Contract Number: 4400008677

Not to Exceed Cost: $250,000





RFQ Number: 6100023872

September 12, 2018

Dear Suppliers:

The Statement of Work (SOW), Attachment A, is provided for you to develop your proposal for the referenced Project. The successful contractor will be selected based on Best Value. The Best Value Criteria specified below defines the criteria that will be used to determine the successful contractor to be issued a purchase order. It is imperative that you expound in writing on each of the best value criteria listed. You may complete your proposal and attach it to the RFQ provided in the PA Supplier Portal at The Cost portion Attachment B must also be completed and attached as well as completed as part of the electronic RFQ on the Pa Supplier Portal. Please be sure and complete all of the required forms and attachments and attach them to your submission in the PA Supplier Portal. DO NOT email or send in copies of the submission as all documents are required to be attached to the RFQ in the portal. All submissions must be uploaded into the PA Supplier Portal by March 8, 2013 by 2:00 PM.

Best Value Criteria:

  1. Work Plan: Provide a detailed Work Plan that accurately assesses and shows an understanding of the project objectives and explains your approach to deliverables based on your understanding of the project requirements stated in the Statement of Work (SOW). Incorporate or append your Work Plan onto the attached SOW.
  1. Contractor Prior Relevant Experience: On the included Contractor Prior Experience Submittal, detail a maximum of three (3) projects your company performed that are similar in nature and scope to the requirements stated in the SOW. Include reference company name and address, contact person with phone number, e-mail address and best time to call, project name, project start and end dates and a brief description of the project.
  1. Cost: Complete the Cost Worksheet, Attachment B, to submit the cost portion of your proposal. (i.e.: cost breakdown by personnel to include hourly rates and benefits; deliverable based costs and sub-contractors costs).
  1. Domestic Workforce Utilization: Complete and sign the Domestic Workforce Utilization Form, Attachment C.
  1. Performance on Past Commonwealth Projects (If Applicable): If there is a history of work with the Commonwealth, detail a maximum of two (2) Commonwealth projects your company performed that are similar in nature and scope to the requirements stated in the SOW. Include reference agency name, contact person with phone number, e-mail address and best time to call, project name, project start and end dates and a brief description of the project.

Note: This Request for Quotation is a restricted solicitation. Only those contractors qualified in the designated categories under Contract #4400008677 known as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Creative Advertising and Audio Visual – Interactive Production Services Invitation to Qualify (ITQ), may submit a proposal in response to this RFQ.

For more information about the Creative Advertising and Audio Visual – Interactive Production Services ITQ, please click the following link.

The following documents must be returned with your RFQ response:

Attachment A – Statement of Work (include Contractor Work Statement, Project Work Plan

and Resumes of proposed personnel)

Attachment B – Cost Worksheet

Attachment C – Contractor Prior Relevant Experience

Attachment D – Domestic Workforce Utilization Form

Attachment E – Lobby Certification (if required)

Attachment A

Statement of Work

RFQNumber: 6100023872

Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) | Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF)

Strategic Work Plan and Work Plan Execution

Creative Advertising ITQ Category – Creative Services - Marketing Services

This project is not to exceed $250,000.


Pennsylvania’s Department of Public Welfare (DPW), Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) is committed to helping all children in out of home care achieve timely permanency. In 1992, Pennsylvania established the Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN) as an initiative to decrease the barriers that impede special needs adoptions. SWAN is administered by the DPW/OCYF. The network is comprised of public and private child welfare agencies, adoption agencies, the legal community, parents, organizations and individuals working together on behalf of children. The focus of SWAN is to support and enhance adoption services for children in Pennsylvania who are in the care and custody of county children and youth agencies and who are in need of permanent, loving families.

DPW/OCYF seeks contractorswho understand foster care and adoption to submit proposals to create and design a multi-level outreach media campaign, including television, radio and print materials that will increase public awareness about the ongoing need for resource families (foster, adoptive and kinship families) in Pennsylvania for older youth and target appropriate consumers. This project is creative ONLY and does not involve the placement of any created advertisements. The selected contractor will be required to work with the commonwealth’s media buying firm.

