Annex 1 to the

Guidelines for LIPs

Estonia – Russia

Cross Border Cooperation Programme


Project Summary

For Large InfrastructureProjects

Title of the Project / State the full title of the project. It should reflect the contents of the project
Project Applicant / Fill in the name of the Applicant submitting the project summary form in the national language of the Applicant / Fill in the name of the Applicant in English
Project Partners / Fill in the names of the partners in their national languages / Fill in the names of the partners in English
Project Associates (if applicable) / Fill in the names of the associates in their national languages / Fill in the names of the associates in English
Location of the Project / Please specify the regions in which the project activities will be implemented
Total Project budget / State the total budget of the project, including the Programme financing and the contribution by project partners
Total Project duration / Please specify the planned project duration in months
Project number / Filled in by the MA/JTS
Date of receipt / Filled in by the MA/JTS

Contact details of the applicant for the purpose of this project:

Fill in the requested information on the person who will be in charge of the Project Summary Formthroughout its submission and verificationprocess. Please note that only this person will be contacted by the Programme implementation bodies, i.e. he/she will receive the letters addressed to the Applicant

Postal address:
Telephone number: Country code + city code + number
Fax number: Country code + city code + number
Contact person for this project:
Contact person’s email address:
Website of the Organisation


Any change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and in particular e-mail, must be notified in writing to the Managing Authority. The Managing Authority will not be held responsible in case it cannot contact an applicant.

Guidance FOR filling in THE PROJECT summary

The Applicant has to ensure that the project description part of theProject Summary:

  • does not exceed 20 full pages (A4 size) of Verdana 9 characters;
  • it is expected that the size of each section will reflect the relative importance of each heading. The applicant may provide any additional information that is deemed useful, but which might not have been specifically requested (e.g. added value and/or synergy with other similar interventions - past, present, or planned - activities, multiplier or spill-over effects, why the applicant is the best placed for the implementation of the project etc.);
  • is drafted as clearly as possible

description of the project

  1. Objectives

Describe the overall objective to which the project aims to contribute towards and the specific objective(s) that the project aims to achieve.
Take into account Programme objectives. Mark in the table below in which TO your project contributes
TO1 Business and SME development
TO10 Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management
TO6 Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation
  1. Problems to be solved/ situation to be improved

Indicate and analyze/ justify the problem and/ or main issues of cross-border importance to be addressed by the project as well as their relevance to the needs of the target regions.
  1. Cross-border impact

Demonstrate the need for the cross-border cooperation for implementation of the project, demonstrate that achievement of the project objectives will be more efficient using the cross-border cooperation.
  1. Geographic coverage of the project

Specify the target region of the project.
Demonstrate that your project is in line with the national, regional and local policy planning documents. Describe the relevance of your project for the programme area in terms of common challenges and opportunities addressed.
  1. Target groups and final beneficiaries

Indicate and estimate final beneficiaries, who will gain from the project’s results in long term, as well as the target groups/entities that will be directly positively affected by the project at the level of the specific objective of the project; describe their specific needs and how these needs are addressed by the project.
  1. Planned project activities

List the activities which will be implemented in order to achieve results of the project with breakdown by partners and by Work Packages. Provide quantificationand time schedule of the proposed activities.Please prioritise the activities with indicative budget..
Demonstrate the measures to acknowledge the Programme support to the project (information and visibility component of the project).
Please describe the methods of project implementation and reasons for the proposed methodology.
  1. Expected project results

List the results which are intended to be achieved by the proposed activities. Provide quantification of the proposed results and define their impact on the proposed target groups/beneficiaries.
  1. Assessment of sustainability of expected project results

Explain how sustainability will be secured after completion of the project. This can include aspects of necessary measures and strategies built into the project, follow-up activities, ownership by target groups etc.
Provide an initial risk analysis and possible contingency plans. This should include at least a list of risks associated with each main activity proposed accompanied by relevant corrective measures to mitigate such risks. A good risk analysis would include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks.
  1. Objectively Verifiable Indicators

