Creating trust in critical network infrastructures: Netherlands case study
Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures:
Netherlands Case Study
This case study was prepared by Michel Schut, a postgraduate student of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the Delft University of Technology, under the supervision of Ivo Essenberg, Project Manager – New Initiatives, International Telecommunication Union: <mailto:>. This study is part of a series of country case studies prepared for the ITU New Initiatives Workshop Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures to be held in the Republic of Korea, from 20 to 22 May, 2002. The author is thankful to Simone Meijer, Ronald van der Luit, Klaas Bouma and Tim de Kamper of the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Jaap Akkerhuis of the Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland (SIDN) and to the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the Delft University of Technology, in particular to Samir Daskapan, Rudi Westerveld and Wander van den Berg. This study has been undertaken under the auspices of ITU, however, the information contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of ITU or its membership, nor those of the Netherlands Administration.
This case study was prepared by Michel Schut, student, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the Delft University of Technology under the supervision of Ivo Essenberg, Project Manager – New Initiatives, International Telecommunication Union, >. This study is part of a series of country case studies prepared for the ITU New Initiatives Workshop Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures to be held in the Republic of Korea, from May 20 to 22, 2002. The author is thankful to Simone Meijer, Ronald van der Luit, Klaas Bouma and Tim de Kamper of the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Jaap Akkerhuis of the Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland (SIDN) and to the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the Delft University of Technology, in particular to Samir Daskapan, Rudi Westerveld and Wander van den Berg. This study has been undertaken under the auspices of ITU and the information herein does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Netherlands Administration.
Table of contents
1. Introduction...... 4
1.1 Country background...... 4
1.2 Information Society in the Netherlands...... 5
1.3 Telecommunications market...... 6
2. Networks...... 7
2.1 Organization of networks...... 7
2.2 Internet Networks...... 7
2.3 Internet Hierarchy...... 8
2.4 Vulnerability and Reliability of networks...... 8
Denial of Service attacks...... 10
3. Networks in the Netherlands...... 11
3.1 Network Infrastructure...... 11
3.2 Organizations currently involved in networks...... 12
3.3 Financial Networks...... 13
3.4 Vulnerabilities in the Netherlands...... 15
3.4.1 Weaknesses in The Netherlands...... 16
3.5 Information initiatives...... 17
4. Regulatory Climate...... 18
4.1 Regulation at European level...... 18
4.2 Regulation at national level...... 18
5. Current Initiatives...... 19
5.1 International level...... 19
5.1.1 The European Commission...... 19
5.1.2 DNSSEC...... 19
5.2 National level...... 20
6. Conclusion...... 21
Appendix 1. Literature...... 22
1.1Country background
1.2Information society in the Netherlands
1.3Telecommunication market
2.1Organization of networks
2.2Internet networks
2.3Internet hierarchy
2.4Vulnerability and reliability of networks
2.5Denial of service attacks
3Networks in the Netherlands
3.1Network infrastructure
3.2Organizations currently involved in networks
3.3Financial networks
3.4Vulnerabilities in the Netherlands
3.5Information initiatives
4Regulatory Climate
4.1Regulation at European level
4.2Regulation at national level
5Current initiatives
5.1International level
5.1.1The European Commission
5.2National level
Appendix 1: References...... 24
11. Introduction
It is a generally acknowledged fact that our dependence on networks grows is growing at a rapid rate, especially in the field of computing. More and more of our daily activities use data networks, be it for transfer of information or communication between geographically diverse locations. Hence, our need for trust in critical network infrastructures increases on an almost daily basis. Attacks against our infrastructuresonly show us how much we need these infrastructures to be available, reliable and secure.
The present case study offers an overview of the Netherlands in the area of critical network infrastructures. It was written in preparation for the ITU New Initiatives symposium Workshop ‘Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures’. The study focuses mainly on data networks, including financial networks, and mainly from an infrastructure perspective, not rather than from an end-user perspective. The study includes both private and public networks and looks at the environment needed to guarantee applications being available and secure. Points Naturally, points of view differ on theon which requirements will differare necessary, depending on the application in question.