Background needed to complete work plan:

Since SWAN’s inception, a total of 32,738 children have been adopted from the PA foster care system. Over the years, SWAN has tried numerous recruitment initiatives to find families for older youth in care. Over the past five years, Pennsylvania has significantly lowered the number of children in foster care. Despite the overall number of children in foster care declining, the number of children adopted from foster care has remained steady or increased from year to year. Despite this, older youth still remain in care without an identified permanent resource. Some of those youth are placed in institutional settings. OCYF believes that every child should be in the most family friendly, least restrictive environment possible. As such, the goal of this campaign is to recruit resource families who are willing to accept placement of older foster youth into their homes so they are not placed in institutional settings.

The most recent SWAN media campaign consisted of print materials, one radio spot andthree television spots that ran both statewide and in the targeted areas of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, which are the three areas of the state in which most of the children and families we serve reside. Prior to submitting a proposal, contractors should review the most recent SWAN media campaigns, print materials and an example of a newspaper advertisement. Please go to the links below to review this information. Contractors will need adobe flash to access the links.

Media Campaigns

Print Materials

English SWAN Family Booklet:

Spanish SWAN Family Booklet:

English SWAN Foster/Adopt Brochure:

Spanish SWAN Foster/Adopt Brochure:

Newspaper Advertisement:

Mrs. Suzanne Cawley, wife of Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley, has agreed to be a spokesperson for this campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Cawley have adopted from Pennsylvania’s child welfare system. Therefore, all creative concepts developedshould incorporate Mrs. Cawley in some way. In addition to using Mrs. Cawley as a spokesperson for the campaign, OCYF is very interested in using older foster teens from the PA child welfare system in the commercials. OCYF is open to hearing all creative suggestions.

The multi-level outreach campaign must:

  • Include three :30 second television spots and one :60 second radio spot;
  • Include the SWAN Family Booklet, SWAN Foster/Adopt Brochure and a newspaper advertisement.
  • Inform the general public about the need for resource homes for older youth in Pennsylvania;
  • Motivate prospective resource parents to seek information about the youth

and to call 1-800-585-SWAN (7926) or visit for more information;

  • Encompass all ethnicities, ages, gender, cultures and geographic areas in Pennsylvania,

including but not limited to urban, suburban and faith-based communities. DPW does not deny any inquiring family the opportunity to adopt based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, income, marital status, education, employment status, citizenship, or geography, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Adoption Act (23 Pa.C.S.2101 et seq.);

  • Include Spanish versions of all collateral pieces;
  • Include closed-captioned for the hearing impaired; and,
  • Use the appropriate logos and tag lines.

The campaigns should target those populations that research demonstrates are most likely to foster or adopt older youth and who are reflective of the children in the care and custody of Pennsylvania’s child welfare system.

Current demographic data on PA older youth in foster care is as follows:

  • As of March 31, 2012, there were 14,168 children in foster care in Pennsylvania. Of those, 6,818 were age 12 or older.
  • Of those 6,818 children in care age 12 or older:
  • 3,515 (51.6%) were male and 3,303 (48.4%) were female.
  • 3,193 (46.8%) were white; 3,539 (51.9%) were black; and other races[1] each comprised

less than one percent of the foster care population.[2]

  • 719 (10.5%) were Hispanic; 5,552 (81.4%) were non-Hispanic, and 547 (8.0%) were of

unknown ethnicity.

  • 311 (4.6%) were diagnosed with mental retardation; 34 (0.4%) with a vision/hearing

impairment; 63 (0.9%) with another physical disability; 1,396 (20.5%) with an emotional

disturbance; and 227 (3.3%) with some other medical condition.

Using this data, the contractorshould develop creative concepts, to be approved by DPW, and execute the production of the approved concepts resulting in three television spots, one radio spot, a SWAN Family Booklet, a SWAN Foster/Adopt Brochure and at least one newspaper print advertisement. Contractors are not required to update or change the content of the SWAN Family Booklet or SWAN Foster/Adopt Brochure. OCYF is interested in these materials reflecting the same look as the television spots and radio spot resulting in a consistent media campaign. This project is creative ONLY and does not involve the placement of any created advertisements. The selected contractor will be required to work with the commonwealth’s media buying firm.

Once the print material and commercials are created and released, DPW/OCYF will have full ownership rights and may run all marketing materials (commercials and print) at any time without needing to seek permission from the selected contractor for talent fees or any other usage rights. All foreseeable talent costs must be contained in this solicitation.

The selected contractor must complete the project by June 30, 2013.

Term of Contract:

The term of the Contract will be from the effective date of the agency purchase order through June 30, 2013.