Provide a list of objectively verifiable indicators planned to achieve by the project.
Demonstrate the relevance of the proposed indicators to the Programme objectively verifiable indicators.
Please fill in the table below, describe and quantify the indicators your project planning to achieve.
Increasing SME development and entrepreneurshipbyfosteringcross-borderbusinesscontacts and developingservices and products / Number of enterprisesthat are substantially and activelyinvolved in projectsasfinalbeneficiaries
Number of improvedcultural and historicalsitesas a directconsequence of programme support
Increasing SME competitiveness and entrepreneurshipbyfosteringcooperationbetweenthepublic and privatesectors and triplehelixcooperation / Number of organisationsusing programme supportforcooperation in education, R&D, and innovation
Improvingthebusinessenvironmentthroughthedevelopment of businesssupportmeasures / Number of organisationsusing programme supportforpromotinglocalculture and preservinghistoricalheritage
Increasingthethroughputcapacity of existingbordercrossingpointsbydevelopingthe BCP infrastructure and bordermanagementprocedures / Number of bordercrossingpointswithincreasedthroughputcapacity
Increasingthethroughputcapacity of existingbordercrossingpointsbyrebuildingbordercrossingroads and supportinginfrastructure / Number of bordercrossingpointswithincreasedthroughputcapacity
Increasingthethroughputcapacity of existingbordercrossingpointsbydevelopingthe BCP infrastructure and bordermanagementprocedures / Increasedthroughputcapacity of trucks on landbordercrossingpoints
Improvingthequality of jointwaterassetsbymeans of reducingtheirpollution load (includingimprovingwastewatertreatmentfacilities, improvingsolidwastemanagement and relevant facilities (forbothhousehold and industrialwaste), reducingthepollutionthatiscausedbytheagriculturalsector) / The number of projectsthat are relatedtothepurification of commonwaterassets
Improvingthebiodiversity of jointnaturalassets / Additionalwasterecyclingcapacity (by number of improvedfacilities)
Increasingawareness in environmentalprotection and theefficientuse of energyresources / The number of personsactivelyparticipating in environmentalactions and awareness-raisingactivities
Fosteringjointwork in terms of risk management and a readinesstocopewithenvironmentaldisasters / Members of thepopulationwhobenefitfromforestfireprotectionmeasures
  1. Analysis of the effect of the project on the cross-cutting issues

Describe how the project will contribute to the development of cross-border territoriesin terms of raising awareness in environmental protection, in the use of energy efficient production methods, and in lessening the risk of environmental disasters occurring(not applicable for projects under TO 10).

11. Partnership

Describe the composition of partnership.
Demonstrate partners’exclusive competence in the field of activity and/or geographical area to which the grant relates pursuant to any applicable.
Explain why particular partners have been selected: their competencies, experiences, specific know-how of each partner in the field of proposed project and need for it in the achievement of project objectives. Explain each partner’s role and responsibility within the project and their proposed benefit from the project.
Please also explain the role of the proposed Associates (if applicable) in the preparation and implementation of the proposed project.

12. Management and implementation structure

Describe the management (number of employees, physical infrastructure, experience in project implementation) of the Applicant and project partner organizations and financial capacity (availability of the financial resources) for timely implementation of the project.
State the other possible stakeholders (national, local government, private sector, etc.), their anticipated role and/or potential attitudes towards the project.

13. Monitoring and evaluation arrangements for the project

Describe how the project beneficiaries will arrange monitoring and evaluation of the project activitiesand deliverables (including arrangements of Steering Committee and other monitoring bodies, communication, reporting and auditing arrangements, involvement of experts etc.)

14. Description of the infrastructure investment and its location[1]

Describe the infrastructure component of the project and its location for each partner.
Describe what is the stage of readiness of the documents needed for implementation of the project (technical documents, Feasibility Study, EIA, etc. According to the specifics of the activities foreseen in the project).
Include information on the proposed project preparatory costs, which are planned to be incurred before signing of the Grant Contract.

15. Description of the capacity building component of the project

Describe how the investments made by the projects are supported by the capacity building component (i.e. how equipment bought is supported by trainings to the staff on how to use new equipment and technologies)

Indicative project budget

1Division of project costs per partner

Indicative budget table has to be filled for each project partner listing costs which will be covered by their own contribution and the requested grant. All the costs have to be expressed in Euro.

Partner / Total budget / Programme co-financing / Partner’s contribution
Applicant (Partner 1)
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 4
Partner 5

2Division of project costs per cost categories

Budget table has to reflect the indicative division of the total eligible project budget per cost categories:

Cost category / Grant awarded Retroactively (costs made for submitting Project Summary and Full Application Form) / Costs during the implementation / Total eligible costs
Travel & Accommodation
Investment (including the contingency reserve)
External expertise and services
Office & administration

confirmation by the applicant

Name and position of the signatory
Date of signature
Signature and stamp

declaration by the applicant

The applicant, <insert the title of the Applicant organization>represented by the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the applicant, representing any partners in the proposed project <insert the title of the project>, hereby declares that

  • the applicant has the sources of financing and professional competence and qualifications necessary for implementation of the proposed project;
  • the applicant undertakes to comply with the obligations foreseen in the partnership statement of the project summary form and with the principles of good partnership practice;
  • the applicant acknowledges all the requirements that are regulating the project activities and is committed to fulfil them. All the information presented in the Summary Form and the added documents is correct and can be proven.
  • the applicant is directly responsible for the preparation, management and implementation of the project with its partners, and is not acting as an intermediary;
  • the applicant and its partners are not in any of the situations excluding them from participating in contracts which are listed in Article 106(1) and 107 of REGULATION (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 25 October 2012(available from the following Internet address:


