Cellular Variety Packet

You will finish the following packet using: the “Kids Discover CELLS” reader (or KDC) along with this worksheet; the Microviewers, and the #10 (cells of your body) and #51 (animal tissues) slide sets along with the two worksheet pages; and any other work you find helpful (ie. Cell Study Guide.) Keep in mind: the goal of this work is to study and think about (reflect on) the similarities and differences in cell types.

Part 1. Microviewers

Using the handouts- “Cells of your body” (set 10) and the microviewer drawing page, draw and answer the questions. When you are finished, continue on to part two- do not hand in your work yet.

Part 2. Kids Discover CELLS (and Cell Study Guide)

1. Create a graphic organizer below that explains how the six types of cells (muscle, fat/adipose, nerve, blood, bone, skin) are related to each other (you may make a drawing, table, Venn diagram, chart, etc…) Your graphic organizer can demonstrate the similarities and differences in the cell types, locations, cell parts, or cell functions.

2. Using all of the following terms, write a short paragraph that describes how cells vary: Prokaryote, Eukaryote, bacteria, organelles, cell wall, cell membrane, Ribosome, DNA.

3. Using the table below, and pages 4-7 of the KDC, fill in the columns with the cell organelles and processes that relate to each macromolecule. An example has been done for you.

Proteins / Carbohydrates / Nucleic Acids / Lipids (fats)
Golgi- where proteins are kept until they are used in or outside the cell.

4. Who’s That? Match each name with the person’s accomplishment.

____1. Walther Flemming a. gave cells their name

____2. Robert Brown b. showed that the structure of DNA is a double Helix

____3. Anton van Leeuwenhoek c. advanced the cell theory of life.

____4. Francis Crick d. used dye to see cells better

____5. Robert Hooke e. disproved theory of spontaneous generation

____6. Louis Pasteur f. first saw living cells under a microscope

____7. Theodor Schwann g. showed that the nucleus is an important part of a cell

5. Find 3 items in the KDC that you would consider “New” scientific information. Explain in a paragraph below what is new, how it is related to cells, and what benefit it is to us or another organism.

Part 3. Stem Cell article (from Mr. R) and KDC:

Read page 17 of KDC for information on Stem cells. Then give an example of a problem that a person might have and how the scientific use of stem cell research might help.