Spring 2010 Title V Mini-Grant
Preliminary Application
Applicant(s) /






1.Veronica Herrera /

Residential Math Faculty



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Project Type: Select from either 1) , 2) or 3) areas below
1. New Development F2F to Online F2F to Hybrid Hybrid to Online Hybrid Course Revision
2. Revisions or Enhancements F2F Course Hybrid Course Online Course Web-based or eMaterials
3. Supplementary Resources Development
Select a technique: Active Learning techniques Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Techniques
Select your development environment: Face-to-Face courses Online Hybrid
Select the type of resources Paper based Web-based eMaterials
Identify the resource(s) to be developed Modules
Some examples of resources to be developed might be Audio, Video, Wikis or Wikibooks, Blogs, Lecture Capture, Mobile Devices, Reusable Learning Objects, Module(s), Surveys, Polls, Clickers, Podcasts, Facebook, Youtube, Second Life, Gaming, Twitter, or ______(fill in the blank)
Grant Start Date / Grant End Date
05/1/2010 / 06/15/2010
Semester Course is Offered / Year Course is Offered
Spring / 2010
eCourse Training (Please identify what previous training you may have attended)
Blackboard Training – levels 1, 2, 3 Blackboard Training – level 4 Respondus LessonBuilder
Course name / Prefix / Number / Credits / Lab or Lecture
College Algebra / MAT151 / 31963/
33767/ / 4 / Lecture/
Significance to the college and the Title V Grant
Please select and describe how this project will address one of the following.
1) Significantly increase student success in gatekeeper courses
2) Enhance the academic quality of gatekeeper courses and supplementary resources
The project that I am proposing will increase student success, enhance the academic quality of my gatekeeper courses, and will serve as a supplementary resource.
The project will consist of creating a math module. The math module will be a package of information from the MAT151 College Algebra course that focuses on the topic Polynomial and Rational Functions. The math module will convey information on: quadratic functions and models, polynomial functions of higher degree, polynomial division, real zeros of polynomial functions, complex numbers, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and rational functions.
The main purpose of obtaining this grant is to create a module that uses technology to convey the information on the topic previously mentioned. Possible types of technologies being considered are the use of video and audio, screen and lecture capture tools (such as Camtasia and Jing), and the use of Soft chalk Lesson Builder.
The creation of more than one module, internet posting, and a potential online course by the end of August is the overall goal. The final result will be the use of the module(s) in face-to-face courses and may also serve in creating possible online courses. Posting the module(s) in the internet will allow for self-directed learning for every student.
Having this material available for face-to-face students would increase the quality of my MAT151 course and would positively impact student success. If a student is absent, failed to understand the material presented, any student will be able to review the notes and examples anywhere, anytime.
Project Description
The purpose of this project is to create a module that uses technology to convey the information on the topic of Polynomial and Rational Functions. Possible types of technologies being considered are the use of video and audio, screen and lecture capture tools (such as Camtasia and Jing), and the use of Soft chalk Lesson Builder.
The creation of more than one module and internet posting by the end of August is the overall goal. The final result will be the use of the module(s) in face-to-face courses and may also serve in creating possible online courses. Posting the module(s) in the internet will allow for self-directed learning for every student.
Major Goals (What are the major goals of this project?)
Examples: Create 2 modules incorporating wikis and audio; Create a module that will improve students scores in the ___ concept.
1. Learn and identify technologies such as video, audio, and lecture capture tools to use for the module.
2. Incorporate these technologies on the topics of: quadratic functions and models, polynomial functions of higher degree, polynomial division, real zeros of polynomial functions, complex numbers, the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and rational functions to improve student understanding.
3. The main goal is to create a module that will enhance student understanding of college algebra concepts in Polynomial and Rational Functions by incorporating technologies such as video, audio, and lecture capture tools.
Assessment (How will you assess the project’s effectiveness and what supporting data will you use?)
Assessment will be done through student use of the online material. In addition to viewing students' notes while walking around the classroom, I will directly ask (both face-to-face and online courses) through a survey, if the online material was used and if it was helpful. The supporting data can be collected through this survey.
Name / Hours / Cost Per Hour / Amount
Veronica Herrera / 58 / 26.00 / 1508
TOTAL / 1508

NOTE: Project falls under Resource(s) Development with a budget of $1500.

Each faculty on the grant needs to submit an individual timeline so accurate hours can be calculated for stipend
Complete the form below with specific activities in your project. See timeline example below:
2/18/10 – 2/25/10 / Create module format/outline / 1. Review current syllabus
2. Identify chapters as it relates to module
3. Develop module format
4. Develop module outline / 8
Date / Objective / Activities / Hours
05/01/10 – 05/02/10 / Create model outline with identified chapter and sections / 1. Select chapter
2. Select topics/sections
3. Develop module format
4. Develop module outline / 3.5
05/03/10 – 05/09/10 / Identify technology to use / 1. Identify which technology tools to learn and use
2. Obtain necessary tools to begin creating module
3. Select appropriate technology to use / 4.5
05/10/10 – 05/16/10 / Quadratic Functions and Models;
Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree / For each section:
1. Create outline for section
2. Identify pertinent definitions, content, …
3. Identify appropriate examples
4. Make content of Quadratic Functions and Models available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools
5. Make content of Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools
6. / 10
05/17/10 – 05/23/10 / Polynomial Division;
Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions / For each section:
1. Create outline for section
2. Identify pertinent definitions, content, …
3. Identify appropriate examples
4. Make content of Polynomial Division available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools
5. Make content of Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools
6. / 10
05/24/10 – 05/30/10 / Complex Numbers / 1. Create outline for section
2. Identify pertinent definitions, content, …
3. Identify appropriate examples
4. Make content of Complex Numbers available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools
5. / 5
05/31/10 – 06/06/10 / Fundamental Theorem of Algebra / 1. Create outline for section
2. Identify pertinent definitions, content, …
3. Identify appropriate examples
4. Make content of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools / 5
06/07/10 – 06/13/10 / Rational Functions / 1. Create outline for section
2. Identify pertinent definitions, content, …
3. Identify appropriate examples
4. Make content of the Rational Functions available through the use of video, audio, or capture tools / 5
06/14/10 – 06/15/10 / Review & Finalize Module / 1. Review, revise, and edit all content created for the module
2. Finalize and complete “Equations and Inequalities Module” / 15