Creating a user classification field using the Authoring Tool
The default incident request offering in Server manager 2012 uses the same incident classification list as service manager 2010. The incident classification list can be challenging for the end user as it has several categories and sub-categories.
The goal is to setup a portal classification category list. This list will be displayed to end users using a custom incident request offering.
The benefit of this solution is, you can separate the internal classification of incidents used by the Service management team designed IT post triage which differs from the initial user classification. This approach simplifies the portal for the end user (not possible in 2010) when selecting self-classification.
Extend the Incident Management Class
Launch the SCSM Authoring Tool | Run As Admin /New Management Pack /
Specify a friendly Management Pack name. NB no spaces allowed use [.] to separate the words e.g.
You rename in the authoring tool. /
We are extending the incident class so select |Right Hand Side | Class Browser |Incident Management Library /
Select View | Incident Management Library Opens on Left Hand Side /
Incident Management Library (sealed) | Classes | Incident | Right Click and select Extend class /
Select the management pack you created |OK /
Select Extension of Incident | Change the Class Name and Description /
Click Create Property /
Specify Internal Name (No Spaces) /
Create /
In the details pane of the property | Modify the name field below the Internal name (you can separate words) /
Change the data type to List |Details |Data Type
NB No OK button so Click List and move mouse to another area /
All Lists are presented |Select Create List… /
Specify the Internal Name (no spaces)
Provide a display name
Optionally provide a description
Click Create /
Click OK /
Save the Management Pack /
Customize the default form
Click on Forms browser /Select Service manager Incident Management Library as the Management Pack /
Right Click |System.WorkItem.Incident.ConsoleForm |Click View /
Service Manager Incident Management Library MP opens and shows the 2 forms |Click Customize on the Right hand Side
Select an Unsealed MP and Click OK /
Forms Customization Toolbox |Select Label |Click and Drag the label to the Form | /
Forms Customization Toolbox |Select List Picker |Click and Drag the list Picker to the Form |NB Drag and Stretch to fit as required /
With the List Picker on the form selected | Find the binding Path property in the details pane |Click on the Eclipse […] /
Select User Classification and Click OK /
Save the Management Pack /
Seal the Management Pack
Right Click the Unsealed MP |Select Seal Management Pack /Verify success and click on Close /
Create a new Unsealed MP called Custom.Incident.User. Classification.List /
Save the Management pack
Import the sealed and Unsealed MPs into SCSM Console
SCSM Console | Administration |Management Packs | Import /Browse to the management Pack and Click Open
Change the File Type to MP files(*.mp) /
Click Import /
Import the Unsealed Management Pack for storing the list items /
In the Library |Lists |Select the new List Item
Click On properties /
Add Items to the list /
You are prompted for an unsealed management pack for the first list item. Select the Classification List unsealed management pack or optionally create one. Note I create all MPs in the authoring tool to preserve friendly names when you export the MP /
Repeat for total number of Items /
SCSM Console /SCSM Self-Service Portal
Custom Published Request offering /