The study aims at bringingto bring together the views of both the public and the private sector. Achieving trust in critical network infrastructures will require both sides to work together, through a combination of information, regulation and investment. As such, it is hoped that this study will serve as a medium catalyst for the exchange of information between the relevant parties in the Netherlands.
1.11.1 Country background
The Netherlands is a Western European country with a population of 15’981’47215,981,472[1]. It covers 41,526 km2 and, with a population density of 385 inhabitants per square kilometer, it is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Its capital is Amsterdam, while The Hague is the seat of the Ggovernment. Rotterdam is home to the largest port in the world, with a 2000 throughput of 322 million metric tons[2]. Table 1.1 provides an overview of some relevant social and economic indicators for the country.
The Netherlands is an open economy depending heavily on foreign trade and is known for its role as a European transportation hub, in part due to its large road transport sector. In 1999, its trade revenue represented 116% per cent of the country’s Gross gross Domestic domestic Productproduct[3] and was growing at a rate of over 6six% per cent per annum. In the same year, services formed 74% per cent of the GDP of the country[4].
The Netherlands have always been active on the international scene, and especially in the area of regional or international cooperation. In 1944, the Netherlands formed an economic union with Belgium and Luxemburg, BENELUX. In 1949, it was one of the founding members of NATO.
In 1951, the country was one of the founders of the predecessor to the European Union, the European Coal and Steel Community. After joining the Euro zone in 1999, the Netherlands was one of the first countries to completely phase out its national currency, the Guilder, in January 2002.
1.21.2 Information Society society in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is very active in developing its telecommunications infrastructure. In 1999, the country invested almost USD 3.5 billion in telecommunications infrastructure[5], an increase of 67% per cent over the previous year. In the year 2000, there were 10.7 million cellular subscribers and over 3.8 million Internet users[6]. With 2’155’635 2,155,635 Internet hosts in July 2000, the Netherlands ranks 6th sixth in the world with a host density of 1’360 1,360 per 10’000 10,000 inhabitants[7].
Table 1.1: Basic economic and demographic indicators for the Netherlands
1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999Population (000s) / 15’500 / 15’600 / 15’642 / 15’745 / 15’839
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Million EUR) / 290’302 / 300’323 / 319’814 / 340’585 / 372’600
GDP (million USD) / 398’593 / 392’565 / 360’478 / 378’359 / 396’668
GDP per capita (USD) / 25’716 / 25’164 / 23’045 / 24’031 / 25’043
Annual investment in telecommunication (million USD) / 1’710 / 1’606 / 1’627 / 2’068 / 3’447
Source: ITU World Telecommunication Indicators
Note: Exchange rate used Dutch Guilders to Euro conversion: 2.20371
There are many reasons factors which have made the Netherlands into one of the major network hubs in Europe. The availability of highly skilled labor, a population whose vast majority speak English as a second language and its favorable tax environment are just some of the advantages that the country offers. As a result, in 2000, the Netherlands was home to 7 seven of the 78 Internet Exchange points in Europe, compared to 12 in the United Kingdom, 6 six in France and onlyjust1 one in Germany[8]. Of the top 10 ten international Internet routes, 5 five connect to Amsterdam[9]. In 2000, Amsterdam was the second largest international Internet hub and one of the five European cities with 5 five or more Metropolitan Area Networks[10]. In terms of international backbone routes, 13 of the top 50 routes in Europe connect to Amsterdam[11].
In 20002, the Information Society Index, a composite index based on computer, Internet, information and social infrastructure, ranks the Netherlands as6sixthth in the world[12], up from tenth10th in 2000. The Netherlands score especially high in the area of information infrastructure which provides a score for the number of phone lines per household and their quality, the cost of local calls, television, radio, fax and cellular phone ownership and access to cable television.
