17TH TO 22nd MARCH 2013


  1. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Executive Committee Meeting will be held in the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort, Grand Cayman from 17thto 22nd March 2013 and the Cayman Islands Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is delighted to extend a cordial welcome to all Executive Committee Members and their spouses.
  1. Meeting Dates and Venue

Meeting sessions will take place from 18th to 21st March 2013 (21st being the day for tour).

  1. Programme

A draft programme will be forwarded in the near future.

  1. Meeting of the Executive Committee

Meeting of the Executive Committee is closed to all but the Officers of the Association, Regional Representatives and members of the CPA Headquarters Secretariat staff. Member’s spouses/partners, assistants, secretaries, advisors etc, are NOT permitted to attend the proceedings.

Alternates: If the President the Vice-President or any Regional Representative is unable to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee held at a time other than during a plenary Conference his/her Branch shall be entitled to nominate an Alternate from among its Members. If the Branch of a Regional Representative is unable to nominate an Alternate for such a meeting the “stand-by” Branch shall be entitled to nominate one of its Members as an Alternate.

  1. Website

The Mid-year Executive Committee website is located at:

Additional copies of the attached forms can be downloaded from the website.

  1. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses

The CPA Headquarters will contribute towards the cost of the most economical and cheapest Business Class fare available locally by the most economic route to the meeting venue on journeys over four hours. This may be commuted to two Economy Class fares for the Members and spouse up to the value of the cheapest Business Class fare by the most economic route. Three quotations, together with the invoices/receipts, should be sent to CPA Headquarters specifying the cheapest Business Class fare and the actual Economy Class fare paid (if relevant). Any upgrade will be at the expense of the Member or his Branch.

Responsibility for a Members travel arrangements and making necessary arrangements for an officer or secretary, is entirely the responsibility of the Members own department. The host Branch may be prepared and able to include an officer in some parts of the hospitality arranged, it should not be assumed that this will be either possible or convenient, or that it would be without costs. Travel arrangements for Members of the Executive Committee and their spouses must be made well ahead to attract special fares.

Although the practice is not encouraged, a Member of the Executive Committee may find that duties as a Minister Presiding Officer or Speaker may sometimes oblige him to attend with a departmental officer or private secretary. The costs are entirely their own responsibility not that of the host Branch or the CPA Headquarters Secretariat.

  1. Arrivals/Customs/Immigration

The official date for arrival on Grand Cayman is Sunday 17th March 2013. All Members will be met at the Owen Roberts International Airport upon arrival to facilitate their clearance through Immigration and Customs. They will be met by officials who will escort them to the hotel. Members are requested to advise the CPA Cayman Islands Branch on the attached forms of their travel arrangements by 9th February 2013

The CPA Cayman Islands Branch should be informed of all early arrivals. Please bear in mind that this is quite in order with the Branch, but payment for the additional night(s) is the individual Member’s responsibility. The same rule will apply for those Members wishing to stay beyond the scheduled departure date.

  1. Entry Requirements/Visas

All overseas visitors are required to apply for an entry visa travel document to the Cayman Islands. Passport holders will be issued with Cayman Islands Visas on arrival. Visas may also be necessary in respect of other transit stops and Members are advised to check if this is the case. See list.

  1. Luggage

The handling, care and prompt delivery of baggage will be greatly facilitated if Members ensure that the special baggage labels, which will be forwarded at a later date, are attached to each piece of baggage prior to arrival on Grand Cayman. The Host Branch will not be responsible for any luggage that is lost, damaged or misplaced.

  1. Departure

The official day of departure from Grand Cayman is Friday 22nd March 2013.

  1. Settling of Members’ Accounts

Upon check-in at the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort, a credit card imprint or cash in the amount of US 100.00 per day will be held against Members’ personal account for incidentals such as bar tabs, overseas telephone call/faxes, laundry and other general expenses incurred. The hotel accepts all major credit cards.

  1. Accommodation and Meals

Members will be the guests of the CPA Cayman Islands Branch during the period of the meeting, i.e. 17th to 21st March 2013. The Host Branch will be responsible for the costs of hotel accommodation and meals (excluding alcohol) served at the hotel. However, hotel meals (including room service meals) taken in lieu of meals provided as part of official functions will be for the Member’s account. The cost of any item consumed from the mini bar provided in the hotel room will be the responsibility of the Member concerned.

The Cayman Islands Branch will assist in finding suitable accommodation for persons other than Members and spouses at the expense of those individuals. The Branch should be informed of this by 9nd February 2013.

  1. Spouses/Accompanying persons

Members are welcome to bring their spouses to Grand Cayman and double rooms will be made available. Members who will be accompanied by their spouses should inform the Cayman Islands Branch by 9th February 2013. A spouses’ programme is being planned for the week.

Any accompanying persons, other than a spouse, will be required to pay a fee of US$550.00 to cover the costs of meals, tours and social functions which are supplied for spouses. Payment may be made in cash or by bank draft or travellers cheques in USDollars made payable to the Cayman Islands Branch - CPA

The cost of hotel accommodation will be the responsibility of those individuals. The net rates,exclusive of the 10% government tax and 10% hotel service charge, charged by the Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resortrates are listed below.

Standard Room (single/double)-US $295.00 per night

Junior Suite (single/double)-US $505.00 per night

  1. Transportation

The Cayman Islands Branch will be responsible for all transportation to and from official functions and meetings. Hire cars/taxis are available and can be arranged upon arrival. Cost of hire is the responsibility of the Member.

  1. Identification

Members, spouses and accompanying persons will be issued with identification badges on arrival. For security purposes it is requested that these badges be worn at all times.

  1. Power supply

The power supply in Cayman Islands is 120 volts. The 2 flat and one round socket are used. Transformers and adapters will be necessary.

  1. Currency

The official currency of Grand Cayman is the Cayman Islands Dollar. Other major foreign currencies can be exchanged at local banks. One CID is currently equivalent to approximately British £0.77 or US $1.25.

  1. Weather

The temperature in April is normally between 26°C (80°F) and 29°C (85°F). Light clothing will be in order during the day and evenings.

  1. Dress

For the Opening Ceremony, men are requested to wear a suit and a tie or national dress and women should dress appropriately. For social functions, lounge suits or national dress maybe worn. Women may wish to wear cocktail dresses or national costume.

Causal wear will be appropriate for Members’ working sessions and tours.

  1. Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony will be held on Monday 18th March 2013(time and location to be advised)

  1. Direct Contact – CPA Cayman Islands Branch Office

Mrs Zena Merren-Chin

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Legislative Assembly

POBox 980

George Town, Grand Cayman


Tel: +1 345 949 4236(office)

Direct: +1 345 244 5608

Fax: +1 345 949

Cell: +1345 525 3920

E-mail: or

  1. Hotel

Grand Cayman Marriott Beach Resort

Seven Mile Beach

Grand Cayman

Cayman Islands

Telephone No:+1 (345) 949 0088

Fax No: +1 (345) 949 0288

Facebook page at :