the Constances cohort
☐ / Workpackage 2: Methodological developments for the integrated and longitudinal analysis of genomic data with the Constances data
☐ / Workpackage3:Interpretation of the role of genetic variants on phenotypes

Workpackage 1:

Choice of deliverable
☐ / Endophenotypes of interest that will be useful in the study of different diseases and can be compared with data that is already available or currently being acquired on cohorts of patients affected by these diseases to test well-supported hypotheses
☐ / Biological measures and biomarkers enabling the study of the impact of genetic variations on protein expression
☐ / Creation of databases of genetic variations and phenotypes that can be paired with the Constances databases
☐ / Other

If other, please specify:

Workpackage 2

Choice of deliverable
☐ / The development of new methods (from machine learning and data mining, mathematical models, statistical methods, etc.) for analyzing genetic, genomic, and presentation data in a way that takes into account their temporal dimension
☐ / The development of computing programs and procedures and a conceptual framework for the integrated analysis of heterogeneous "omics" data
☐ / The development of recommendations concerning good practice in the integrated analysis of "omics" data
☐ / Dynamic modeling of molecular networks and the development of mathematical and computing approaches to predict in silico the effect of genetic variants on various molecular, cellular, tissue, and other levels
☐ / Other

If other, please specify:

Workpackage 3

Choice of deliverable
☐ / The development of new causal inference methods applicable to genetic data and longitudinal phenotypic measures
☐ / The implementation of new methods for functional screening of the effect of genetic variants, enabling the direct effect of the alteration of the gene by the variant to be shown
☐ / The study of the regulation of gene expression: research into the transcription and splicing regulatory sequences
☐ / Other

If other, please specify:

2.Project summary

Given your choice of deliverable, provide a summary: why this deliverable, description of the project, relevance to the consortium (max. 3pages)

The summary should provide a clear description of the way in which you will respond to the deliverable requirements and the means that will be used by your team to achieve this.

You should explain what your expertise and skills will bring to the program.

Section III: CV(s) of the team(s)

This section should contain the CVs (in english) of the main candidate and the one responsible for the participating partner team (if applicable).

Section IV: Disqualified experts:

If the coordinator wishes to do so, note the experts disqualified from evaluation
Surname, First name / Country / Email: / Reason

AAP – Genomic Variability 20181/8