Crestwood Elementary

Parent/Student Handbook

(supplement to the Elyria Schools Planner)


Crestwood Mission Statement

The Crestwood Community works daily to reach high standards of learning and behavior.

Crestwood Elementary School

42331 Griswold Road

Elyria, Ohio 44035

Phone: (440) 284-8002

Fax: (440) 284-8131

Principal’s Message

On behalf of the entire Crestwood staff, I would like to welcome you to Crestwood Elementary for the 2016-2017

school year. We look forward to getting to know our students and parents throughout the year and hope to see

everyone involved in our numerous activities. Our primary goal is providing our students with the best education

we can, in the most welcoming environment, and the safest setting available. We anticipate our students will grow

both academically and socially and develop a sense of belonging and a love for learning.

School Hours

Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

School Day: 9:10 a.m. –3:10 p.m. (Learning begins at 9:10. No breakfast after 9:10)

Car rider or walking students may enter building at 8:55 a.m. Students are not allowed to come to school before 8:55 A.M. or stay after school past 3:10 P.M. unless prior arrangements have been made between the school and home.


Students are not to arrive at school before 8:55 a.m.

Buses drop students off in the driveway area at the back of Crestwood, in the Westwood parking lot. Walking students will approach Crestwood from the back walkway.

Car arrival: Students being transported by CAR should be dropped at the FRONT entrance doors using the circle area, only after staff has directed cars to move forward. Cars will need to line up on the right side of the driveway until being directed forward to the circle. Students should enter through the main front doors.


The school day ends at 3:10 p.m. The office will not call students down to the office for early dismissal between 2:45 and 3:10 p.m., unless there is an occasional appointment. We ask that you do not change your child’s way home frequently as this creates communication confusion.

Car Riders: Parents who choose to pick up their child by car should use the Crestwood School parking lot for car rider pick up after our 3:10 dismissal. Please do not arrive at Crestwood until 3:00 pm. Car riders will exit the front of Crestwood, and line up around the driving circle for their car. Safety is our main concern. If everyone follows the car riders’ dismissal procedure we can be effective, timely and safe!

Walkers, Bike Riders and Bus Students: These students are dismissed out the back of the building. Walkers and bike riders will proceed down the sidewalk on school property to Adelbert St. Students are to walk or ride directly home after school.Any student who is involved in fighting or other prohibited activities may be issued consequences at school.

Buses will be lined up at the back of the Westwood lot for students to board. All students are only permitted to ride their assigned buses. Any change in busing must be approved through the bus garage and then the building principal.

Known Changes to Transportation for Dismissal:

Changes in transportation arrangements are discouraged as they often cause confusion and take students out of routine. However it is understood that some things are unavoidable. If you know yourchild will need to change transportation for dismissal please write a note to the teacher for each time the transportation change occurs. If the child does not have a note the child will go home per their usual arrangement. Please do not expect your child(ren) to tell us about changes. For your childrens’ safety we require a written note from the parent/guardian.

Emergency Changes to Transportation Arrangements at Dismissal Time

If you are changing your child’s method of transportation unexpectedly please call the school office before 2:30pm. Last minute phone calls for transportation changes can be difficult to coordinate. Calling by 2:30pm allows for enough time to inform students and staff to changes and ensure children are in the correct location at dismissal.

The office phone number is 440-284-8002.

This information must be relayed to the office. It is not enough to simply tell your child and ask him/her to tell their teacher. It is especially important if your child is going to be a car rider that day. Please contact us with this information! Student safety is the goal!

Dismissal During the School Day

If it is absolutely necessary to have your child dismissed early or for a portion of the school day, please send a note to the teacher explaining the reason. In the note please state the time the child will be picked up. If a last minute emergency occurs, come to the office and request dismissal. Frequent early dismissal will require a consultation with the principal and/or other school representatives.

Parents must come into the building to take custody of their children after signing them out at the office. Children will be released only to their parents or to an adult designated on the emergency card by the parent. For safety reasons, unless this person is recognized by the office staff, the person will be required to show a picture identification before the student can be released to him/her.

Safety Patrol

We ask that all parents discuss with their children the proper respect to show Safety Patrol members. Safety Patrol reminders about proper procedures are to be obeyed in order to maintain safe conditions.

Bus Transportation

First Student can be contacted directly at 440-284-8030.

NOTE: Students who become ill at school and are vomiting, have an ill stomach, or running a temperature cannot be transported home by bus. The bus driver is not able to safely operate the bus as well as care for these ill students. Students who demonstrate poor behavior on the bus can have bus privileges suspended.


