Court of Honor ScriptPage 1 of 5

Master(s) of Ceremonies:Brian O’Rourke


Presentation of the Colors

MC: Would Beauand Jacob please present the colors.

Color Guard: (Present colors)

(Lead Pledge of Allegiance) –Lead by Tharun

(still standing…)

MC: Casey, please lead us in the Scout Law.

MC: Brian Z., please lead us in the Scout Oath

MC: Emma, please lead the Troop in the Venturer’s Oath

MC: Scouts two. Please be seated.


MC: Welcome to Troop/Crew56’s November 15, 2011 Court of honor.

I am Brian O’Rourke, your master of ceremonies.


MC: Would our Troop Committee Chair, Dr. Michelle Holmes, introduce herself and the members of the Troop Committee?

MC: Next would our Scoutmaster, David English, introduce himself and the Assistant Scoutmasters?

MC: Finally, would our Senior Patrol Leader, Adam Smith, introduce himself, the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and the Patrol Leaders?

Announcements from Snow Shoveling and Christmas Trees

MC: Would Mr. Chang please speak about snow shoveling.

MC: Would Mr. Zick please speak about the Christmas tree sale.


MC: Would Jacob please lead us in the Scout Skit

MC: Would Jacob please lead us in the Scout Song.

Awarding of Merit Badges

MC: Boy Scouts can earn any of 121 different Merit Badges in areas ranging from Art to Whitewater and from Camping to Space Exploration. To earn a Merit Badge, a Scout picks a subject and reads the Merit Badge Book. A Scout develops his skills and knowledge. When he is ready, his Merit Badge Counselor tests him.

Today we are awarding a total of 25 Merit Badges.

MC:Would our Senior Patrol Leader, Adam Smith, join me in presenting these awards? Please hold applause ‘till the end.

MC Notes:Call up each Scout individually.

Announce their merit badges.

Presenter and SPL shake the Scout’s left hand.

Merit Badges (*need blue card)

Eddie Cunningham – Cit. in the Community, Cit. in the World

Lucas Gibson – Emergency Prep

Trip O’Rourke – Small Boat Sailing, Water Sports, Environmental Science, Photography*

Casey Rideout – Swimming

Beau Rideout – Small Boat Sailing, Climbing, Orienteering, Citizenship in the World, Communications

Adam Smith – Communications

Brian Zick – Camping, Cycling, Family Life, Animal Science, Cit. in the Nation, Horsemanship, Leatherwork, Pioneering, Cycling

Emma Andrew – Photography

Ricky Millien – Family Life

Recognition of Troop Leadership and Service Projects and Activities

MC: Would Ms. Smith please present our leadership recognition awards.


Summer Camp – Britt Rideout, Robin Bonner, Colin Zick, Brian Zick, Michael Payne

White Mountains – Britt Rideout, Brian O’Rourke, Jacob Klibaner (rain)

Sept. Campout - Peter Desnoyers, Robin Bonner, Jacob Klibaner (birds, steep)

Oct. Campout – Michelle Holmes, Britt Rideout, Maddie Desnoyers (T)

Nov. Campout – Colin Zick, Kate Elliott Smith, Trip O’Rourke (cooking)


4th of July - Peter Desnoyers

Harvard Football / Head of the Charles - Andres Ballesteros, Jean Cunningham


Derrick Jackson – Photography merit badge class

Britt Rideout – Scoutmaster’s merit badge, Polar Bear (camp)

Ed Rice – Chartering Organization Representative

Colin Zick – YOP training for AMC, Scoutmaster’s Rifle Shoot (camp)

(Recognition Gift - 15)

Britt Rideout

Robin Bonner

Colin Zick

Michael Payne

Brian O’Rourke

Jacob Klibaner

Peter Desnoyers

Michelle Holmes

Maddie Desnoyers

Kate Elliott Smith

Trip O’Rourke

Andres Ballesteros

Jean Cuningham

Derrick Jackson

Ed Rice

Recruiter (strip patch)

Andres Ballesteros (Riley Brian)

Peter Desnoyers (Nina McClellan)

Robin Bonner (Emma Andrew)

Britt Rideout (Tharun Kannan)

? (Nathan Coney)

SPL/ASPL/PL/Scribe/etc. (patch)

SPL: Adam Smith

ASPL: Brian Zick

Scribe: Trip O’Rourke

Quartermaster: Beau Rideout

Chaplain’s Aide: Maddie Desnoyers

Snow Czar (Instructor): Casey Rideout

PL: Lucas Gibson

APL: Hugo Rajao

PL: Chris Desnoyers

APL: Tharun Kannan

Troop/Crew Guide: Ricky Millien

Troop/Crew Committee (Old Goat patch)

Karene Hines (parent liaison)

Anita McClellan (nurse, public relations)

Alberto Chang (snow czar)

Tano Holmes

Order of the Arrow

Jacob Klibaner

Beau Rideout

Brian Zick

Lucas Gibson


MC: Does anyone have any other announcements for this evening?


Softly falls the light of day,

As our campfire fades away,

Silently each scout should ask,

Have I done my daily task.

Have I kept my honor bright,

Can I guiltless sleep tonight,

Have I done, and have I dared,

Everything to be prepared.

Retiring of Colors

MC: Please retire the colors.