Creating a Playlist with DADPro32
Introduction / This chapter will outline the procedures on how to create a playlist using DADPro32.In this chapter / This chapter is divided into 1 section:
Section / Description / see page
1 / Creating a Playlist using the DADPro32terminal / 2
2 / Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel / 5
3 / Importing a Playlist into the DADPro32 / 11
4 / Chaining Playlists / 14
5 / Standards for Live and Automated Shows / 15
Creating a Playlist using the DADPro32 terminal
Loading the Playlist modifier / Step / Action1 / Open the DADPro32 program by double-clicking on the DADPro32 Network icon on the desktop.
2 / Click on the Library icon on the top of the screen.
3 / Click on the Playlist icon on the top of the Library screen.
4 / You will see a blank playlist entry screen. Here is where you will enter all cuts that will outline your playlist.
What are Library Groups? / Library Groups are the different categories of CutID’s that are in DADPro32. The different groups that Qute uses are:
Group / CutIDRange / Description
Commands / 00010 – 00099 / Displays all CutID’s for command files.
Liners / 00100 – 00199 / Displays all CutID’s for station liners.
AURN/MIXSHOWS / 00200 – 00299 / Displays all CutID’s for AURN spots and Mix Shows.
Voices / 00300 – 00499 00600 – 00699 / Displays all CutID’s for Voice over files (by show).
Underwriting / 00500 – 00599 / Displays all CutID’s for Underwriting files.
PSA / 00700 – 00799 / Displays all CutID’s for Public Service Announcements.
SPA / 00800 – 00999 / Displays all CutID’s for station promotional announcements.
Music / 01000 – 99999 / Displays all CutID’s for all Music files.
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Creating a Playlist using the DADPro32 terminal, continued
Creating a playlist / To create a playlist in the Playlist Modifier screen:Step / Action
1 / Follow steps 1-3 on page 2 of this chapter to open the Playlist Modifier screen.
2 / After selecting a library group, click and drag the desired CutID in the empty right box.
You will know the CutID has been moved when the detail of the CutID is listed within the right box.
You will need to keep track of all songs that you will play on the playlist selection log sheet. If you’d like, you can outline your playlist on a playlist selection log sheet prior to creating the playlist in DADPro32.
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Creating a Playlist using the DADPro32 terminal, continued
Saving the Playlist / Step / Action1 / Click on the Save button in the Playlist Modifier box.
2 / A window will be displayed with an entry box requesting a name for the playlist. The name may be from one to eight alphanumeric characters long. In addition to letters and numbers, you can use these symbols: _, ^, $, ~, !, #, %, &, , {}, (), @, ' and `.
The name should contain the day of the week the show will be aired and something else that indicates when the show will air. For instance, the playlist name of the Wednesday 10am – 2pm show is ‘WED10A2P’. You can use whatever name makes sense for your show.
3 / Enter the air date and time as the description. For example, to save a playlist for a Wednesday 10am – 2pm show that will air on Wednesday, 1/9/2016, enter the description as ‘Airs@10am 1/9/16’. The Group should remain as ‘All’.
4 / Click on the Save button.
Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel
Why would I need to use Excel? / Since you have the capability of importing playlists into the DADPro32program, you can use Microsoft Excel to outline what CutID’s you would like to play. This method will allow you to create a playlist in the comfort of your own home; or, any place where you have a computer with Excel loaded. It is also quicker and simpler to do.What you will need / In order to create a playlist in Microsoft Excel that can be imported into the DADPro32 program, you will need the following:
- A computer with Microsoft Excel version 95 or higher loaded,
- A Playlist Blank with Log.xls file. This file will be used as your template for laying out your show,
- A Computer Library.xls file. This file will list all CutID’s by Library group that you will need to layout your show,
- A Playlist 2.xls file. This file is the current 50 song playlist (only needed if using Playlist Blank.xls),
- Athumb drive. This will be used to transport your playlist to the station for loading into the automation system.
Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel, continued
The Playlist Blank with Log Spreadsheet / The Playlist Blank with Log spreadsheet is the template that you will use to create your automated show.On the Playlist sheet which is the first sheet tab in the spreadsheet, you will see the following columns:
- Column A – the CUTID column. This column will contain the cutid for the song that you will play.
- Column B – the Agency column. This column will contain the Artist name of the song that you will play.
- Column C – the Title column. This column will contain the Title of the song that you will play.
- Column D – the Length column. This column will contain the Length of the song that you will play.
- Column E – the Real Time column. This column will display the Real Time of your show based on the Start Time + the song’s length.
