Create-A-Sanction Assignment

Each student will be required to create a juvenile sanction to combat a specific juvenile crime (ex: gang activity) or juvenile crime in general (ex: violent crime, non-violent crime). You are given the opportunity to be creative with this assignment. However, you should use the information and knowledge that you have acquired throughout the semester to create a sanction or policy that can be successful in the American juvenile justice system.

The idea is not to use a sanction that is already in use in the juvenile justice system, but to create your own sanction. Based on what you’ve learned, and what you know, what would be a good sanction to implement and use when dealing with certain juvenile offenders? Why do you think it would be successful? How would it be implemented? And who would the sanction apply to?

What would make your juvenile justice sanction more successful than someone else’s, or more importantly, more successful than sanctions that are already in place? How can it be successful? Remember, you are not only proposing a sanction to implement but you are trying to pitch or “sell” the idea to me. To help you do this, pretend that I am a juvenile justice administrator for the state and I am looking to implement new policies.

There is no page limit for this assignment. However, you must be concise and address key points. You will be graded on your creativity, the feasibility of the sanction, how you present the sanction and your content. This assignment is worth 50 points and will be due on Monday, March 27th.