Table-Top DisplayApplication/Contract
American Psychiatric Nurses Association
Clinical Psychopharmacology Institute
June 14-17, 2012■Reston, VA
APNA is offering Table-Top Displays at the Clinical PsychopharmacologyInstitute meeting taking place
June 14-17, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Reston, Reston, VA.
The Clinical Psychopharmacology Institute focuses on complex clinical issues and is targeted for specialists in psychiatric nursing - those who administer and/or prescribe medications. Recognizing that a person is more than a mental disorder, this institute addresses the interaction of health care issues, mental disorders, ethnopsychopharmacological treatment and care. Complex health issues, medication adherence, and recently approved medications will be addressed.
CPI attracts over 300 high level attendees Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Nurse Specialists.
We hereby applyfor a table-top display, as follows and agreed that:
1. APNA will charge a $200 processing fee for allcancellations. No refunds will be issued after May 4, 2012.
2. All provisions of the official Rules and Regulationsshall be a part of this contract.
Table-Top Display Price - $1,500APNA table-top display space is sold on a first-come first-served basis. There is limited space available to preserve the integrity of the meeting and to maximize vendors’ exposure. The displays will be located in a public, high-traffic area where attendees gather. Your company will also be recognized in APNA’s on-site program book.
Display Hours: Thursday, June 14 - 6:00pm - 9:30pm (optional) •Friday, June 15 - 7:30am - 4:00pm•Saturday, June 16 - 7:30am - 4:00pm•Sunday, June 17 - 7:30am - 2:00pm
Installation of Displays: All displays must be fully installed by 7:30am on Friday, June 17, 2011.
Registration: Contact Lisa Nguyen at prior to June 1to register for a name badge. Each company is allowed two complimentary badges per display.
Payment in full is due with the Table-Top Application/Contract. Payment in the form of a credit card or check drawn on a U.S. bank, in U.S. funds, made payable to “APNA.” TaxID No. 22-2814679.
Company Name ______
Street ______
City______State ______Zip ______
Telephone ______E-mail ______
Name ______Title ______
Signature ______Date ______
Payment Method - Check - Credit Card - Other (Please circle one) Payment Amount $______
Credit Card Information
Card Number Expiration Date (MM/YYYY)
Name As It Appears On Card
Billing Address (If Different Than Above)
Please retain a copy of this Table-Top Displays Application/Contract for your files.
Send completed application and payment to:
Keely McNerney, 12708 Autumn Crest Drive, Oak Hill, VA 20171 or email to .
1. Table Assignments - Table assignments will be made on-siteat CPI.
2. Table Top Displays - A standard 6 foot table and two chairs is provided by APNA without cost to the exhibiting company. Audiovisual aids or equipment may not by played at a level to interfere with adjacent displays.
3. Staffing - APNA recommends your table be staffed during meal functions and breaks. A detailed agenda will be provided to you prior to the meeting or contact Keely McNerney at for more information.
4. Payment and Cancellation - The full Display rental fee must accompany application/contract. Companies may cancel this agreement by written notice to APNA. Cancellations made prior to May 4, 2012will be subject to a $200 cancellation fee. No refunds will be made on cancellations after May 4, 2012.
5. Distribution of MaterialsAll products and services displayed at the APNA CPI meeting shallbe directly related to the APNA mission and must be of professionalor educational benefit or interest to meeting participants. APNA reserves the right to determine the eligibility ofprospective exhibitors for inclusion in its event. Companies shall not distribute anything to meeting attendees outside of its rented spaces.
6. Limitation of Liability - The exhibiting company shall indemnify APNA and all associates with APNA against all claims, demands, actions, expenses, damages penalties or proceedings arising out of or in any way connected with the exhibitor's occupancy and use of the exhibition premises or any part thereof. Vendors will be required to meet the cost of making good any damage to floors, walls, structures and accessories.
7. Security and Insurance - The Table-Top Display area will not be secured. Outside of the Display hours materials and equipment should be removed and secured. APNA will not be liable for damage or loss to exhibitor's property, nor shall APNA be liable for any injury that may occur in the Display area.
8. Display Area - Nothing shall be posted on or tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls floors, or other parts of the hotel, meeting or display area without permission from the proper building authority and APNA.
9. Installation and Dismantling - All displays must be in place and set up by 7:30am on Friday, June 15, 2012.
10. Default Occupancy - Any company failing to occupy space which has been contracted is not relieved of the obligation of paying for such space at the full rental price, and APNA shall have the right use such space as it sees fit.
11. Agreement to Conditions - Each company for himself/herself and his/her employees agrees to abide by these conditions, it being understood and agreed that the sole control of the Display rests with APNA.
12. Amendments - APNA shall have sole authority to interpret and enforce all rules and regulations contained herein, and to make any amendments thereto and to make such further rules and regulations as shall be necessary for the orderly conduct of the Table-Top Displays.