TERM: 5 & 6
Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focusScience / Animals including habitats:
- Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.
- Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their functions.
- Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.
- Recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways.
- Explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.
- Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
History / NO HISTORY
DT / Bug Houses
- can develop and explain their ideas clearly, suggesting a sequence of actions and communicating them in a variety of ways
- can evaluate the design and making processes as it develops, carrying out tests and suggesting possible improvements
- can explain the possible reasons for combing and mixing some materials together
Art / NO ART
Music / Peter Cook
ICT / Vector graphics
Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish give goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data.
Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
Data logging
Data analysis
Video recording
Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish give goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data. /
- I can be discerning in evaluating digital content.
- I can select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices.
- I can design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
- I can select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices.
- I can design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)1 / TBAT review our knowledge of plants / What we know
What we would like to know / Introduce the topic to children. Share picture of plants. In groups children share what they already know about the topic and what they would like to learn. Feedback to the class.
LA – Can tell an adult what they already know and would like to learn.
MA – Can write what they already know about topic and what they would like to learn.
HA – Can draw inferences from images about plants.
2 / Science / TBAT sort plants / Observe leaves
Choose own criteria / Challenge chn to find different plants, use a quadrant/photographs to identify and classify plants in our locality. The children should then try sorting the plants; shape of leaf, height, colours, etc.
LA – Children choose cards with criteria
MA – Children sort the plants choosing their own criteria.
HA – Children sort the plants choosing their own criteria. Can children guess the chosen criteria for other groups?
3 / Science / TBAT investigate bugs and insects / Observe bugs and insects
Describe bugs and insects
Research bugs and insects / Use quadrants to investigate the bugs and insects found on our fields. Children take photos or draw pictures. Compare and discuss findings as a class. Children describe the bugs and insects found. Children research their insects and bugs using the internet and books from the library. Children present their findings to the class using powerpoint (skills previous learned in term 1).
LA – Children use minibeast word mat for support. Children should be prepared to share their findings with the class.
MA – Children discuss minibeasts and research using the internet and books. Children should be prepared to share their findings with the class.
HA –Children discuss minibeasts and research using the internet and books. Children encouraged to research their minibeast in depth. Children should be prepared to share their findings with the class.
4 / Science / TBAT identify and explain different parts of plants / Explain function of parts
Identify parts
Understand importance of leaves / Dissect a selection of flowers to identify the different parts of the flowers inc. Anther, Filament, Stigma, Stamen, Carpel, Ovary, Ovum, Petal, Sepal.
Children create a fact file explaining the different parts of plants.
LA – Children have parts of plants and definitions to match. Using this children create their fact file.
MA – Children create a fact file describing the different parts of a plant.
HA- Children create a fact file describing the different types of plants. Encourage children to write detailed explanations including all parts of plants.
5 / Science / TBAT investigate how much water plants need to grow / Plan investigation
Fair test
Identify patterns
Explain observations / Watch video clip from - What plants need to grow’.
TASC investigations (ensure fair testing):
How much water plants need to grow
Discuss with children what plants need to grow? What do humans need to grow? Children discuss the statement ‘the more water a plant has the better it grows’. How can we find out? As a class complete the first sections of the TASC wheel. (What do I know about this, What is the task, how many ideas can I tihnk of and which is the best idea).
In groups of 3 each child has a plant in a cup labelled 1,2 or 3. The plant labelled 1 will be watered once a day. The plant labelled 2 will be watered twice a day and the plant labelled 3 will be watered 3 times a day.
Discuss with children how we can ensure this investigation is fair (measure water accurately).
Children water plants over a week.
Children discuss findings. What did we find out? How much water do plants need to grow best? Why do you think this is? Children complete the last two sections of TASC wheel (How well did I do and what have I learned).
LA – Children are supported with their planninng, recording findings and explaining observations.
MA – Children complete TASC wheel independently.
HA – Children complete TASC wheel. Children encouraged to make detailed observations about the effect water has on plants. Can they suggest improvements in their work, giving reasons?
6 / Science / TBAT investigate the best conditions for growth / Plan investigation
Fair test
Identify patterns
Explain observations / Discuss with children what are the best conditions for growth? Why do they think this? Discuss statement the more light a plant has the better it will grow’. Do we agree or disagree? Children will investigate using the TASC wheel. As a class complete the first sections of the TASC wheel. (What do I know about this, What is the task, how many ideas can I think of and which is the best idea). Discuss how we can ensure it is a fair test.
In groups children have mustard seeds, water and cotton wool. Pots are placed in different places to investigate the best conditions for growth (consider: temperate, air, water and light) Children record their findings daily. Children discuss findings. What did we find out? How much water do plants need to grow best? Why do you think this is? Children complete the last two sections of TASC wheel (How well did I do and what have I learned).
LA - Children are supported with their planninng, recording findings and explaining observations.
MA - Children complete TASC wheel independently.
HA – Children complete TASC wheel. Children relate their conclusions to patterns and to scientific knowledge and understanding, and to communicate them with appropriate scientific language. Can they suggest improvements in their work, giving reasons?
