CPWA Board Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2017
In Attendance: Tim Robbins, James LeGois, Chris Williams, Jetana Williams, Kim Marin, Barbara Lindner, Gabby Holcomb, Semra , Jaime Cappelletti, Dawn Griffis, Jenn Robbins, Alicia Boone, Jennifer Horne, Angie Rosario, Scott Janes and Missy Mabry
Call to order at 7:12pm
Report from Secretary:
- Motion to accept November minutes by Alicia and 2nd by Jenn. The December minutes were not available. Approval of those minutes were tabled for a later time.
- Football Director- Gabby Holcomb was given the opportunity to speak. Will Caviness was not present but had been given an opportunity to speak at the December meeting.
- Director of Fundraising Football- Barbara Lindner and Semra Leary were both given the opportunity to speak.
- The floor was open to ask the candidates questions before asking them to step out for the board to vote.
- Winners: Gabby Holcomb for Football Director
Barbara Lindner for Director of Fundraising Football
- The board offered Semra the position of Social Media and Volunteer Coordinator with Football. She accepted this position.
- Motion to accept 2016 year end budget by Timmy and 2nd by Kim. We ended the year with $95.47.
- 2017 budget- Fundraiser fees set for $75
- Registration Fees for football set for $120
- Registration Fees for Cheer set for $100
- Sibling’s discounts set for $15
- The budget will be posted on our website.
- The board recommended that this meeting be adjourned because of time spent on the budget. A continuation of this meeting was set for February 1st.
Motion to adjourn was made by Jamiee and 2nd by Gabby.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:38.
Continuation of the January Board Meeting
February 1, 2017
In attendance: All of the above plus Allison and Lisa.
Meeting called to order at 6:40
- We currently have 74 kids signed up for flag football.
- Flyers were sent to the local schools for disbursement.
- Glacier Clinic will be in Feb
- We are working on getting coaches for tackle football. Emails have been set out.
- Our plan this year is to have a Varsity team and no longer have an unlimited team
- We currently have 101 kids signed up for year round.
- Head coaches are in place for the fall season.
- We currently have 74 kids rolling over for the fall season.
- Nothing to report
- The trailer is all cleaned out
- List of unusable items has been made.
- We had a gas grill donated but it needs some work.
- The board voted John Holt into the position of Concession Director.
- We will be having a fundraiser event at United Skate in Raleigh. We will receive 100% of admission sales.
Setting up a date in April (trying for the 13th).
- We need an event request approved for this to take place.
Volunteer/Social Media:
- Drawing for a free flag football registration from the Facebook post. Drawing will be on Sat February 4th.
- We need refs for flag football.
Unfinished Business:
- We are working on getting the final copy of the bylaws and SOPs.
- Confirmation that football and cheer directors are not part of the Executive Board and do have voting rights.
- Scott is following up on the land that was donated to the organization.
New Business:
- Scholarship request approved for Frankie Ribar (football)
- Scholarship request approved for Kierra, Tatiana, and Janae Hill (cheer).
Open Floor:
- Online registration is now open for the fall season.
- There is a payment plan for both cheer and football.
- Flyers need to go out to the local schools ASAP so that people have time to take advantage of the payment plan.
- The first fall registration will be on Feb 25th from 10-2. This will for all sports.
Important Dates:
- Skills and Drills clinic for flag football will be April 1st from 9-1.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30