  • Furthermore, it is recognised and accepted that if the applicant and its partners participate in spite of being in any of these situations, theymay be excluded in accordance with Article 106 of REGULATION (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 25 October 2012;
  • the applicant and each partner have provided the requested supporting documents;
  • the applicant and each partner are eligible in accordance with the set criteria;
  • if recommended to be awarded a grant, the applicant accepts the contractual conditions as laid down in the General and Special Conditions to the Grant Contract;
  • the applicant and its partners are aware that, for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interests of the European Union, their personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the European Court of Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel or to the European Anti-Fraud Office;
  • the applicant and each partner are not receiving nor applying for any State aid or the de minimis aid to finance the same costs and activities supported by the Programme;
  • The applicant confirms that the project activities are not financed from other sources

The applicant is fully aware of the obligation to inform without delay the Contracting Authority to which this application is submitted if the same application for funding made to other European Commission departments or European Unioninstitutions has been approved by them after the submission of this application.

Signed on behalf of the applicant


<To be filled on the official letterhead of the organisation

Is to be filled by all partner organizations participating in the project, including the Applicant

Delete thegrey highlighted lines after filling!

Partner statement

Title of the project
Name of the legal entity applying for funding as a partner in original and English languages

A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the above indicated project funded by the Managing Authority of the Estonia -Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within the European Neighbourhood Instrument (hereinafter referred to as the “Programme”).

By signing this Partner Statement, the above named legal entity applying for funding from the Programmeas a partner (hereinafter referred to as the “organisation”) by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below hereby declares:

  1. Our organisation is not in any of the situations excluding us from participation in contracts which are listed in Article106(1) and 107 of REGULATION (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 25 October 2012 (available from the following Internet address )
  2. Our organisation has read the Project Summary Form and understood our role in the project before the Project Summary Form was submitted to the Managing Authority.
  3. Our organisation got acquainted with the Programme, and we understand and accept what our obligations will be if the grant is awarded. We authorise the Applicant[2] to sign the contract with the Managing Authority and represent us in all dealings with the Managing Authority in the context of the implementation of the project.
  4. Our organisation has sufficient human and administrative capacity to implement activities of the project that have been assigned to our organisation. If partner’s co-financing is foreseen in the Project SummaryForm, our organisation declares it will be able to maintain sufficient financial liquidity to implement the activities of the project. In particular our organisation will be able to maintain sufficient financial liquidity to finance activities of the project until receipt of the balance payment.
  5. The activities that our organisation will carry out in the project are in line with the European Unionand national legislation and policies and with the rules of the Programme.
  6. We are aware of our obligation to sign a Partnership Agreement with the Applicant as a prior condition for the signature of the Grant Contract between the applicant and the Managing Authority, and we will sign the above agreement, which specifies our obligations in the project, with the Applicant in due time.
  7. We are aware of the Applicant/Lead Beneficiary’s obligation to consult our organisation and other partners regularly and keep us fully informed of the progress of the project.
  8. We have agreed with the Applicant/Lead Beneficiary that it is obliged grant us rights for using eMS environment in order to ensure smooth project implementation including reporting.
  9. We are aware that the proposals for substantial changes to the project should be agreed within the partnership before being submitted to the Managing Authority. Where no such agreement can be reached, the Applicant/Beneficiary must clearly indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the Managing Authority.
  10. Our organisation will inform the public about the funding received from the Programme to implement the project in compliance with Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions (available from the following Internet address: and Manual designed by the ministry of the Economic development of the Russian Federation in order to insure adequate visibility of Russian contribution to the programme.
  11. The project will be co-financed by the Beneficiary and partners from their resources or from sources other than the European Union budget or the European Development Fund.
  12. Our organisation will assume responsibility in the event of any irregularity in the expenditure which our organisation has declared, and will repay the Managing Authority any amount unduly paid.
  13. Our organisation will keep available all documents related to the project in accordance with the Programme requirements on the availability of documents.
  14. The total indicative budget of our organisation within the project amounts to EUR <...>., in the event the mentioned project is granted funding from the Programme, we hereby declare to participate in the project and to provide minimum EUR<...> as total partner co-financing to the budget of the project. In case of change of total costs of the project, it shall be agreed within the partnership taking into account that total minimum of requested contribution (in percentage) shall be ensured.

Please tick, if relevant:

our organisation is not entitled to recover any paid Value Added Tax (VAT) by whatever means, and therefore all the expenditure related to the project to be reported will include VAT.

I have read and approved the contents of the Project Summary Form submitted to the Managing Authority. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice listed above.

Name and position of the signatory
Date of signature
Signature and stamp

<To be filled on the official letterhead of the organisation