Crookshank Kobolds

Size / Small
Hit Dice / 1d4
Initiative / +2
Speed / 20 feet.
Armor Class / 15
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/-5
Attack / 1d2 (pike) or 1d2 (javelin) (+ 3 to hit with either)
Full Attack / 1d2 (pike) or 1d2 (javelin) (+ 3 to hit with either)
Space/Reach / 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Low light vision 30 ft.
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 0
Ability Scores: / Str: 6 Dex: 14 Con: 10 Int: 8 Wis: 6 Cha: 8
Skills: / Climb: +2, Jump +1, Swim +2
Feats: / Weapon Finesse
Environment: / Mountainous or otherwise hilly regions
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11), swarm (12-20)
Challenge Rating: / ½
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Neutral
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Red

Description: A small (1 ½ ft. to 2 ft.) creature weighing 15 to 30 pounds. Eyes vary from black to red. Their skin color varies from red to reddish brown. They have a tough hide, which grants them natural armor of +1. If attacking is necessary, they will usually do it in swarms, and rarely go into combat alone.

Society: Kobolds generally live in cave networks and survive on scavenging. They live in mountainous areas, and do not travel unless they lose a food source. Their governmental system is generally a dictatorship, with a couple of witch doctor generals.

Crimson Kobolds

Size / Small
Hit Dice / 1d4
Initiative / +2
Speed / 20 feet.
Armor Class / 15
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/-5
Attack / 1d2 (pike) or 1d2 (javelin) (+ 3 to hit with either)
Full Attack / 1d2 (pike) or 1d2 (javelin) (+ 3 to hit with either)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Low light vision 30 ft.
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 0
Ability Scores: / Str: 6 Dex: 14 Con: 10 Int: 8 Wis: 6 Cha: 8
Skills: / Climb: +2, Jump +1, Swim +2
Feats: / Weapon Finesse
Environment: / Mountainous or otherwise hilly regions
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11), swarm (12-20)
Challenge Rating: / ½
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Neutral
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Red

Description: A small (1 ½ ft. to 2 ft.) creature weighing 15 to 30 pounds. Eyes vary from black to red. Crimson Kobolds are a dark red crimson color, hence the name. They have a tough hide covered in fur, which grants them natural armor of +1. If attacking is necessary, they will usually do it in swarms, and rarely go into combat alone.

Society: Kobolds generally live in cave networks and survive on scavenging. They live in mountainous areas, and do not travel unless they lose a food source. Their governmental system is generally a dictatorship, with a couple of witch doctor generals.

Kobolds of Kher Keep

Size / Small
Hit Dice / 1d4
Initiative / +2
Speed / 20 feet.
Armor Class / 15
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/-5
Attack / 1d2 (pike) or 1d2 (javelin) (+ 3 to hit with either)
Full Attack / 1d2 (pike) or 1d2 (javelin) (+ 3 to hit with either)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Low light vision 30 ft.
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 0
Ability Scores: / Str: 6 Dex: 14 Con: 10 Int: 8 Wis: 6 Cha: 8
Skills: / Climb: +3, Jump +1, Swim +2
Feats: / Weapon Finesse
Environment: / Mountainous or otherwise hilly regions
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11), swarm (12-20)
Challenge Rating: / ½
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Neutral
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Red

Description: A small (1 ½ ft. to 2 ft.) creature weighing 15 to 30 pounds. Eyes vary from black to red. Crimson Kobolds are a dark red crimson color, hence the name. They have a tough hide, which grants them natural armor of +1. If attacking is necessary, they will usually do it in swarms, and rarely go into combat alone.

Society: The Kobolds of Kher Keep defend Kher Keep from attackers (poorly) and are usually bolstered by a taskmaster and an overlord. This makes them significantly more powerful than your average Kobold.

Maggot Carrier

Size / Medium
Hit Dice / 1d6
Initiative / +1
Speed / 30 feet.
Armor Class / 11
Base Attack/Grapple / +1
Attack / Claw 1d6 + 1 (+2 to hit)
Full Attack / Claw 1d6 + 1 (+2 to hit)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Undead
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 0 Will: 0
Ability Scores: / Str: 12 Dex: 12 Con: -- Int: -- Wis: 10 Cha: 12
Skills: / --
Feats: / --
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5)
Challenge Rating: / 1
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: A maggot carrier is a zombie that stands approximately 4 feet tall, but due to its posture appears to be only 2 or 3 feet tall. It saunters forward, rather than walking. Maggot carriers are covered in rotting flesh and maggots, and their general appearance is disgusting. Creatures entering a 30 ft. radius of a maggot carrier must make a fortitude save DC 13 or be nauseated. In combat a maggot carrier generally will claw at the nearest enemy until it is dead.

