Adamic Man & Other Beings of Antiquity

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was a medical school drop-out. Given his lack of formal education he would today be scoffed at just as academia does at any independent researcher. It is not hard to believe he did not get a sound education in whatever manner in the field of physiology, for his research is childishly weak – Lana Cantrell (The Greatest Story Never Told)

The Creation of Adam

I am a child of earth and the starry skies, but my race is of heaven alone - The Chaldean Oracles

The Hebrew does not say God created “man:” it says he created ha-adam, which means “the adam,” and he created “the adam” male and female. Since the Hebrew word for “man” is “ish,” what we may ask is an adam? - Gary Greenberg (101 Myths of the Bible)

We have no general evidence of any widespread use in Semitic tongues for the use of adam to mean “man” - ibid

…Adam and Eve were not the same as the humans created on the sixth day. They were created “in the day that God made the earth and the heavens,” which is the second day. Were they a different set of humans from those created on the sixth day or were they originally some sort of cosmic deity? - Ibid

Well tended is mankind – god’s cattle

He made sky and earth for their sake

He subdued the water monster
He made breath for the noses to live
They are his images, who came from his body

- (The Instruction Book for Merikare, 2100 century BC)

The Two Adams

The Zohar holds the concept of two Adams: the first a divine being who, stepping forth from the highest original darkness, created the second, or earthly, Adam in His own image. The higher, or celestial, man was the Causal sphere with its divine potencies and potentialities considered as a gigantic personality; its members, according to the Gnostics, being the basic elements of existence. This Adam may have been symbolized as facing both ways to signify that with one face it looked upon the proximate Cause of itself and with the other face looked upon the vast sea of Cosmos into which it was to be immersed. Philosophically, Adam may be regarded as representative of the full spiritual nature of man -androgynous and nor subject to decay - Manly Palmer Hall

Eve: Mother of Humanity

The figure of Eve is based upon much older mythology and may be traced back to the ancient Mother Goddess or World Mother and the serpent cults of the pre-biblical period. Closer examination of the name ‘Eve’ revealed her serpent origins, for the Hebrew for Eve is havvah, meaning ‘mother of all things,’ but also ‘serpent.’ Likewise, the Arabic words for ‘snake,’ ‘life,’ and ‘teaching,’ are closely related to the word or name “Eve.’- Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn (The Serpent Grail)

Hesiod’s Advanced Races of the Past
The successive races here mentioned appear to be in imitation of Hesiod's ages or races of mankind. Hesiod applies to them the epithets of golden, silver, bronze, and iron.

Neanderthal Man

There is among most Neanderthal finds such a motley mixture of types, and unlike known varieties of peoples today, that makes the species of Neanderthal spurious as to Cro Magnon features are mixed with them which has made many researchers believe this was miscegenation. They just have a great deal of various somatypes within the same groups as in any group today and miscegenation certainly would confuse this – Lana Cantrell (The Greatest Story Never Told)

Scientist: Humans Strange, Neanderthals Normal
Neanderthals are often thought of as the stray branch in the human family tree, but research now suggests the modern human is likely the odd man out.

"What people tend to do is draw a line from our ancestors straight to ourselves, and any group that doesn't seem to fit on that line is divergent, distinct, unusual, strange," researcher Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, told LiveScience today. "But in terms of evolution of our family tree, the genus Homo, we're the outliers and the Neanderthals are more toward the core."

Humans are not at the inevitable end of a sequence, Trinkaus said. "It just happens that we happen to be alive today and Neanderthals are not."

Trinkaus spent decades examining fossil skeletons and over time realized that maybe researchers looked at Neanderthals the wrong way. Over the last two years, he systematically combed through fossils, comparing Neanderthal and modern human skull, jaw, tooth, arm, leg traits with those of the earliest members of the genus Homo in terms of their shape.

"I wanted to see to what extent Neanderthals are derived, that is distinct, from the ancestral form. I also wanted to see the extent to which modern humans are derived relative to the ancestral form," Trinkaus said.

Trinkaus focused on skeletal features that seemed most strongly linked to genetics, as opposed to any traits that might get influenced by lifestyle, environment or wear and tear. When compared with our common ancestors, Trinkaus discovered modern humans have roughly twice as many uniquely distinct traits as Neanderthals. In other words, Neanderthals are more like the other members of our family tree than modern humans are.

"In the broader sweep of human evolution, the more unusual group is not Neanderthals, whom we tend to look at as strange, weird and unusual, but it's us, modern humans," Trinkaus said.

Modern humans, for example, are the only members of our family tree who lack brow ridges, Trinkaus said. "We are the only ones who have seriously shortened faces. We are the only ones with very reduced internal nasal cavities. We also have a number of detailed features of the limb skeleton that are unique."

Trinkaus published his findings in the August 2006 issue of the journal Current Anthropology.


100,000 Year Old Skull Found

By Wang Shanshan (China Daily)

An almost complete human skull fossil that could date back 100,000 years was unearthed in Henan last month, Chinese archaeologists announced Tuesday.

"It is the greatest discovery in China after the Peking Man and Upper Cave Man skull fossils were found in Beijing early last century, and will shed light on a critical period of human evolution," said Shan Jixiang, director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

All the fossils from Beijing were lost during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45).

The Henan find was made after two years of excavation at the site in Xuchang. Archaeologists have worked on an area of 260 sq m, merely one-hundredth of the Paleolithic site.

"We expect more discoveries of importance," said Li Zhanyang, archaeologist with the Henan cultural relics and archaeology research institute, who leads the excavation.

The fossil consisted of 16 pieces of the skull with protruding eyebrows and a small forehead. More astonishing than the completeness of the skull is that it still has a fossilized membrane on the inner side, so scientists can track the nerves of the Paleolithic ancestors, Li said.

The pieces were fossilized because they were buried 5 m near the mouth of a spring, whose water had a high content of calcium.

Besides the skull, more than 30,000 animal fossils, and stone and bone artifacts were found in the small area in the past two years. The pieces of the human skull showed up just when archaeologists were going home for the Spring Festival.

"It was freezing cold and digging was difficult. We planned to leave the next day when one of us saw something like part of a human skull," said Li.

"It was 9 am, and only an hour earlier we joked and said: 'Let's get a skull today'.

"And there it was."

The Paleolithic site was discovered in 1965, when IVPP scientists found animal fossils and stone artifacts from soil dug for a well. Excavation started in June 2005.

Earlier, human skull fossils discovered in the country were:

Five of the Peking Man in Beijing (dating back 200,000 to 700,000 years).

Three of the Upper Cave Man, also in Beijing (about 18,000 years).

One Jinniushan Man in Liaoning (150,000 years).

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