Deliverables: The selected Contractor is required to complete the creative for the following deliverables.

  • 1 Radio Spot
  • 3 Television Spots
  • 1 SWAN Family Booklet
  • 1 SWAN Foster/Adopt Brochure
  • 1 Newspaper print advertisement

Contractor Requirements: The following must be submitted when completing the RFQ for this project.

  • Work Plan: Contractors shall submit a narrative work plan for accomplishing the project. The work plan should detail:
  • Tactics
  • Strategy
  • Minimum of three high-level creative concepts that include each of the deliverables above
  • Detailed project timeline outlining when tasks will be performed and completed
  • Cost: Complete the cost worksheet as an attachment to the work plan (Attachment B).

Please note: The total project cost cannot exceed $250,000 and must cover all expenses related to the planning, development and implementation of this project including strategic planning, writing, design, project management, third party costs, etc. (this does not represent a comprehensive list).

  • DPW/OCYF will not pay additional talent fees related to this project.
  • Please clearly indicate the TOTAL cost for implementing the proposed work plan. (Total Project Cost)
  • Prior Relevant Experience: Contractors shall provide with its response information on three (3) projects the contractor previously executed that are similar in nature and scope to the requirements stated in this Statement of Work (Attachment C). This previous experience should be work done by individuals who will be assigned to this project as well as that of your company. Projects referred to must be identified with client name and address, contact person with telephone number, email address and best time to call, project name, project start dates and end dates and a brief description of the project. These examples must each include a written narrative describing each project.
  • Personnel: Include the number of executive and key professional personnel, researchers, programmers, consultants, etc. who will be engaged in the work. For key personnel, including the project manager, include the employee’s name, and a resume or similar document that includes the project personnel’s education and experience pertaining to strategic planning and tactical development and execution. Indicate the responsibilities each individual will have in this project, and how long each individual has been with your company.

Subcontractors: Identify by name any subcontractors you intend to use and the services they will perform. Please spell out the percentage of work to be completed by both the prime and subcontractors.

  • Presentation: All contractors must be prepared to present its proposal to DPW in person in Harrisburg, PA. The evaluation committee may ask all, some or none of the Contractors to present. The committee may determine that an in-person presentation is not necessary.

Project Requirements: The following are contractor requirements for the overall execution of this project.

  • Functionality Requirements: Materials must be compatible with PC computer and Adobe Design CS5 (InDesign/Photoshop).
  • Ownership Transfer: DPW/OCYF will own all deliverables and concepts submitted in the selected work plan. All editable files and final files must be transferred to DPW upon the completion of the purchase order.
  • Design Phase:The selected contractor must be compliant with commonwealth branding guidelines (see link to management directive below).

205.40 Commonwealth Branding Management Directive

  • Translation Requirements: The selected contractor must translate all print collateral into Spanish.
  • Testing: Prior to rolling out the new campaign, the selected contractor must formally test content and possibly design concepts to see what resonates with people in Pennsylvania using the most cost-effective research method. Costs for testing must be included in determining the total cost outlined on the attached cost sheet.
  • Documentation: The selected contractor must submit weekly status reports to DPW/OCYF via email by Friday at noon identifying the work completed to date, the remaining tasks to be performed, as well as any additional information that might be required from DPW/OCYF. DPW/OCYF may request weekly status calls to discuss the briefs.
  • Knowledge Transfer: The selected contractor must electronically transfer all documents associated with this project to the DPW/OCYF upon the completion of this project – including all native files and fonts, not just pdf files.
  • Payment Requirements: Contractor will be paid upon acceptance of each deliverable and that it is an all-inclusive payment.

Timeline/Maintenance Requirements: All aspects of the work plan need to be completed by June 30, 2013.

Start date: Effective dateof the agency purchase order through June 30, 2013.

Last reports:All work must be completed by June 30, 2013, including status reports, document and file transfers.

Final Invoices: Should be submitted for approval to OCYF prior to June 30, 2013 and may only contain billing for services up to the end date of June 30, 2013.


  • Questions regarding the procurement solicitation shall be directed to Dave E. Kern, via email at . All answers to any questions received will be provided to all contractors.

Creative Advertising Contract #4400008677 - Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare

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[1] Other races are Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian, and American Indian/Alaska Native.

[2] Multiple races can be selected for each child in addition to Hispanic ethnicity.