Bile Urchin

Size / Small
Hit Dice / 1d4
Initiative / --
Speed / N/A
Armor Class / --
Base Attack/Grapple / +0/-5
Attack / N/A
Full Attack / N/A
Space/Reach / 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft.
Special Attacks: / Death Effect
Special Qualities: / N/A
Saves: / Fort: 4 Ref: 3 Will: 1
Ability Scores: / Str: -- Dex: -- Con: 4 Int: 2 Wis: -- Cha: --
Skills: / N/A
Feats: / N/A
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11) or Swarm (12-20)
Challenge Rating: / 1/8
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: Bile urchins are actually rarely seen, because they live in the swamplands. Most often, you don’t know one is there until you’ve stepped on it, and by then you’ve become poisoned. If you step on a bile urchin, you must make a fortitude save DC 14 or take one point of damage, and move at half speed for two rounds.

Bile Urchins as an item: In some cases, Bile Urchins are used as caltrops, and their poison can be used as a sedative for medicinal uses. Bile urchins, if harvested properly, can be sold for 1 sp. Bile Urchins can be sold live or dead, as their poisons can still be used for many days after the Urchin dies.

Prickly Boggart

Size / Small
Hit Dice / 1d6
Initiative / +3
Speed / 30 feet.
Armor Class / 14
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/-5
Attack / Bone Spear 1d4 +1 (+4 to hit) or Bone Javelin 1d4 (+4 to hit)
Full Attack / Bone Spear 1d4 +1 (+4 to hit) or Bone Javelin 1d4 (+4 to hit)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / Fear
Special Qualities: / Darkvision 60 feet
Saves: / Fort: 1 Ref: 3 Will: 3
Ability Scores: / Str: 12 Dex: 16 Con: 10 Int: 2 Wis: 14 Cha: 12
Skills: / Climb: +4, Jump +4, Swim +4, Hide +6, Bluff +2, Intimidate +2
Feats: / Weapon Finesse
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11)
Challenge Rating: / 1
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: Prickly Boggarts stand 3 to 3 ½ feet tall, and are generally black, wearing some leather strips for armor. They live and hunt in the swampy areas, oftentimes sitting for long periods of time before attacking. Spikes of bone protrude from their spines which look an awful lot like the spear it wields in combat.

Combat: Prickly Boggarts are excellent at hiding, ,and even better at stabbing. They lurk in the swamps until an enemy comes within range, then they hurl a javelin or stab their enemy with a spear.

Blood Pet

Size / Small
Hit Dice / 1d4
Initiative / +1
Speed / 20 ft.
Armor Class / 11
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/-5
Attack / Bite 1d3 (+1 to hit)
Full Attack / Bite 1d3 (+1 to hit)
Space/Reach / 2.5 ft. / 2.5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Sacrificial Purposes
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 0 Will: 1
Ability Scores: / Str: 4 Dex: 10 Con: 8 Int: 2 Wis: 4 Cha: 4
Skills: / Hide +2
Feats: / N/A
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11)
Challenge Rating: / ½
Treasure: / None
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: A blood pet is a small, fat creature with four legs, and is generally used only for sacrificial purposes. You can purchase a blood pet for 25 gp, or summon them with the spell Summon Blood Pet.

Combat: A Blood Pet attacks with a bite attack if it is ordered to, but generally they are only kept around for its mana uses.

Sacrificial ability: If you have a blood pet, you may force it to explode into a mushy essence which adds a black mana to your mana pool for one turn.


Size / Medium
Hit Dice / 2d4
Initiative / +1
Speed / 30 feet.
Armor Class / 11
Base Attack/Grapple / +1
Attack / Claw 1d6 (+1 to hit)
Full Attack / 2 claws 1d6 (+1 to hit)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Undead, Flesh dependency
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 2 Will: 1
Ability Scores: / Str: 8 Dex: 14 Con: -- Int: -- Wis: 10 Cha: 8
Skills: / Climb: +4, Jump +4, Swim +4
Feats: / N/A
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11)
Challenge Rating: / 1
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: A creature consisting mostly of bones with a small amount of flesh comes at you with a crazy fury. It stands between 4 and 6 feet tall, about the size of a human, and attacks with its claws.