- Column F – the Delay column. This column will contain the delay that will occur between each song that you play. The delay is the segue seconds between each song.
- Column G – the Override Delay column. If you would like to override the default delay (which is 1 second for a song, voice-over, or liner; and, 0 seconds for underwriting), you would enter the seconds in this column. For instance, if you want your voice-over to start 3 seconds into the song following your voice, enter a ‘3’ in the voice-over cutid row.
- Column H – the Total Cuts column. This column will display the number of times you’ve played that rows cutid during your show.
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Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel, continued
The Playlist Blank with Log Spreadsheet, continued / The first row contains:- The Start Time. This is the time that you entered when you opened the Playlist Blank document.
- The DBF button. When you are finished creating your playlist, the final step is to press this button. This will create a file that will be imported into the DADPro32 program. NOTE: This option cannot be used in Excel Versions 2007 or higher!
- The ASC button. This button can also be used to create a file that will be imported into the DADPro32 program. This will allow the file to be created in ALL versions of Microsoft Excel.
- The PSL button. The first step after opening the Playlist Blank and the Playlist 2 document is to press this button. This will create a Playlist Selection Log in your document.
- The Refresh button. If you need to insert a row between two cutid’s or if your time is incorrect, please the Refresh button to refresh all formulas.
- The Total Time. This is a sum of all cutid lengths in your show.
- The PRT button. After creating your playlist, you will need to print your playlist. To do so, you will need to press this button. A copy of your playlist should be placed in the Program Log book in the air studio.
- the time you’ve played a playlist song on your show,
- how many times you’ve played a playlist song on your show,
- the CUTID, Agency, Title and Length of the playlist song, and
- columns that allow you to filter what playlist you have (playlist A, B, C or D).
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Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel, continued
Filtering a Playlist / Each regular show is assigned to either the Playlist A (Songs 1-25), Playlist B (Songs 26 –50), Playlist C (all odd Songs) or Playlist D (all even Songs). On the Playlist Selection Log sheet within the template file, Columns N-Q on the Playlist Selection Log sheet enables you to filter only the songs that you are assigned to play. For instance, if you are assigned to Playlist A, you can click on the small down arrow in that column and click on the ‘True’ value. This will hide all other songs except for Songs 1-25.Printing the Playlist Selection Log / After you are finished laying out your show, you can print the Playlist Selection log by either selecting File, then Print; or, by pressing the Print icon on the tool bar. Only columns A-J will print. Also, after your log has been printed, you should write in the date your show will air on the given space on the log. A copy of the playlist selection log should be place in the Playlist Selection Log book in the air studio.
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Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel, continued
The Computer Library.xls document / This spreadsheet will contain all available cutid’s that you will use to outline your show. You’ll notice that the Computer Library.xls file is divided into 6 sheets:- Sheet 1 – ‘As of {Date Time}’: This contains the date and time that the Computer Library.xls file was created.
- Sheet 2 – ‘Songs’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for all available songs.
- Sheet 3 – ‘Liners’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for all available liner files.
- Sheet 4 – ‘Voices’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for all available voice-over files.
- Sheet 5 – ‘Underwriting’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for all available Underwriting. The last 2-digits of the cutid indicates what number is assigned to that Underwriting which is indicated on your Program Log.
- Sheet 6 – ‘SPA’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for SPA announcements.
- Sheet 7 – ‘PSA’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for public service announcements.
- Sheet 8 – ‘AURN’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for American Urban Radio Network spots.
- Sheet 9 – ‘Commands’: This sheet contains all cutid’s for DADPro32 commands.
- Cut – Contains the cutid. The cutid is uniquely assigned to every item in the Computer Library.
- Agency – The artist of the song (if on the Songs sheet) or a description of the liner, spa, underwriting, etc.
- Title – The name of the song, liner, spa, underwriting, etc.
- Length – The total duration of the cutid.
- Group – The genre or category of the song or cutid item.
- Start Date – The date that the cutid was entered into automation.
- # Plays – The total number of times that the cutid has played since it was entered into automation.
- Last Play Date – The date that the cutid was last played.
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Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel, continued
Outlining Your Playlist / After you have saved the Playlist Blank with Log file as a new name, the next step is to start outlining your show. Here are the steps that you need to follow:Step / Action
1 / If you are not already there, click on the Playlist sheet.
2 / Open the Computer Library.xls file.
