Crafts Syllabus
Welcome to the world of art. In the following weeks you will be learning about and exploring many different forms of art. We will study famous artist and their works and we will also be creating our own art work. We will learn about different art materials, art vocabulary, and methods of creating art, history and design.
Attendance: most of our art projects will be completed in the art room. Therefore your consistent attendance is required to do satisfactory work. If you are absent, you will be given time to catch up, but it may require some studio time during lunch if you are gone for an extended time.
Tardiest: Try to get to class on time. You will be considered tardy if you are not in your seat shortly after class begins. We will follow school protocol regarding detentions.
Papers: Please follow all stated guidelines and requirements for all written work. All assignments must have your first and last name, date and period of the day in order to receive credit.
Projects: Everyone works at a different pace. Most of your project due dates will be based on the average class time it takes to complete the project.
Extra credit: Must reflect a minimum of one hour of work in the current unit, media, or discipline that we are working on in class.
Grading: It is important to do your very best on every project. Your art grade is based on time and effort, participation, use of class time, quality of work, test and final projects. 100% = A+, 99% = A, 80% - 89% = B, 70% = C, 60% - 69% = D, Less 60% F.
Class rules: Please read and abide by the basic class rules posted on the wall by the door. Continued violation of these rules will result in time out, or after school detentions. A daily journal of vocabulary terms will be required to receive a grade, as class per routine.
Parent or student please sign, Thank You, Mr. Douglas