/ Minutes of the
Community Redevelopment Agency
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 28, 2013@ 6:30p.m.
Council Chamber, City Hall

CRA Minutes for October 28, 2013Page 1 of 5


Vice Chairman Gudis called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Boardmembers Present: Vice Chair Mike Gudis, Boardmember Paula Wheeler, Boardmember Ken Brown, Boardmember Robert Holmes

Boardmembers Absent: ChairmanJim Farley

Staff Present: Andy Houston, CRA Administrator;Michael Brannigan, City Attorney; Carol Harrington, City Clerk; Michelle K. Russell, Finance Director; Jackie Gorman, Planning Director; Dave Burnell, Director of Public Works


City Manager Houston requested that one additional item be added as 8-B, Regarding the term extension for the CRA.

Motion to adopt the Revised Agenda was made by BoardmemberWheeler; seconded by Boardmember Brown. Motion carried unanimously.


A.Approve Minutes of CRA Meeting held October 14, 2013

Motion to adopt the Consent Agenda was made by BoardmemberBrown; seconded by Boardmember Holmes. Motion carried unanimously.

  • Gerry Mulligan, 203 NW Bay Path Drive

Mr. Mulligan noted that he is a member of the CRAC of Crystal River. He wanted to note that they are in favor of extending the CRA and they think it makes a lot of sense, especially considering the consultant’s reports and all the challenges that are before Council. The business community supports the extension the CRA term.

Vice Chair Gudis thanked Mr. Mulligan and stated that he believes this to be a win/win situation all the way around.


City Attorney Brannigan has info on item 8-B if this Board has any questions.

  1. Consideration of Approving Resolution No. 13-R-44, Appropriating $17,500 as Matching Funding for a SWFWMD Grant that will Provide a Design for a Stormwater System for the Commercial Waterfront District and Portions of the Northeast Section of the City

Background: [Agenda Sheet Requested Motion: Motion to approve Resolution No. 13-R-44 appropriating $17,500.00 from the undesignated balance of the CRA Fund to provide 70% of the matching funding required to cover the costs of a cooperative project with the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) to develop a conceptual stormwater management plan for the commercial waterfront district.

Summary: A recent study conducted on the commercial waterfront district within the Community Redevelopment District identified the need to develop an area-wide stormwater system that would accommodate all or a significant portion of currently-required on-site stormwater retention. The need for such a system was tied to the need to free up more developable space on prime lots within the commercial waterfront district that have remained undeveloped for 40+ years.

The City of Crystal River and SWFWMD have worked together on several projects to improve spring and water quality within KingsBay and the CrystalRiver. As the next step in this effort, SWFWMD and the City propose to jointly develop a conceptual stormwater plan that would address both the area-wide system contemplated for the commercial waterfront district as well as long-term storm water treatment improvements for the northeast part of the city. The stormwater flow from both of these areas feeds into the northeast corner of King’s Bay and improvements to the treatment of that flow can most effectively be planned in unison. The conceptual plan will determine the sites that are feasible for area-wide stormwater retention and an order of magnitude cost projection for the improvements that would ultimately be required.

The intent is for the City and SWFWMD to split the projected $50,000 cost of this project on a 50/50 basis, with the city’s match to be allocated 70% to the CRA Fund and 30% to the Capital Improvement Fund

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.

Funding Information:

Project Cost: $17,500.00

Funding Source: 601-61552-99020 (CRA – Reserve Undesignated Projects)

Amount Available: $ 314,741 (FY14 budget allocation)End of Agenda Sheet]

Motion to approve Resolution No. 13-R-44, Appropriating $17,500 as Matching Funding for a SWFWMD Grant that will Provide a Design for a Stormwater System for the Commercial Waterfront District and Portions of the Northeast Section of the Citywas made by Boardmember Wheeler; seconded by Boardmember Holmes.

Council Discussion:

Boardmember Wheeler stated that this is truly a win/win and is the missing link for redevelopment.

Boardmember Brown agreed stating it is good for everyone. It is good for our downtown and good for environment of our Bay.

Boardmember Holmes also agreed. He is ready to get started tomorrow. His question was: Once we get the Agreement, how will this process work i.e., meetings, brainstorming, etc.

Mr. Houston, CRA Administrator explained that at this point, he envisions city staff and district staff handling the day-to-day work and report periodically to Council on the progress.

Mr. Holmes asked if he would be allowed to attend meetings that may take place. He has pulled out his Stormwater Notebook from studies conducted when he was on Council in 2003. This has also been something that he has had a particular interest in and would like to sit in to hear what is happening, i.e., where things are going, hear discussions, etc. Mr. Houston replied that they will try to let him know when the meetings are scheduled.