3 / Determine what cutid you would like to play FIRST on your show. If you want to start your show with a song, go to the ‘Songs’ sheet and find that song. You can either scroll thru the list OR you can use the filter arrows above each column to find that song. Once the song has been found, highlight the cutid, agency, title and length of that song. Then, select Edit, Copy.
Note: When you highlight those 4 cells, you’ll notice that the first cell does not turn dark blue like the other 3 cells. Even though this happen, the cell is still being highlighted.
4 / Switch back to your playlist file by selecting the file from the Window menu.
Note: You should get to know how to switch back and forth between your open Excel files. You will be doing this often.
5 / Select the first cell under the ‘Start Time:’ column (cell A2) and select Edit, Paste.
Follow steps 3-5 above for each cutid that you would like to play during your show. (You will need to paste in the cutid’s UNDER the song that you already have in your playlist.)
After pasting in the song, you’ll notice that the length of the song will be added to the Start Time of your show. This result will be displayed next to the song that you’ve just pasted in. Also, the Total Time: is a sum of the song lengths in your playlist. You will use the Real Time column to determine what time a cutid is played.
If you need to insert a row in between cutid’s, press the REFRESH button on the top of the Playlist screen to refresh the formulas.
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Creating a Playlist using Microsoft Excel, continued
Creating theImport file / After your playlist has been completed, the next step is to create a file that will need to be imported into the DADPro32program in either the production or air studio. To create this file:
Step / Action
1 / Save your playlist by selecting File, Save.
2 / Insert your thumb drive into your computer.
3 / Highlight all cutid’s that you want in your show starting with cell A2.
4 / Press the DBF or ASC button.
5 / Press the Yes button if you’ve highlighted your cutid’s.
6 / In the ‘Look In’ box, change the drive to whatever drive letter your thumb drive is assigned to. Type in a file name in the ‘File Name’ box. The name may be from one to eight alphanumeric characters long. In addition to letters and numbers, you can use these symbols: _, ^, $, ~, !, #, %, &, , {}, (), @, ' and `.
7 / Click on the Save button.
8 / Close the DBF or TEXT file by selecting File, Close. Do not save the changes.
9 / If you want to create another DBF or ASC file with remaining cutid’s in your playlist, follow steps 3-8 above. After you are done, exit your playlist.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not have the ability to load the show yourself and is in need to send it to someone else for loading, all showsthat will air the next week (from Sunday to Friday) are due by 5pm on Saturday. All Saturday shows are due by the Thursday before they air. This way, the individual responsible will have enough time to load it into the automation computer.
Importing a Playlist into the DADPro32 terminal
Importing your DBF File into the DADPro32program / After creating your playlist in Microsoft Excel; and, after creating a DBF file from the playlist, you will need to import the DBF file into the DADPro32program. To import your playlist into the DADPro32 program which is located on the computer in the production or air studio:Step / Action
1 / Insert your thumb drive into the automation computer. This is the drive that contains your import file.
2 / If not already open, start the DADPro32 program by double-clicking on the DADPro32 Network icon on the desktop.
3 / Click on the Library icon on the top of the screen.
4 / Click on the Playlist icon on the top of the Library screen.
5 / Press the Playlist button on the top right of the ‘Playlist Modify’ box.
6 / Click on the Import button.
7 / Type the drive letter assigned to your thumb drive in the ‘Enter directory to Import from:” box and press the TAB key (the default setting is F:\DAD\IMPORT).
8 / Single-click on your DBF file in the ‘file to import’ box. Also, select DADpro playlist in the filter type box. Click on the Import button.
9 / Single-click on your imported playlist in the selection list and click on the Load button.
Note: The name of the playlist is the same name as your DBF file.
10 / Click on the Save button in the Playlist Modifier box.
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Importing a Playlist into the DADPro32 terminal, continued
Importing your DBF File into the DADPro32program, continued / Step / Action11 / A window will be displayed with an entry box requesting a name for the playlist. The name may be from one to eight alphanumeric characters long. In addition to letters and numbers, you can use these symbols: _, ^, $, ~, !, #, %, &, , {}, (), @, ' and `.
The name should contain the day of the week the show will be aired and something else that indicates when the show will air. For instance, the playlist name of the Wednesday 10am – 2pm show is ‘WEDUPTW’. You can use whatever name makes sense for your show.
12 / Enter the air date and time as the description. For example, to save a playlist for a Wednesday 10am – 2pm show that will air on Wednesday, 1/9/2016, enter the description as ‘Airs@10am 1/9/16’. The Group should remain as ‘All’.
13 / Click on the Save button.
Chaining Playlists