7 / Science / To describe what is happening inside a plant / Explain how water is transported
Key words (tiny vessels, leaves, evaporates, water and Transpiration) / What do we need to grow? What do plants need to grow? Water. Why do we need plants to grow? Plants give us oxygen, without oxygen we couldn’t breath. They give us food. Leaf, stem and root all need to work properly in order for the plant to grow. Display flowers in a vase with water. How could we investigate this?
Display plants with food colouring. What has happened? What happens to the water when in a plant? Water moves up a plant. What are these called? Capillaries? Has it travelled throughout the entire plant? The water cannot come out of the top, because it is waxy (water runs off it). Children write a description of what is happening inside a plant.
LA – Children have a sheet with key words to explain what happens inside a plant.
MA – Children explain what is happening inside a plant.
HA – Children explain what is happening inside a plant using all the key words. Children begin to research evaporation.
8 / Science / To understand the human life cycle / Recognise stages in growth
Describe differences in newly borns and children in year 4 / Investigate the different stages of the human life cycle – Look at different aged children’s clothes, order them. How has a baby changed over time? (Height, weight, leg lengths etc.) Look at baby photos of themselves – how have they changed?
LA – With support children order children’s clothes. Discuss with an adult how babies change over time.
MA – Children order children’s clothes. Children write an explanation of how babies change over time.
HA – Children order children’s clothes. Children write an explanation of how babies change over time. Encourage children to use words babyhood, childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
9 / DT / TBAT identify features of effective sandwich packaging / Understand effective packaging
Identify features of effective packaging / Chn look at a selection of ready made sandwiches. Deconstruct the packaging and analyse its effectiveness – look at features required. Does it need to be strong? Eye catching etc why?
LA – With suport children identify features of effective packaging and list in book to refer to next lesson.
MA – Children identify and listfeatures of effective packaging.
HA – Children identify and list features of effective packaging. What makes them effective?
10 / DT / TBAT design make and evaluate a sandwich / Design a sandwich (filling and type of bread)
Make sandwich
Evaluate sandwich (strengths and improvements). / Taste different sandwiches and evaluate them. Children decide which filling and bread they would like for their sandwich. Children design and make and then evaluate their sandwich.
LA – Children design and make a sandwich. Children are given a sheet with pointers on for possible improvements. What would they improve?
MA – Children design and make a sandwich. Children evaluate their sandwich suggesting improvements.
HA – Children design, make and evaluate a sandwich. What would they improve? Why? Who is their sandwich aimed at?
11 / DT / TBAT design make and evaluate a sandwich / Design a sandwich package
Make package
Evaluate package / Design, make and evaluate a package using pre made sandwich packaging. Encourage children to refer to the features of good packaging from previous lesson. Children construct nets to make packages.
LA – Children design and make a sandwich package. Children are given a sheet with pointers on for possible improvements. What would they improve?
MA – Children design and make a sandwich packet. Children evaluate their packets and suggest improvements.
HA – Children design, make and evaluate their packet. What would they improve? Can children research ways for making packaging more environmentally friendly?
12 / ICT
And e safety) / To change font to improve the appearance of a text. / Change font type
Change font size
Use bold to show headings / Children type their plant fact file onto the computer. Children change the font type, size and use bold within a text to show headings & sub headings.
HA and MA – Children type their plant fact file changing font style, type and use bold to show headings and subheadings.
LA – Children type their plant fact file changing the font style and type. With support children use bold to indicate headings
13 / ICT / To use cut and paste / Use cut
Use paste / Children are given a list of stages in a plant life cycle. They use cut & paste to place stages into order.
LA – With support children cut and paste stages in order.
MA – Children cut and paste stages in order.
HA – Children cut and paste stages in order. Why is it useful to cut and paste? When else could we use it?
14 / ICT / To use find & replace to substitute words. / Use insert
Use find and replace
Use delete / Children use their story written this week (during literacy) to change words within a story to make it more exciting / sad etc. Children will share their improved stories with year 5 children.
Find & Replace
LA – Children find and replace words with support.
MA – Children find and replace words.
HA – Children find and replace words thinking about the audience.
15 / ICT / To use ICT to correct mistakes. / Tools
Spelling and grammar
Correct mistake / Pupils use Spell check to locate and replace mis-spelt words within a text. Children choose their favourite piece of writing from this week to type.
LA – With support children correct mistakes using ICT.
MA – Children correct their mistakes using ICT.
HA – Children correct their mistakes using ICT.
16 / ICT / To use ICT to organise and present information. / Change font style and size
Cut and paste
Substitute words
Spell check / Pupils use the techniques they have learned to create a leaflet advertising their sandwich they designed (Children to use persuasive writing features taught in previous term).
LA – Children supported to create a leaflet including all techniques learned this term.
MA – Children create a leaflet including all techniques learned this term.
HA – Children create a leaflet including all techniques learned this term considering the audience for their leaflet.