Cropwell Bishop

Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting

5th December 2017

7.00pm -The Old School

(The meeting started at 7.00pm and finished at 8.40pm)

Present: Cllrs. W. Allison, C. Bryan, J. Gelsthorpe, J. Greenwood, L. Hazell, J. Wroughton & A. Wilson

In Attendance: Mrs J. Towndrow (Clerk), Cllr. G. Moore RBC, Cllr. N. Clarke N.C.C., 4 Local Residents


Apologies Approved

228. Cllr. Lockley – Prior Engagement & Cllr. J. Jones – Business Meeting

Declarations of Interest & Confirmation of Agenda

229. DOI – Cllr. Bryan Agenda Item 5c) Community Grant Application Church Clock, Cllr. J. Wroughton Agenda Item 5d) Community Grant Application Dare Project.

The Agenda was confirmed.

230. Standing Orders were suspended at 7.04pm to allow the order of business to be amended to enable attendees to speak to the meeting.

Parishioners’ Question Time & Policing Report

There were no Parishioners Questions.

PCSO John Heaps was due to deliver the Crime Figures directly to the meeting but unfortunately had to attend

an incident.

231. Standing Orders reinstated at 7.06pm.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

232. A change was recorded and signed by the Chairman to M.217

It Was:

RESOLVED: “That the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2017 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman”.


233. M.215 – 7/11/17 – Fireworks Evening

Complete: The Clerk has made the profits to Dove Cottage and a report was placed in the December Cropwell


Planning Matters & Applications

234. RBC: Grant Permission: 17/0211/FUL – (Demolish existing garage) Two storey front extension, single storey side/front extension – 5 Squires Close, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3EY


235. RBC Grant Permission: 17/02127/FUL – (demolition of previous extensions) single storey rear extension, first floor extension to create a two storey dwelling, new pitched roofs to existing flat roofs, external alterations – 21 Colston Road, Cropwell Bishop NG12 3BJ



236. a) Financial Statement up to 30th November 2017

It was:

RESOLVED: “To approve the financial statement.”

237. b) Payments made up to 30th November 2017 and awaiting December 2017

It was:

RESOLVED: “To approve all payments as reproduced on payments document 129.”

238. c) To Consider Community Grant Application – St Giles Church Clock Repairs

Cllr. Bryan stated that the clock was currently working but was unsure the repairs would last and wanted to wait a few more weeks to see if the repairs held.

It was:

RESOLVED: “To defer the item to Januarys agenda.”

239. d) To Consider Community Grant Application – Cropwell Bishop Primary School Dare Project

Two years ago the school were awarded £250 but last year did not request anything. Each year’s application will be considered individually. Cllr. Wilson proposed £500 this year and Cllr. Bryan seconded the proposal.

It was:

RESOLVED: “To pay Cropwell Bishop Primary School £500.00.”

240. e) To Consider Quote to Repair Flooring in the 2 Ladies Toilets

Cllr. Gelsthorpe proposed we approve the quote and Cllr. Wilson seconded the proposal. All agreed.

It was:

RESOLVED: “To instruct The 2nd Flooring Company to go ahead with the works at a cost of £485.83 plus V.A.T.”

241. f) To Consider Date for 2018/19 Budget Meeting

It was:

RESOLVED: “To hold the meeting at The Old School on Monday 22nd January at 7.30pm”

Correspondence for Action

242. a) To Consider Application to LIS Scheme for Interactive Speed Signs

The Clerk has written to Highways for approval to install one Fixed Interactive Speed Sign and for one Battery Operated Portable Speed Sign. The Clerk is also attending the LIS Grant Application Course on Thursday 7th December at N.C.C.

It was:

RESOLVED: “To go ahead with the application under the LIS Scheme once permission has been granted from Highways to purchase the signs.”

243. b) To Consider New Play Park Equipment – High Fencing and Tomball

Clerk to gain approval from the Memorial Hall Committee to install the two items.

