CRIS 2.09.10p9 Specific Release Notes v1.0
© Healthcare Software Systems 2010 Registered Office: Healthcare Software Systems, 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield. NG18 5BR
General Information
This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases. All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release. There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Trust Implementation Issues section. All sites can be upgraded to this release of CRIS. No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release. Each release of CRIS is not normally released with any known major issues unless specifically mentioned in the know issues section.
1. Contents
CRIS 2.09.10p9 Specific Release Notes v1.0 1
Copyright 1
General Information 1
1. Contents 2
2. Issue Summaries 3
2.1 New Features 4
2.2 Enhancements 5
2.2.1DTIs 5
2.3 Issues Resolved 6
2.3.1Diary 6
2.3.2 DTIs 6
2.3.3Event Details 6
2.3.4Interfaces 6
2.3.5 Obstetrics 6
2.3.6Orders 6
2.3.7 Other 7
2.3.8Patient 7
2.3.9Widgets 7
2.3.10Workflow 7
2.3.11Worklists 7
2.4 House Keeping 8
3. Trust Implementation Issues 9
3.1 Standard issues: 9
3.2 Optional, for issues by request only: 9
4. Change Details 10
4.1Diary 10
4.2DTIs 11
4.3Orders 12
4.4Interfaces 13
4.5 Obstetrics 14
4.6 Orders 15
4.7 Other 16
4.8 Patient 17
4.9Widgets 18
4.10 Workflow 19
4.11 Worklists 20
2. Issue Summaries
The following section summarises the changes made in this version of CRIS relative to release 2.09.10p9. Changes are divided into new features and issues resolved. Details of each change are provided later in the document in "Change Details". Navigation is best achieved by searching the document for the relevant "HSS Ref" number.
Notes on the following tables:
HSS Ref. - this relates to internal HSS change numbers. HSS are currently using Jira 6.0 to monitor change requests. All issues relating to this release will have the ‘PX- ‘ prefix.
LSP Ref. - this relates to LSP Incident, Problem or RFC reference numbers.
By Request - these changes can only be activated by HSS on a specific request by a Trust.
Trust Interest - these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impact end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.
2.1 New Features
2.2 Enhancements
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-192 / - / Philips iSite (Embedded COM) improvements / - / -
2.3 Issues Resolved
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-151 / - / Error printing an order from the Diary scratch pad / - / -
2.3.2 DTIs
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-191 / - / Philips iSite (web bidi) can’t cope with null accession number. / - / -
2.3.3Event Details
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-165 / - / Referral sources dialogue box does not filter by referrer type. / - / -
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-150 / - / It is possible for database locks to occur when saving a report over the interfaces.
2.3.5 Obstetrics
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-52 / - / Placenta site title / - / -
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-158 / - / Event comments and questions on orders. / - / -
2.3.7 Other
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-174 / - / Refresh tables – CRIS losing licence focus. / - / -
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-153 / - / It is possible to search and find a patient which has been deleted if the CHI number is used. / - / -
PX-157 / - / Patient Banner’s alarm table – scrolling issues. / - / -
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-176 / - / Unverified Widget does not select any radiologists / - / -
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-152 / - / Undo Attend – Save/Cancel Button has same outcome. / - / -
HSS Ref / LSP Ref / Description / By Request / Trust InterestPX-170 / - / Sessions module – Java ‘NullPointer’ error when choosing filter for stats. / - / -
2.4 House Keeping
House keeping is reserved for general code tidying which may provide minor improvements in efficiency or cosmetic changes that do not relate to issues resolved nor add new functionality.
3. Trust Implementation Issues
This section details issues which must be addressed by the Trust before a release or, where they are for issues which are only by request, before a particular feature is activated.
3.1 Standard issues:
3.2 Optional, for issues by request only:
4. Change Details
This section provides further details of each change.
PX- 151 Error printing an order from the Diary scratch pad.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: When attempting to print an order that has not yet been saved as an event from the diary scratch pad, an error is thrown. If printing using the button, this can leave the order in a state where it has been partially saved as an event but has no status history.
In addition, if attempting to print using the button when no event is selected, a null pointer exception is thrown.
Resolution: It is no longer possible to attempt to print when either no event is selected or the selected event does not have an event key (e.g. an order). If the button is pressed with no event selected the warning "Please select a valid event." will be displayed. If the button is pressed or the right-click option selected when the event has no event key the warning "The event has not been saved. Please save the event before attempting to print." will be displayed.
PX-191 Philips iSite (web bidi) can’t cope with null accession numbers.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: Philips iSite radiology doesn't check it's pre-conditions/params.
Resolution: A guard and log message has been added at appropriate locations to avoid sending any messages containing null/empty accession numbers to iSite Radiology.
PX-192 Philips iSite (Embedded COM) improvements
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
· Report Info List: Auto-selecting the next event fails.
· On closing an exam from PACS, the user can then get "out of sync" if the report has been edited in CRIS and the user elects to continue editing. The exam should be re-opened in iSite to maintain linkage.
· It was decided that PACS should not be automatically logged in - the user should enter credentials manually.
· CRIS should query an exam and show a warning message if there are no images in PACS.
