Cromdale and Advie Community Council

Minutes of Meeting – Wednesday 01 May 2013 at 7.15pm

PresentApologiesNon apologies

Iain Reid (IR)Yvonne Simpson (YS)Ann Whiting (AW)

Rosemary Shreeve (RS)

Carl Stewart (CS)

Dougie Gibson (DG)

Cllr Jaci Douglas (JD)

Ewan Grant (EG)

Suzanne Mayle (SM)

2.Minutes of previous meeting were agreed by SM and IR

Update on previous meeting items:

Brochure – DG advised he is awaiting on the illustration. Quote received, DG to e-mail SM.

Advie Car Park – Ready to start work within week. Final location to be discussed. JD to contact AW.

Grit Bins – will be provided in the Autumn.

Bridge Balustrade at Advie – JD advised BEAR will not make it a priority. Re fencing repairs – JD suggested to speak with Estate directly. If Estate will not carry the necessary repairs then Council will. JD liaising.

Speed Survey – JD will speak with Andrew McIver to confirm location. Due to start soon.

Flashing Speed Signs – item completed.

Dial-a-Bus – JD advised not much happening. Area Education Manager has now left. JD to progress further.

Any Other Business – update from JD

Pick-up point for school kids – Council currently monitoring situation

Recycling – action ongoing – JD

Noticeboard on side of Haugh Hotel – JD advised to obtain quote for work required. Community Council minutes can then be posted there. Question raised about possibility of an additional notice board at the Pavilion area.

Pedestrian Crossing at bridge – Ongoing with JD

A95 roadworks – Works commence 07 May for 6 days.

Speed ‘Smiley Face’ signs – BEAR looking at installing additional signs.

JD willarrange dog warden visit re dog fouling. IR raised issue of 3 bins being removed

Agenda Items

3.CS update – Pavilion and toilets now open. Scottish Water unable to assist with burst pipe issue. Awaiting quotes for outstanding work. IR suggested possible use of wind farm money to pay for this work. £1,300.00 insurance money still outstanding. Football clubs have requested the showers be repaired for their use. CS suggested we request funds from Sport Scotland. Changing rooms require some general maintenance. Fire extinguisher requires re-filled. Christmas lights have been stored at the Post Office.

JD suggested to apply for a ward discretionary payment or matched funding.

4SM provided treasurer update. Funds are depleting. £1300,00 insurance money required. 2012 grant has been received.

5Tree in square and possible war memorial – JD to speak with National Park, possible issue around regulations. DG to make contact with a provider he knows. JD to contact Highland Council re possible funding for new war memorial. JD suggested asking local estates for a donation towards the purchase of a living tree.

6Allotments – JD to contact Keith Walker, Policy Unit, Highland Council.

7Pauls Hill Wind Farm Fund – current balance is £32,470.17. Part of this fund will pay for planning application for hall roof.

8Advie Village Hall –currently closed. JD to enquire if it can be used.

9Residents Newsletter – DG will investigate costs of website and printing costs. To be used for local events, information what’s on etc. DG will move item forward.

10The next AGM will take place at 7.45pm at Cromdale Hall on Wednesday 05 June 2013. A community council meeting will start and 7.15. The meeting will be concluded after the AGM. RS to advertise AGM and Strathie invoice sent to SM.


IR suggested a family Hogmanay party could be held in the hall with disco and buffet. IR taking item forward.