It was:

RESOLVED: “To proceed with the quotation from Streetscape for a Teqball table for £5,646 plus V.A.T and Sports Fencing £3,256 plus V.A.T. Instruct Streetscape to commence this application through The Big Lottery Fund.”

244. c) To Consider Permissive Access Agreements – Cropwell Bishop/Butler

The Clerk has received a letter from the Nottinghamshire Local Access Forum to advise that Permissive Access over land within Cropwell Bishop and Cropwell Butler parishes may be about to come to an end. Natural England have discontinued funding for Permissive Access routes all over England and this could mean that permissive access is no longer available for public use from 2020 at the latest. Nottinghamshire Local Access Forum have suggested that Parish Councils are probably in the best position to both consider the importance of any permissive access to our parish, and also to negotiate with landowners for it to be continued once funding ends.

It was:

RESOLVED: “Cllr. Bryan & Greenwood as Footpath Wardens will take this issue forward and write to the Local Access Forum Secretary for further information.”

Village Ranger Inspections

245. The Ranger/Lengthsman is now working winter hours and as part of the winter duties has painted all the bus

shelters and ensured all the grit bins are full.

246. The Ranger/Lengthsman reported that the situation had improved on the Pinfold since the last meeting.

The Old School

247. a) Entertainments, Activities & User Update

Baby Driver was the last film and was attended well with 40 people buying tickets.

The Schmoozenbergs held on the 25th November was a very successful first Live and Local event of the season. The event was a sell out and the entertainments team had some very positive feedback from visitors from outside of the village.

Upcoming events are:-

Cinema in January – Victoria and Abdul

70’s Night in February featuring The Persuaders

248. New Cinema Screen and Projector

Cinema users have complained that the Cinema Screen we currently use is a little small and ideally the cinema screenings need to be on a larger screen for a better cinema experience.

Cllr. Gelsthorpe and Steve Gelsthorpe visited Richersounds Nottingham for some advice on the way forward. Richersounds technical person then visited site and met with Cllrs. Gelsthorpe and Wilson and Mr Steve Gelsthorpe to view the layout of the room and give his advice and suggestions.

Richersounds recommended:

Motorised on wall / on ceiling screen 108 inch – Sapphire sews240 - £449.95

Peerless prgs unv bracket white £119.95

BenQ projector W1050 £499.95

Total price £1068.90

There would be installation costs to add to the above quote of £695.00 plus V.A.T.

The suggestion was that the existing projector bracket be turned round so CKOB club can use the existing one against the side wall so as to reduce wear and tear to the new equipment.

Cllr Greenwood asked that whilst the screen and projector were being updated, consideration was given to possible improvements to the sound system. All agreed that a hearing aid loop system was not appropriate.

Cllr. N. Clarke agreed to a Community Grant towards this scheme of £500 and Cllr. G. Moore agreed to a Community grant of £700. Both councillors asked for a further quote from a competitive company and to bring both quotes and proposals back to the January or February 2018 meeting.

There were two options to fund the remaining balance and that would be to take the monies from Reserves or to budget for the item in the 2018/19 budget.

The Parish Council thanked Cllrs. Clarke and Moore for agreeing to support the project with Community Grant contributions.

It Was:

RESOLVED: “Cllr. Gelsthorpe would obtain a second quote and bring the figures back to a future meeting for approval.”

249. Cllr. Wroughton thanked Cllr. Moore for his Community Grant contribution for the CKOB Club Christmas Event by helping towards the cost of hiring the Scalextric for the party on the 15th December.

Cllr. Wroughton went on to say the CKOB had visited the Pantomime on the Friday night previously and the children of the CKOB club were a credit to the village all very well behaved.

Midlands Rural Housing – Social Housing Needs Survey

250. The survey results were discussed and it was felt that if the new proposed housing in the Local Plan Part 2 were to go ahead these developments would exceed the need identified in the Social Housing Needs Survey. The downside being that any development as part of the Local Plan Part 2 would not be solely for local people or those with a link to the village.