Resolution: Auto-select next event (Report Info List) now works as expected.
Synchronisation of images (iSite) and report (in cris) is now maintained when the user elects to save, rather than clear the report when the exam is closed in PACS.
User must now manually log in to iSite.
Warning message now shown when an exam has no images in PACS.
PX-165 Referral sources dialogue box does not filter by referrer type.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: Referral Sources "Select Referrer and Practice" dialogue box is no longer filtering by Referrer Type G and D. This is causing our reception staff to make mistakes and accidentally select dental practices during GP out-patients sessions.
Resolution: NormalTables data change
A change was made to the description associated with the Referrer type A.
This will require a change in the NormalTables/CRISREFT table to "AHP" (previously "AGP").
Previously the referrer type was not being actively read, and all GP and Dental Practices were being presented.
A mapping was developed to ensure a coherent response, whatever the Referrer Type text field contains:
Referrer type -> ReferralSource
<empty string> (=Any) -> All of G,D,C,T sources (&null)
G (=GP) -> G (=GP Practice)
D (=Dentist) -> D (=Dental Practice)
C (=Consultant) -> C (=Consultant Source)
N (=Nurse) -> C (=Consultant Source)
A (=AHP) -> C (=Consultant Source)
T = Trust Source
AHP = Allied Health Professional
Further changes were made to ensure correct behaviour for both local source trust and external trusts for each valid input value, with invalid input yielding no output.
PX-150 It is possible for database locks to occur when saving a report over the intefaces.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: When saving a report over the inbound results interface, e.g. IEP, it is possible for the database to lock. This occurs when the report is provisional or suspended, as in these circumstances the unverified/suspended count in the radiol table is updated. As this update is within the same transaction but uses its own connection, this means the insert to the reports table hangs and never completes.
Resolution: The database connection is now shared throughout the transaction, ensuring the transaction can safely complete / roll back as required.
4.5 Obstetrics
PX-52 Placenta site title.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: If 'Normal' is selected for the Placenta Site it doesn't print out in the upper Section like Placenta position.
Resolution: The 'Amniotic Fluid' and 'Placenta Site' fields on all FASP forms have identical printing behavior.
4.6 Orders
PX-158 Event comments and questions on orders.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: Regardless of security settings for editing event comment text, if an order with a comment is loaded directly from the orders list, it bypasses the security and allows the user to edit comments. If loaded via the patient search, the security acts appropriately.
Settings affected
Resolution: - Loading from the orders list and the event list now display the event comments in the same format, with the signature at the end. It is no longer possible to edit the comments when loading from the order's list without the required settings.
4.7 Other
PX-174 Refresh Tables – CRIS losing license focus.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: Go to TOOLS > Refresh Tables, logout and log back in and I think CRIS loses its grip on the some of the licenses as you get the old school Menu page, no widgets, [Porter List] is greyed out and in the Report info list the QA tabs have disappeared??
But if you close down and log back in everything is back to normal??
Resolution: A null database connection value was leading to some exceptions. Once these were prevented, the issues connected with RefreshTables were addressed.
4.8 Patient
PX-153 It is possible to search and find a patient which has been deleted if the CHI number is used.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: It is possible to search and find a patient who has been deleted when searching using CHI number. Once the deleted patient has been loaded it is possible to then create/process events as normal.
Resolution: It is no longer possible to load a deleted patient using a CHI number search.
PX-157 Patient Banner’s alarm table – scrolling issues.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in: 2.09.10p9
Description: The horizontal scroll bar in the 'alarms' table does not scroll to display a complete row of text and only seems to appear when there are a certain number of rows in the table. If there is only one row where the text is too long to display, the horizontal scroll bar should display.
Resolution: The view now sizes, and scrolls, properly.
PX-176 Unverified Widget does not select any radiologists.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in2.09.10p9
Description: The 'All Unverified Reports Chart' widget isn't showing any clinicians once you change the 'Preferences'. Once you select anything via the 'Preferences', no clinicians are displayed.
Resolution: All the selected radiologists are now displayed and saved correctly to the preferences.
4.10 Workflow
PX-152 Undo Attend – Save/Cancel button has same outcome.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in2.09.10p9
Description: When selecting undo attend followed by not performed, a popup appears allowing the user to edit the status, along with a [Save] and a [Cancel] button. Pressing [Save] will complete the undo attend as expected. However, pressing [Cancel] will work in exactly the same way as [Save], which is not expected. If [Cancel] is selected the dialogue should simply close and no change made to the event.
Resolution: Selecting cancel on the not performed status box will now simply close the popup box. The not performed status is not added and the event remains attended.
4.11 Worklists
PX-170 Sessions module – Java null pointer error when choosing filter for stats.
Reported in: 2.09.10p8 Fixed in2.09.10p9
Description: When in the sessions module, there is a stat_Key field where the user can apply a stat report to the session.
If you do a search on the stat_key field, and use the Filter box next to the F4 list, you get a NULL pointer exception once you enter data for it to search on.
Resolution: The filter on this field can now be used without error.
Last Updated: HSS 15/01/2014 Healthcare Software Systems – Commercial in Confidence Page 2 of 20