Combat: Every 1d4 rounds, a carnophage must consume flesh for a full round.

Stone-Throwing Devils

Size / Medium
Hit Dice / 1d6
Initiative / +2
Speed / 30 feet.
Armor Class / 13
Base Attack/Grapple / +1
Attack / Stones 1d4 + 1 (+3 to hit)
Full Attack / Stones 1d4 + 1 (+3 to hit)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / First Strike
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 3 Will: 1
Ability Scores: / Str: 10 Dex: 14 Con: 12 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 16
Skills: / Climb: +4, Jump +4, Swim +4, Hide +4
Feats: / N/A
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5) or squad (6-11)
Challenge Rating: / 1
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Lawful Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: Stone-Throwing Devils are just that, little (3 to 4 ft.) devils that throw stones. They are generally pale pink in color, with a soft fleshy appearance.

Combat: A stone-throwing devil primarily throws stones at its enemies, and takes advantage of their first strike ability to do so. They always have the first attack, and hopefully the last attack. If they do not kill an enemy with their first volley of stones, they generally retreat a few feet back and try again.

Knucklebone Witch

Size / Medium
Hit Dice / 1d6
Initiative / +3
Speed / 30 feet.
Armor Class / 16 (Depending on sets of armor)
Base Attack/Grapple / +1
Attack / Bone Spear 1d6 (+1 to hit)
Full Attack / Bone Spear 1d6 (+1 to hit)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Bonepicker
Saves: / Fort: 4 Ref: 3 Will: 1
Ability Scores: / Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 10 Int: 14 Wis: 12 Cha: 12
Skills: / Climb: +4, Jump +4, Swim +4
Feats: / N/A
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair
Challenge Rating: / 2
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: Knucklebone witches are a part of the Boggart tribe, and generally there is only one or two in the whole society. They gather the bones of their allies to use as weapons and armor.

Combat: Knucklebone witches gain strength the more Boggarts you kill. They scavenge the bones of their comrades to use as weapons and armor. For each allies’ set of bones they pick up to use as armor, they gain a +1 bonus to their armor, and for each allies’ set of bones they pick up they gain an additional weapon.

Molting Harpy

Size / Medium
Hit Dice / 1d6
Initiative / +2
Speed / 40 feet. fly speed.
Armor Class / 14
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/+2
Attack / Claw 1d6 + 1 (+2 to hit)
Full Attack / N/A
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / Flyby Attack
Special Qualities: / Fly
Saves: / Fort: 0 Ref: 1 Will: 2
Ability Scores: / Str: 12 Dex: 12 Con: 10 Int: 12 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Skills: / Climb: +4, Jump +4, Swim +4
Feats: / N/A
Environment: / Swampy areas, wetlands
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5)
Challenge Rating: / 1
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Chaotic Evil
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Black

Description: A 4 – 4 ½ ft. flying gray or brownish colored harpy, half-birdlike and half-humanoid. They generally make a nest and hunt for food.

Combat: Molting harpies utilize their flyby attack in combat, and swoop down and attack people with their claws.

If summoned: Each turn you must pay one mana to keep molting harpy summoned.

Defiant Elf

Size / Medium
Hit Dice / 1d6
Initiative / +2
Speed / 30 feet.
Armor Class / 15 (10 + leather armor + dexterity)
Base Attack/Grapple / +1/+1
Attack / Sword 1d6 (+2 to hit) or Crossbow 1d6 (+2 to hit)
Full Attack / Sword 1d6 (+2 to hit) or Crossbow 1d6 (+2 to hit)
Space/Reach / 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: / N/A
Special Qualities: / Trample
Saves: / Fort: 1 Ref: 2 Will: 1
Ability Scores: / Str: 10 Dex: 14 Con: 10 Int: 12 Wis: 16 Cha: 12
Skills: / Climb: +4, Jump +4, Swim +4
Feats: / Weapon Finesse
Environment: / Forests
Organization: / Solitary, pair, team (3-5)
Challenge Rating: / 1
Treasure: / Standard
Alignment: / Lawful Neutral
Level Adjustment: / ––
Color: / Green

Description: Elves stand about 4 ½ to 6 feet tall and have pointy ears. Their eyes are usually blue or green. They wear natural clothing and armor, usually of hides and leather or bark. They use swords or crossbows for combat.