Cover Letter Rubric

Directions: For each skill, start at “incomplete” and work your way to the left. Once you find a statement that is fully accurate and can move no further to the left, mark that level with an “X”. Write notes if they are helpful to you or a student.

Skill / Professional / Proficient / Developing / Incomplete / Note
Who you are?What makes you stand out? How do you connect to this position and organization? / The letter demonstrates the applicant’s knowledge of the position description, ANDrelates his/her skills or qualifications to the position AND organization of interest. / The letter demonstrates the applicant’s knowledge of the position description, AND relates his/her skills or qualifications to the position. / The letter demonstrates the applicant’s knowledge of the position description, BUT fails to relate his/her skills or qualifications to the position. / The letter makes generalstatements that do not seem targeted to a specific position or organization.
Email *
Phone number *
*can be presented either at the top or bottom of the letter / All appropriate applicant contact information is included.
Professional e-mail is provided. / 1 piece of applicant contact information is missing in the letter.
Professional e-mail is provided. / 2 pieces of applicant contact information are missing in the letter.
E-mail used is too casual. / 3+ pieces of applicant contact information are missing in the letter.
Email used is inappropriate or unprofessional.
Name of person from the organization
Name of the organization
Organization address
Salutation / All appropriate information is included.
Specific and appropriate salutation is used. (e.g., Dear Ms. Smith) / All appropriate information is included.
Appropriate, but general salutation is used (e.g., Dear HR Manager). / 1-2 pieces of information are missing.
Improper salutation is used (e.g., “Dear Sir” or “Dear Mike”). / 3+ pieces of information are missing.
Salutation missing
How you learned of the opening
(e.g., career center, a name of the website)
Name of the organization applying for
Name of the position applying for / All appropriate introduction information is included.
Some introductory description of the applicant (e.g., name, name of school, and class or grad. date) is provided, AND relation to position is clear and compelling.
The description of why the applicant is interested in the position is clear and targeted to a specific company. / All appropriate introduction information is included.
Some introductorydescription of the applicant (e.g., name, name of school, and class or grad. date) is provided, AND relation to position is clear.
The description of why the applicant is interested in the position is generally stated. / 1-2 pieces of introduction information are missing.
Some introductorydescription of the applicant (e.g., name, name of school, and class or grad. date) is provided, BUT relation to position may be unclear.
The description of why the applicant is interested in the position is unclear,unrealistic, and/or uncompelling. / All three pieces of introduction information are missing.
No introductorydescription of the applicant (e.g., name, name of school, and class or grad. date) is provided.
The description of why the applicant is interested in the position is missing.
(Describe relevant skills and experiences to a specific position in a specific organization.) / Describes at least 2 experiences/ knowledge that illustrate relevant skills or qualifications.
Connects these skills/knowledge to the position or organization / Describes 1-2 experiences/ knowledge that illustrate relevant skills or qualifications. / Lists skills/experiences with little description. Could improve on how they are relevant to the position
Describe 1-2 experiences/ knowledge, but they are not related to the position / Skills/ qualifications are not described or illustrated with examples.
CLOSING / Thanks the reader
Indicate how the applicant activelyplans to follow up (may include a specific time frame).
Contact information is provided again for clarity
Readers are referred to the applicant’s resume or other enclosed documents, AND statements are made to reinforce the applicant’s fit for the positon / Thanks the reader
Follow-up is passive (e.g. look forward to hearing from you).
Contact information is provided again for clarity
Readers are referred to the applicant’s resume or other enclosed documents / Thanks the reader
Follow-up is vague (e.g. “I’ll follow up”).
Contact information is provided again for clarity
No reference is made to applicant’s resume or enclosed documents / Does not thank the reader
Does not indicate any plan for follow-up
Contact information is not provided again for clarity
No reference is made to applicant’s resume or enclosed documents
SIGNATURE / Ends with a formal closing (e.g., Best Regards, Sincerely)
Includes the applicant’s full name
Includes a print or electronic signature / Ends with a formal closing (e.g., Best Regards, Sincerely)
Includes the applicant’s full name / Ends with an informal closing (e.g., Cheers, Yours Truly)
Includesthe applicant’s full name / Does not end with a closing (e.g., Sincerely)
Applicant’s full name is missing or incomplete

□No errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or verb tense.

□Formal, professional business language is used throughout the cover letter. For example, avoid acronyms, contractions, diminishers (e.g., sort of), and over-use of punctuation (e.g., “!!”).

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