NACE Chicago Section & Chicago Region Committee on Underground Corrosion
The C.R.C.U.C. is associated with the
NACE International Technical Exchange Group – 022x
From: Kimberly-Joy Harris
To: All Interested in theAnnual NACE – Chicago Section / C.R.C.U.C Joint“Vendors Day” Event
Subject: Display Registration
The exhibits for the 2017, annual C.R.C.U.C./ NACE – Chicago Section Joint Vendors Day will be held at, theHarrah’s Casino & Hotel, 151 Joliet St., Joliet, IL, Nevada Roomfrom 9:00 a.m. to 3p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, 2016. Hotel rooms at a special rate are available at $75.00/night. Go to
or call 1-800 HARRAHS to book your room using group code NACE17. The cut-off date for the special rate is 12/19/2016; if rooms are still available after that date then people will continue to get the discounted rate.
Something New from 2016:
- We will offer four (4) display options and three (3) donations only options:
- Displaying Options
- $275.00 per Display spot, table or free standing booth.
- $325.00 Display with the addition of company name/logo on vendor sign at the door.
- $375.00 Display with the additional of company name/logo on our website for one (1) year.
- $425.00 for all display options 1, 2 & 3.
oDonation onlyOptions (Not intending to Display)
1. $50.00 company name/logo on vendor sign at the door.
2. $100.00 for company name/logo on our website for one (1) year.
3. $150.00 for both donation options 1 and 2.
- NOTE: We are limited to 50 vendor spots on a first come basis.
Setup of the displays will begin at 8:30 am. Starting at 9:30 am each vendor will be given a maximum of ten minutes to introduce themselves and to go into details about their company and products. The meeting will break for lunch at 11:30 am. Any vendors whose presentation cannot be accommodated prior to lunch will be allowed time before the business meeting. Following lunch will be the C.R.C.U.C. Business Meeting. Vendors are welcome to meet with Attendees during the lunch break and following the Business Meeting. At the vendors option, exhibits may remain in place during and after the Business Meeting, but the must be removed prior to 3:00 pm.
Tabletop or Full floor displays can be used this year,with location on a first come first served basis.So, PLEASE indicate on your application, if you will require Tabletop or Floor Space. Standard electrical outlets will be provided at no additional cost. Displays, breakfast, lunch and the business meeting will be in the same room.
Costwill include banquet hall, display space, coffee/donuts for breaks, overhead projector (PowerPoint) and lunch.We are able to accept credit cards at the door, it is preferred that you bring your credit card to the meeting to pay that morning. Or, if you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to Chicago NACE Section and mail it to c/o Phil Zack at: 13302 So. Oakview Court, Palos Heights, IL 60463. Phil can be reached at (708) 288-6809
Please provide the following information:
Company Name______Contact Name______
Phone #______Number attending______
Address______E-Mail Address______
Table Space ______Floor Space ______
We look forward to seeing you at the Vendor Show on Jan10, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact me at (219) 864-5467 or . Cheers,Kimberly-Joy.
- Chairman - - Co-Chair - -Web Master-
Phil Zack Steve Padden Kimberly-Joy Harris
EN Engineering Corrpro Companies, Inc Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
(708) 288-6809 (630) 504-7123 (219) 381-0429
Rectifier and mutual bond directory (Form #101.1) to be filled out by protection system owner, only. This form must be completed and forwarded to the Chicago Region Secretary immediately after the rectifier system is energized or interference tests for mutual bonds have been completed.