1.31.3 Telecommunications market
The Netherlands has a highly active telecommunications market. The Dutch government started the path towards liberalization by its partial privatization of the incumbent operator, KPN, in 1994. In 1996, the Fixed Telecommunications Infrastructure Licences Act started the liberalization of fixed telecommunications infrastructure.
telecommunications infrastructure.
1997 saw the introduction of the Competition Act and the OPTA law which established an independent regulatory authority, OPTA, and opened the market to competition. At this date, all telecommunication services[13], except for local calls and telex, were open to competition. At the end of 1999, there were 95 licensed operators for fixed services[14]. In July 2000, there were 60 authorized international carriers, ranking the Netherlands 8th eighth in the world[15]. In 1999, the country was home to 130 Internet Service service Providersproviders[16]. In the fixed line market, the Netherlands offers high quality connections with a very low number of faults per year (27 per 1000 lines in 2000[17]) and competitive rates compared to most countries.
The Dutch government is also highly active in the development of network security in such areas as emergency response networks, security of transactions and security of actual networks. A national emergency network, the “Nationaal Noodnet”, has been put in place, consisting of 17 digital phone switch offices, with a capacity of 7’000 7,000 to 10’000 10,000 connections. The targeted availability of this network is 100% per cent through a combination of technical measures[18].
Aside from these activities at national level, the Dutch government is also closely tracking a number issues at international level, such as internetInternet management and European network security activities. The country actively participates in such policy fora forums as the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), the European Union and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
22. Networks
3 Organization of networks
In order to be able to define the problem area and provide an accurate description of networks involved, it is necessary to understand the concept of networks and how they are used. Walrand[19] defines communication networks as follows:“A communication network is a set of nodes that are interconnected to permit the exchange of information.”
Figure 2.1: Network nodes
“A communication network is a set of nodes that are interconnected to permit the exchange of information.”
Figure 2.1 Network nodes
So a network consists of nodes and interconnections. Nodes can be of two types, terminal nodes and communication nodes. Terminal nodes generate or use information on the network.
Communication nodes are used to receive and transfer information. These terminal nodes can be telephones, but also personal computers, televisions, servers and so on. Examples of the communication nodes are hubs, telephone centrals and switches. The physical interconnection can be copper wire, radio waves, optical fiber and cable. Information may be voice, sounds, graphics, pictures, video, text or data.
This information can be used between nodes using different kinds of transmission technology, Broadcast broadcast networks and Pointpoint-to-point networks.[20] Information that is broadcasted uses a single communication channel that is shared by all the machines on the network. Point-to-point networks use individual connection between pairs of machines. Often the type of information and its purpose define which kind of medium is used. Television signals are broadcasted while telephone signals use point-to-point connections.
But today a lot of systems are connected to each other and converging to more general systems. Almost all information can be converted to packages and send sent over the same networks. Most Ddata, video and, phone, services most of these services can be transmitted over the Internet. But the Internet can also use Cablecable, phone or satellite networks. Internet Nnetworks
The Internet is a worldwide network of networks, consisting of an amalgam of many different types of networks, connected together using the Internet Protocolprotocol (IP). These networks are interconnected by various arrangements. The traffic that goes over the internetInternet can be part of a provider/customer relationship, in which case it is called transit traffic or can be part of a peering arrangement. Often these interconnections take place at an Internet Exchange exchange (IX), a central, neutral,place point where various Internet Service service Providers providers exchange (peering) traffic. Peering agreements are usually based on the an agreement to carry an equivalent reciprocal quantity of traffic from the peering network.