Students may ride bicycles to school. Students must approach school from Adelbert St. and ride up the path leading to the bike racks by the playground. The school is not responsible for bikes. It is suggested that students use a bike lock.


If a student will be absent from school or tardy to school please call the office 440-284-8002.

Absence Notification…..

Parents must phone the school before 9:00 a.m. if a child is going to be absent. If the child has an extended illness, parents only need to call on the first day of absence and give an estimation of the duration of the illness. If the school is not contacted, state law and school board policy require the school to call the parent or guardian to confirm the child’s absence.

Make-up work is provided for excused absences upon request. The office should be contacted the day before the work is to be picked up or before 9:00 am the same day. Assigned work can be picked up in the office between 3:00 and 3:30 pm. Assignments missed during the absence are the student’s responsibility.

Students will be given the opportunity for making up work missed due to approved absences. The length of time for completion of make-up work shall be commensurate with the length of the absence. Serious attendance problems will be referred to the Lorain County Attendance Officer.


A parent of a student that is tardy to school must sign the student in at the office stating the date and reason for the tardiness; late students cannot just be dropped off. Excessive tardies may require a consultation with the principal and may result in a referral to proper authorities.

A student is tardy when they arrive after 9:10am.

Vacation Request

Parents are discouraged from taking students out of school for vacation during school days. If parents are planning an extended vacation, the teacher should be notified and a Vacation Form (available in the school office) should be completed and returned to the principal several days in advance of the vacation. Students will be required to make up assignments as directed by the teacher upon the student’s return to the school. The time missed may be counted as an authorized, excused absence, at the principal’s discretion, provided make-up work is completed.



The school is equipped with a health clinic to take care of first aid situations. The school nurse is on call when not in the building. Children who are ill or injured will be sent to the clinic by the teacher or supervisor in charge.

Prescribed Medication…..

If your child is on medication, a written permission form signed by both parent and physician is required before medicine can be dispensed at school. Bring the medication to school in the original container labeled with your child’s name and the dosage to be given. Please do not send the medicine to school with your child. Nonprescription medicines can not be dispensed at school.


Sudden Illness…..

If a child becomes ill at school, the nurse or secretary will determine if the child’s complaint or appearance warrants a call home. Generally, a temperature of 100° or above will require a child to be sent home. Parent contact will be made according to the information on the emergency card.

Serious Injuries or Illness…..

Serious injuries will be given emergency care and the parents will be notified immediately. If necessary, an ambulance will be called to transport the child to the hospital. Parental preference for a hospital will be communicated to the ambulance driver; however it will be his/her decision as to which hospital the patient will be taken.

Parents will be called to take a child home under the following conditions:

--Serious Injury --Abnormal temperature

--Nausea or diarrhea --Unidentified rash

--Suspected contagious disease --Suspected head lice

--Other signs or symptoms of illness


●A child should be fever free (less than 100°) for 24 hours before returning to school.

●A child diagnosed with strep throat must be on medication 24 hours before returning to school.

●A child recuperating from chicken pox should remain out of school until all blisters are dry (approximately 7 days from onset).

●All cases of communicable diseases must be reported to the school office.

●Please notify the school nurse if a child develops a chronic illness.

Visitors to the Building

Anyone entering Crestwood will need to be admitted through the front doors nearest the office and report to the office. All visitors to the building will be given a badge to wear so staff will be able to recognize them as visitors and not a stranger in the building.

If you need to talk to a teacher or wish to observe a class, you will need to contact the teacher ahead of time to schedule an appointment. When coming to school for a scheduled appointment for a teacher, you still need to check in at the office. No unplanned visits to the classroom will be permitted; including birthday surprises.

Visitor Parking

Parking is provided in the marked parking spaces along the school drive. Parking on the circle is not allowed. Please do not park in spots marked “Reserved”.

School Behavior Expectations- Strive for 5!

For the safety of all students and in order to provide an optimal learning opportunity for all, students are expected to live by three simple principles:

  1. Respect Self
  2. Respect Others
  3. Respect Property

Guidelines (rules) for behavior fall under these main headings. Some general guidelines for different times of the day are listed below:


Respect self and others by


Respect others by

listening when others are speaking.

keeping hands, feet and inappropriate comments to yourself.

saying please, thank you, you’re welcome, and excuse me.

not engaging in name-calling and disrespectful gossip.

following directives.