Motion carried 4/0.

  1. Consideration of Directing the CRA Administrator to (1) Publish the Required Public Notice for a Public Hearing Associated with the proposed extension of the term of the CRA, and (2) to send official notice to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the City of Crystal River-City Council regarding the CRA Board’s intent to see a 30-year extension of the CRA

Mr. Houston explained this was added was added tonight due to a misunderstanding on his part. It had originally been placed on the Council Agenda. Mr. Brannigan’s memorandum notes that this has to be initiated from the CRA Board and then Council, as well as the County being notified. The CRA Board and Council are made up of the same composition; however, the functions and responsibilities are entirely different.

Background: [Agenda Sheet Requested Motion: Directing the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA Administrator to (1) publish the required public notice for a Public Hearing associated with the proposed extension of the term of the CRA, and (2) to send official notice to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the City of Crystal River City Council regarding the CRA Board’s intent to see a 30-year extension of the CRA.

Summary: The current term of the CRA is scheduled to end in 2018. In the study recently completed on the Commercial Waterfront District within the CRA District, it was recommended that the City pursue a twenty-five (25) year extension of the CRA Plan in order to provide an ongoing funding source for the proposed improvements identified within that study. Under state statute, the City can extend the CRA Plan by up to 30 years, with the extended term being initiated as of the date of adoption. For the City, that would mean that a 30-year extension of the CRA Plan adopted in early 2014 would result in an extension of the Plan until 2043, for a new extension of twenty-five (25) years.

According to research done by the City Attorney, the process to extend the term of the CRA Plan needs to be initiated by the CRA Board rather than City Council. If the Board wishes to initiate this process tonight, it is requested that the CRA Administrator be given the following direction:

  1. To schedule a public hearing on this matter to be conducted during the November 12th CRA meeting, and to publish any required public notices related to that public hearing.
  1. To send official notice to both the BOCC and the City Council of the City of Crystal River advising those entities of the intent to extend the term of the CRA Plan.

Under state statute, the BOCC can object to the proposed modification to the Plan (i.e., extending the term), at which point the BOCC and the City Council would need to conduct a joint hearing to consider alternative plans. If the BOCC does not put the City on notice within 30 days of being formally advised of the City’s intent to modify the Plan through extending the term, the City can proceed to extend the term through ordinance adoption. At this point, it appears that this process could be completed by January, 2014, if the County does not formally object.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. End of Agenda Sheet]

Motion to direct the CRA Administrator to (1) Publish the Required Public Notice for a Public Hearing Associated with the proposed extension of the term of the CRA, and (2) to send official notice to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the City of Crystal River-City Council regarding the CRA Board’s intent to see a 30-year extension of the CRA, was made by Councilmember Wheeler; seconded by Councilmember Brown.

Council Discussion:

Boardmember Wheeler stated that the timing couldn’t be better. This Board, individually and collectively, have big plans for the CRA. As various plans have been discussed, we were always aware that if we started any other project, it may eliminate the funding for the Boardwalk. She is ready for a massive master plan. Extending the CRA benefits everyone and will far outweigh any ad valorem that is set aside for the CRA District.

Vice Chair Gudis added that in the past we heard that the State might not look favorably in the future toward this type of district. It would be good to get this underway before they make any changes. It would also be good to execute some of our plans so that if we ever are in the position to borrow money, a lender would look more favorably on a long-term plan vs. an individual event. He too supports this.

Motion carried 4/0.

  1. Jim Farley, Chair - Absent
  1. Mike Gudis, Vice Chair

Noted that he spoke with the Mr. Houston today and discussed having a report presented at the beginning of the year with the progress of the major projects we are working on with estimated completion dates. He thinks a lot of things will be coming together and that we all can feel proud of our accomplishments. He believes that the citizens need to be aware of these projects as well.

  1. Paula Wheeler

Noted that she is looking forward to the festivals.

  1. Ken Brown

He has seen the new banners on Citrus Avenue and they look very good. He believes that everything is coming together very nicely.

Ferrell Gas Station has been discussed many times. His understanding is that the employee-owned company does not wish to relocate. Maybe we need to look at a Plan B. Can we work with them through the CRA and give them some incentive to landscape and create a buffer zone? Mr. Houston replied that in the 2008 Vision Plan, that was proposed. We have talked to them and have been unsuccessful. We can open that discussion and try again.

  1. Robert Holmes

Nothing more to report.


Vice Chairman Gudis adjourned the meeting at 6:44 p.m.







CRA Minutes for October 28, 2013Page 1 of 5