Creating a Works Cited in Noodletools

Getting Started:

  1. Log into Noodletools and create a “Project”
  2. Select “MLA Style” & “Junior” versions (if not already checked off)
  3. Name it “Colonial Brochure”
  4. Click on “Bibliography” at the top of the page to begin creating your works cited

A. Citing Your Textbook:

  1. Select a citation type – use the drop sown menu and click on “Book”
  2. Import information from “ISBN” – look for the barcode on your book and type in the number
  3. Click on the correct search result and import the selection
  4. Be sure to add another author if one exists – it does in this case
  5. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of your screen and check off the phrase that reads, “Be sure to include…”
  6. Submit your citation

B. Citing an Article from a Database:

  1. Select a citation type – use the drop down menu and click on “Database”
  2. You will be asked to determine what source your information came from: magazine, newspaper, journal, etc. Choose “Reference Source”
  3. BecauseABC CLIO has already created the citation for you (it’s at the bottom of the article), we have the ability to do a “Quick Cite: Copy & Paste” in Noodletools. Go back to your article, copy the citation, go back to Noodletoools and paste in into the text box that appears
  4. Be sure to read the citation over because not all capitalization and punctuation may be correct
  5. Follow steps 5 & 6 from above
  6. Do this for each ABC CLIO article you used

C. Citing Images from ABC CLIO:

  1. Select a citation type – use the drop down menu and click on “Work of Visual Art”
  2. Choose the “Database” tab
  3. Manually enter the information Noodletools asks for:
  4. Name of the database – ABC CLIO
  5. URL – copy and paste
  6. Illustrator’s Name, if applicable
  7. Type of art
  8. Description of artwork – a few words about the piece
  9. Title of artwork
  10. Creation Date, if applicable
  11. Museum/Library/Private Collection – this info can appear under the image in parenthesis
  12. Follow steps 5 & 6 fromsection A
  13. Do this for each image you borrowed from ABC CLIO

D. Citing Your Video:

  1. Select a citation type – use the drop down the menu and click on “Video Clip (online)”
  2. Using the information provided by your teacher, fill in the criteria you can:
  3. Name of the Website
  4. Publisher of the Site
  5. Date of publication
  6. URL
  7. Title of the Video Clip
  8. Follow Steps 5 & 6 from section A

E. Citing a Website:

  1. Select a citation type – use the drop down the menu and click on “Website”
  2. Go back to the website to manually enter the information Noodletools wants:
  3. name of the webpage – this is not the link you clicked on to find your article but the original website the link is located in
  4. publisher of the site – scroll down to the bottom of your website to find a copyright symbol
  5. the URL – this should be the link’s URL you actually used
  6. title of the work you used.
  7. Check your citation for grammatical errors – look for yellow exclamation marks
  8. Follow steps 5 & 6 from section A
  9. Do this for every website you used

F. Citing images from the Internet:

  1. Select a citation type – use the drop down the menu and click on “Photo or Image (Born Digitally)”
  2. Be sure to work in the tab highlighted “Website”
  3. Manually enter the information Noodletools asks for:
  4. Name of the website – not the URL (i.e. History Channel)
  5. URL – copy and paste
  6. Photographer/Illustrator’s Name, if applicable
  7. Type of image - photo
  8. Description of photo/image – a few words about the piece
  9. Title of photo/image
  10. Date, if applicable
  11. Check your citation for grammatical errors – look for yellow exclamation marks
  12. Follow steps 5 & 6 from section A
  13. Do this for every website image you used

G. Printing your Works Cited:

  1. Get to the HJMS LMC and enter the “How To Pages…”
  2. Watch the minute-long video to assist you in this process!