Cover Sheet for Requests to the Moriah Fund
About the Organization
Organization name / Telephone / FaxPostal Address
Name and title of contact person / Contact person’s telephone, extension, and email
Organization’s Tax ID Number / Website / Name & title of chief executive officer
Name and title of official authorized to sign grant agreements / Signature
Organizational Budget
Total Revenues / Total ExpensesPrevious year (actual) / $ / $
Current year / $ / $
Subsequent year / $ / $
About the Request
Type of support requested:
___ General support ___ Project support ___ Donor Advised
Amount requested / Time period for which grant is requestedDates of fiscal year
Summary of request (no more than two paragraphs)
Please complete the following section ONLY if your organization is requesting project, rather than general, support.
Total Project Budget
Total Revenues / Total ExpensesPrevious year (actual) / $ / $
Current year / $ / $
Subsequent year / $ / $