Respect property by

taking only what you need and recycling.

taking care of your belongings.

Hallways:Respect others by

moving quietly and single file on the right side.

Restrooms:Respect self and others by

washing your hands.

keeping things private.

Respect property by

keeping the area clean.

Lunchroom:Respect self by

eating your own lunch.

seeking permission to get out of your seat.

Respect others by

using good table manners.

Respect property by

keeping area clean.

Playground:Respect self, others, and property by

following safety rules.

Respect others by

including them.

taking turns.

Bus:Respect others by

obeying all bus rules, especially staying in seats and keep hands to self.

School-wide Positive Reinforcement

  1. Positive praise and recognition
  2. Extra recess time
  3. Class parties/ movie time

4. Special hands-on/active participation activity

5.Good Reports/Shout Outs on PASystem

6.Student of the Month Breakfasts

7. Strive for Five Store

8.End of Grading Period awards

9. Bus Bucks for good bus behavior

School-wide Consequences

  1. Loss/partial loss of recess
  2. Loss/partial loss of special hands-on activity period
  3. Inform parent- student and principal call home
  4. Detentions (lunch and before-school detentions)
  5. Office Time-outs
  6. Alternate classroom assignment- partial and full-day
  7. Emergency removal
  8. In/Out of school suspension

Each teacher will communicate the rules and procedures to students and parents by sending copies of their classroom rules and procedures home, and posting a copy of school rules and classroom procedures where students can review them daily. All students are also issued a copy of the Elyria City School Pupil Code of Conduct, where the district enforced rules are printed. Through using this method, there should be no question as to what is expected of the students. By respecting self, respecting others and respecting property, students can focus on learning and will not have to worry about consequences.


Each teacher will have consequences for classroom misbehavior. If a student’s behavior repeatedly does not meet expectations of the teacher, the teacher will attempt to enlist the parents’ help in implementing other interventions. The principal will be involved for serious infractions and/or repeated offenses. Refer to the Elyria City Schools Code of Pupil Conduct for more information.

Playground Rules/Recess

In an effort to provide a SAFE place to play for all of the students and to prevent needless injuries and/or damage to our school, the following playground procedures have been established in addition to the general school rules:

1. Rough and dangerous play of any type is prohibited.

2. Stay within the sight and sound of the supervising adult in your assigned

playground area.

3. Children should remain on the blacktop when the surrounding area is muddy

or icy. Students are not permitted to slide on icy areas.

4. Follow instructions given by the classroom teacher on the proper use of

playground equipment.

5. No throwing of anything except balls (sticks, stones, snow, etc. remain on the

ground). The school provides playground balls. Students are not to bring balls of any type to school or other items to be used on the playground.

As a general rule, all children will go outside for recess daily for approximately fifteen minutes. Children should be dressed in accordance with prevailing weather conditions. On blustery days, when it rains, or temperatures are below 20 degrees with other weather factors considered, children will stay indoors. Children will not be permitted to stay in at recess on days when the class goes outside unless we receive a request from the child’s doctor to do so or unless prior arrangements are made with the approval of a teacher. Recess is not a curriculum requirement and is held at the discretion of the teacher.

Breakfast and Lunch Procedures

To allow each child a pleasant and safe atmosphere in which to eat, the following breakfast and lunch procedures are enforced:

1. Raise your hand for help.

2. Stay in your seat unless given permission.

3. Talk quietly.

4. Keep your area clean.

5. Eat your own food. No sharing of food is permitted.

Breakfast and Lunch Programs

There is no cost to students for breakfast or lunch, unless “extras” or individual milk is desired, which costs .55. Breakfast is served in the classrooms. Each class is scheduled for a 30-minute lunch period. For safety, students may not bring items in glass containers in their lunches. Students are not allowed to pack soda pop for lunch. District regulations bar food from outside vendors (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc.) from being consumed in the cafeteria. Finally, uneaten food cannot be taken back to the classrooms.

Toys and Other Items

School is a place for learning. Students are NOT permitted to bring toys and other unnecessary items to school unless it is requested by the teacher for a special activity. The school is not responsible for cell phones, toys, radios, MP3 players, handheld video devices, trading cards, large sums of money, etc., that students choose to bring to school. Weapons, toy guns, and toy knives are never brought to school and students could face serious disciplinary consequences for bringing these items. Toys or any of the above listed items taken away from students by the staff may be held until the parent makes arrangements to pick them up.