Figure 2.2: Shapes of networks
Figure 2.2 Shapes of networks
There areNetwork types includeLocal local Area area Networks networks (LAN), Metropolitan metropolitan Area area Networks networks (MAN) and Wide wide Area area Networks networks (WAN). LANs are mostly used within a 1 km radius. They can be found within an office or on a campus. LANs often use broadcast technology and have simple topologies.,Most of the time it'susually either a ring or a bus topologiesy. MANs use broadcasting technology similar to LANs. Although LANs and MANs are extremely efficient, it's hard to scale them up across a whole country or continent. That is because the wire must do all the work and all packets are broadcasted all over the network. In a WAN hosts are connected to a subnet, which in turn consists of switching computers (routers) and transmission lines (trunks). Routers receive packets from a host. First it they buffers the packet and then decides on where the packet has to go and forwards it across the selected line. WANs subnets can have all kinds of topologies. Oftentimes, WANs are again interconnected with each other to a global network whereto every computer is connected. Internet Hhierarchy
Figure 2.3 Network hierarchy
If aA user gets who is online on using Internet,he will most likely connect to the network of his their Internet Service service Provider provider (ISP) and thus become part of that network and become a part of it. Connection is possible through a standardnormal telephone, but can also be made through via a company network with a private line or cable network. Local ISP’s can be interconnected with each other. The ISP may also then join to a lager network of another ISPs. This is often called a backbone ISP or Transport transport Providerprovider(TP). [21]. Using these ISP’s,one a user is able to reach others who are connected to this the same backbone ISP. Nearly all ISP’s and TP’s are attached linked to a National national Switchswitch. These switches are usually known as Internet Exchangesexchanges. International consortia have connections with these Internet Exchanges and connect these with other countries as well as with their own network. Some ISP’s, like UUNet for example, have there their own local networks and backbone -facilities. So they can operate regionally, nationally, and even internationalinternationally..[22] Vulnerability and Reliability reliability of networks
FAt first, it is important to get an image idea of what is meant by vulnerability is. The ministry Ministry of Iinternal Aaffairs of the Netherlands uses the following definition for vulnerability of information systems:
“The manifestation of threats to the functionality of an information system or responsibility area”.[23]
There are two aspects to this definition. The first one is that a system is considered vulnerable if the likelihood of a negative event is high. The second is the strength of the impact of such anthat the impact of such an event eventhas a strong impact on the system concerned.
For instance, if a packet is lost while it is being transmitted, but and it is very easy to send another one, then the vulnerability is not considered high. Even if the rate of packet loss is elevatedincreased, this is not an issue, unlessuntil the system is not able to correct the problem by resending packets.
Similarly, if an event has would have an serious impact on a system, but is highly unlikely to happenoccur, the vulnerability of the system is considered to be low.
Because it is necessary to rely on computers and networks there are three reliability demandsbasic requirements for reliability on computers and networks, namely: .a Availability, Integrity integrity and Confidentialityconfidentiality. If one of these demands requirements can be compromisedis in jeopardy, or compromised, a system is may be considered to be vulnerable. Availability is compromised when information is lost or not available when a user requests the information. Information is no longer available. Integrity is compromised when information is incorrectly altered: i. Inconsistent data is unreliable and needs has to be discarded. Finally, Iif information falls into the wrong hands, then the confidentiality is compromised.[24]
Failures in reliability can have all kindany numbers of causes, such as those such as shows shown in Ttable 2.1 below.
. Table 2.1: Causes of failure in networks
Natural disasters and break-down of electricity, telephone network / Fire, storm, float etc. can result in damage to buildings, computers and infrastructure / Availability, integrityTechnical failure / Malfunction of computers leads to data loss and data corruption / Availability, integrity
Virus / A Virus causes data loss, data mutation and unwanted e-mail traffic / Availability, integrity, confidentiality
Loss-theft / When laptops or computers are stolen or lost data can fall in wrong hands. / Availability, confidentiality
Unsupervised computers / Someone unauthorized can access information / Integrity, confidentiality
Ignorance and carelessness / Errors are made by people who aren’t well trained or careless / Availability, integrity, confidentiality
Purpose / People with access to computer can access data in order to commit fraud or sabotage. / Availability, integrity, confidentiality
Table 2.1: Causes of failure in networks
Viruses are programs with the purpose on conflictingintended to inflict damage to on computer and network systems. A computer virus will settle itselfinfiltrate in the system and execute all kinds of actions. Most The most common types of viruses are worms, “Trojan Horseshorses”, common executables, boot viruses and Macro macro viruses.