It Was:

RESOLVED “To take no further action until a decision has been made from the Local Plan Part 2. Clerk to issue the results of the survey on the Website and the Village Plan and put a statement in the January newsletter


Senior Citizens Christmas Party

251. The Parish Council thanked Cllr. Moore for his Community Grant contribution towards the cost of running the event. Cllr. Clarke agreed to a contribution of £100 from his Grant fund, thank you.

Cllrs. Bryan, Jones, Moore & Clarke agreed to come along on the day to help serve our senior citizens on the day. Our caretaker Simon Bowler has also agreed to help with the event along with M. Kendall and M. Paul.


252. Cllr. Greenwood advised that a meeting with Chris Ward was now scheduled to take place on Wednesday 13th December with the local parishes to review the 822 service. Cllrs. Greewood, Bryan and the Clerk will attend this meeting. Cllr. Greenwoods proposals put forward for this meeting are attached to the November minutes.

Cllr. Greenwood stated that ideally a service was required that incorporated Radcliffe and ran directly into Nottingham with a fall back option to keep 2 buses running and run from Cotgrave in and out of the villages with the changeover service being run from Cotgrave not West Bridgford.

Cllr. Moore stated Cllr. Greenwoods scheme was very good and we needed to fight for a through service into Nottingham.

Cllr. Moore can’t attend the meeting on the 13th December and asked that at the meeting by Cllr. Greenwood raise the issue of the 852 service. No one is monitoring the usage levels of this service the driver just says get on. Cllr. Moore stated that he uses the service regularly and it is often well used and numbers should be being recorded.

Cllr. Bryan stated that the Yourbus vehicles are absolutely filthy, he accepted that this service runs through the country lanes but the buses have not been cleaned for weeks. It was also noted that the drivers are regularly seen getting off the bus and smoking at stops around the village.

Cllr. Allison stated that the 822 Services running towards Nottingham change fare depending on where you get on. Bus stops prior to Parkin Close are charged £2.80 for a single, whereas when the bus reaches Parkin their fare computer clocks over to Cotgrave and so the fare changed to £2.10 for a single.

Some of the bus drivers have noticed this and charge £2.80 regardless, however more often than not, getting on either at Parkin close or after means that half the village is charged a different fare.

It Was:

RESOLVED: “Cllr. Wroughton would write to Yourbus regarding the cleanliness of the vehicles being used on the service.”

Highways & Footpaths Defects/Issues

253. Cllr. Clarke advised the meeting that the patching works on Kinoulton Road had now been completed and the

surface was greatly improved.

254. Cllr. Clarke advised that N.C.C. were still awaiting the decision on the highways extra funding projects

255. Cllr. Bryan advised he had put in a request for repairs on Brownhill Close and the road had been inspected and

booked in for remedial works. Efficient system everything done speedily.

Councillors Reports

256. Cllr. Wilson advised the meeting that a new Glass Recycling Station will be opened on the Memorial Hall Car Park on Thursday 7th December which will consist of 3 different coloured glass bins.

257. Cllr. Greenwood attended the Grantham Canal Society AGM and he reported to the AGM that not much work seemed to be going ahead to get the dry section of the canal in Cropwell Bishop moving. David Lynham Brown the Chariman of the Grantham Canal Society was sympathetic to the needs of the Cropwell Section.

Cllr. Clarke stated that the Clay Fractures in this section of the canal needed to be repaired before the dry section is filled. Cllr. Greenwood commented that once the leaking culvert was repaired, water would hopefully start to flow and indicate where further repairs to the canal bed were needed.

258. Cllr. Allison would like to set up a Facebook page solely for the use of advertising village events in an addition to the Village Plan and Village Facebook Page.

259. Cllr. Wilson advised the meeting that the Clark had attended a training course in preparation of the new GDPR

(Data Protection) rules coming into effect in May 2018. This item will be on the Agenda for the January

Parish Council meeting.

Correspondence for Information

260. The folder was passed to Cllr. Wroughton for circulation.

Date of Next Meeting

261. Tuesday 9th January 2017 Parish Council Meeting and Monday 22nd January 2018 Budget Meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm

Chairman’s Signature…………………………………………………..Date………………….…