Application for SUNY Fredonia Enactus Team 2017-18
Thank you for your interest in the SUNY Fredonia Enactus team. Applications are accepted year round, although new members are invited only at the beginning of semesters so as to ensure continuity on the project. The Enactus team is a selective team that expects each member to contribute their time and talent to reach outcomes. Academics come first, so it is expected that you maintain/improve your grades as a member of the team. It is not just about attending meetings, it’s about action. You will be interviewed and screened by the VP Council before being accepted onto the team. Have you taken a class with Dr. Mac? q YES q NO
Enactus is about taking action to use entrepreneurial skills to empower people to improve their quality of life or build a more sustainable world. Enactus is time demanding and rewarding – consider carefully if you are ready for the commitment to make a change in the world.
Please complete both sides of the application. You may be invited to join and/or invited to an interview.
Email: Phone:
# Credit hours enrolled in this semester: Expected Semester/Year of Graduation:
Major: Minor:
Cumulative GPA: ______
If you join Enactus this year, which Division do you want to be on? Please consider your interests and talent. Each division works on a variety of projects, so you will have an opportunity to better fit your passion, talent and interests.
❏ LIFE: Focused on social impact through empowering at risk youth, high school students and developing work readiness for those in need.
❏ STEAM: Work with student and local community “makers” who build and create. Currently partnering with Chautauqua Striders to empower middle school girls to develop STEAM and business skills.
❏ NEXT: Partners with Girl Scouts to empower young women by teaching business, increasing career /college readiness and developing leadership skills.
❏ GREEN: Focused on environmental impact in our community through recycling, building awareness and improving water quality.
❏ FRED GLOBAL: Exploratory team to develop an international project which impacts social, economic and environmental sustainability for areas in need.
We also have two teams focused on making an economic impact. You need to be invited to be on those teams and/or applied once you have worked on one of our social/environmental impact team. If you have been invited, please check to which team and who invited you. You will be interviewed by Dr. Mac
❏ EDGE: consulting with local businesses ---INVITED BY:
❏ ADVALUE: creative and marketing agency ----INVITED BY: ______
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What talents and/or experience would you bring to the team you checked above?
Why do you want to join Enactus? Please note that most team meetings happen on Wednesday nights.
How did you hear about Enactus? Which Enactus members do you know?
By signing below I acknowledge that I am making a commitment to the SUNY Fredonia ENACTUS team to work collaboratively on mutually agreed upon community projects during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. I also agree to the best of my ability and academic schedule to participate in regular ENACTUS team meetings and update sessions. I am aware that the SUNY Fredonia ENACTUS team is committed to competing on a regional and national basis typically during the spring semesters. I understand that I may or may not be on the presentation and/or competitive team based on the decisions of the advisor, advisory board. I understand that internship credits are available and it is my choice to participate in ENACTUS with internship credits or not. I understand that it is an honor to be a member of the SUNY Fredonia ENACTUS team and that I am representing the values of SUNY Fredonia.
Signed: ______Date:
Please submit this application and a current resume to Dr. Sue McNamara (Enactus Advisor)
Submit materials via one of following options: Dr Mac’s mailbox in School of Business Office (Thom 336),
Dr. Mac’s office (Thom W315) or by email to
Scan this QR code to learn more about Fredonia Enactus!