VETT 2364 Spring 2013, Dr. Dunkerley
TulsaCommunity College, West Campus
Veterinary Technology Program
Spring, 2013
Course: VETT 2364 Large Animal Technology
Day(s) and Time(s): Tuesdays: (lecture) 9:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m; (lab) 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Thursdays: (lab) 8:30 a.m. – 1:20 p.m.
Call Number: VETT2364Sec. Number: 401 Zap Number: 21435 Class: Classroom #2
Veterinary Technology Center (VTC)
Credit Hours: VETT 2364 = 4 hr.
Instructors: Suzann A. Dunkerley, DVM, MS
TCC West Campuso) 918-595-8220
7505 W. 41st. St.*****c) 918-231-1573
Tulsa, OK 74107
suzann.dunkerley @
Contact Information: Vet. Tech. Main Officeo) 918-595-8212
TCC West Campus
Science & Math Division, West Campus
Division Associate Dean:Dr. Elmer Godeny
Office: room S 160
Phone: 918-595-8193
All previous VT courses with a grade of a “C” or better.
Techniques required in assisting the large animal or mixed practice veterinarian. Studies and applications will include the use of the horse, cow, pig, sheep, goat, and llama. Practice of restraint, sampling techniques, anesthesiology, medication administration, and other nursing techniques.
Lecture 2 hr., Lab 6 hr.
REQUIREDTexts: (*** = Requiredhave not purchased in prior classes)
a)***Holtgrew-Bohling,(ISBN: 9780323079323) Large Animal clinical
Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 2nd ed.
Or “Old version”(required Sp. ’11) = HAINE, (ISBN: 032302855-1) Large Animal
Clinical Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, 1st ed.
b)BLACKBOARD access to VETT 2364
(The following books have been required texts for previous VT classes thus you should have access to them! Choices are based on if students academic plan – ie. full-time vs part-time.)
c)Thomas & Lerche, (ISBN: 978-0-323-05504-8) Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary
Technicians, 4th ed. (used in VT Hosp. 1 Sp. ’11)
McKelvey & Hollingshead, (ISBN: 0-323-01988-9) Veterinary Anesthesia and
Analgesia, 3rd ed. (used in VT Hosp. 1 Sp. ’12)
d)Battaglia, (ISBN: 0-13-118933-6) Handbook of Livestock Management Techniques, 4th ed.
e)Fowler, (ISBN: 0-8138-1892-3) Restraint & Handling of Wild & Domestic Ans, 2nd ed.
f)McCurnin, (ISBN: 978-1-4160-5700-0)Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians, 7th ed.
g)Sonsthagen, (ISBN: 0-323-03203-6) Veterinary Instruments & Equip. A Pocket Guide, 1st ed.
REQUIREDLaboratory Manuals:(previously handed out in Princ. of Lg. Animal/VETT 1193 class)
a)Equine Care and Technology Lab Manual – TCC
b)Food Animal Care and Technology Lab Manual - TCC
Optional Texts, Supplies & “Resource” Material: (* = best Resource books)
a)*Coumbe, (ISBN: 0-632-05727-0) Equine Veterinary Nursing Manual, 1st ed.
b)*Muir, (ISBN: 0-323-04678-9) Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia, 4th ed.
c)*Pasquini, (ISBN: 0-9623114-2-1) Anatomy of Domestic Animals, 10th ed.
d)Fowler, (ISBN: 0-8138-0397-7) Medicine & Surgery of South American Camelids, 2nd ed.
e)James, (ISBN: 0-9615114-0-0) How to be Your Own Veterinarian, 1st ed.
f)Knecht, (ISBN: 0-7216-1397-7) Fundamental Techniques in Veterinary Surgery, 3rd ed.
g)MacKenzie, (ISBN: 0-8273-7231-0) Equine Safety, 1st ed.
h) Merck, (ISBN: 0-911910-29-8) Merck Veterinary Manual, 8th ed. (or newer)
i) *Orsini, (ISBN: 0-7216-9298-2) Manual of Equine Emergencies, 2nd ed.
j) **Pasquini, (ISBN: ?9998091268) Guide to Bovine Clinics, 4th ed.
k) *Riebold, (ISBN: 0-8138-0774-3) Large Animal Anesthesia, 2nd ed.
l) Pratt, (ISBN: 0-939674-49-1) Medical, Surgical & Anesthetic Nursing for Veterinary
Technicians, 2nd ed.
m) *Rockett, (ISBN: 1-4018-5787-6)Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Lg. An. Practice, 1st ed.
n) **Rose, (ISBN: 0-7216-8665-6) Manual of Equine Practice, 2nd ed.
o) *Taylor, (ISBN: 0702028355) Handbook of Equine Anesthesia, 2nd ed.
p) **McKelvey, (ISBN: 0323019889) Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 3rd ed.
(A copy of “all” the above books are on reserve in the LRC &/or Vet. Tech. Libraries)
The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of TulsaCommunity College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives.
Having learned the fundamentals of animal nursing, the student will properly monitor, record and perform anesthesia, surgical assisting and administration of therapeutics for a variety of large animal species.
The student will properly perform client education, communication and case studies on selected topics & diseases.
Required tasks are denoted by an asterisk (*).
(Following are Hands-on Tasks covered via AVMA ’10 skills list, with no changes noted in most current skills lists)
Tasks: Husbandry
- apply equine tail and leg wraps*
Fluid therapy
- place intravenous catheters (cephalic*, jugular)
- maintain and care for catheters*
Administer appropriate anesthetic-related drugs by injection, mask, induction chamber or endotracheal tube*
Place endotracheal tubes in patients when appropriate*
Utilize clinical signs and appropriate equipment to monitor patient status in all stages of anesthetic procedures (e.g., esophageal stethoscope, Doppler, pulse oximeter)*
Position patient for common procedures*
Traditional lecture format including handouts, laboratory demonstrations, laboratory hands-on practice of theory, TCC BLACKBOARD Academic Suite,internet usage, and any other methods deemed suitable by the instructor. Course material will be presented by lecture, laboratory and through reading assignments. It is extremely important that students keep up with material weekly!! The course will follow the texts, covering the basics and progressing through the various large animal anesthetics, analgesics, and reactions of anesthetized patients and procedures. Comparisons among the various animal species and humans will be included. There will be a large amount of required“out-side of class” study in order to provide adequate time for lab periods involving animals. Students are required to keep up with the assignedmaterial!!!
Field trips: Transportation to and from field trips and any off-site locations are the student’s responsibility. This will be organized further by Dr. D. during class time.
Please visit with the TCCCounselingCenter or the CounselingCenter at the college or university to which you plan to transfer to determine transferability status of this course.
STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with documented disabilities are provided academic accommodations through the disABLED StudentResourceCenter (918-595-7115) or ResourceCenter for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (918-595-7428/TDD-TTY 981-595-7434). If any student is in need of academic accommodations from either office, it is the students responsibility to advise the instructor so an appropriate referral can be made no later than the first week of class. Students may also contact the disABLED Student Services Offices directly at the telephone numbers indicated. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS WILL NOT BE PROVIDEDUNLESS APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED TO THE DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES OFFICES TO SUPPORT THE NEED.
Students are to dress in the program scrub outfits during class. On LABORATORY DAYSblue jeans (in good shape with no holes) and programscrub top or a TCC logo polo shirt is to be worn (as directed by the instructor). Heavy duty boots (dark in color) are to be worn during “each” class day to provide protection around animals and out-door weather. On “In-hospital” surgical days, students will need to bring additional, clean scrub tops, bottoms, cover-gown, and a second pair of clean boots/tennis shoes for changing in to during times “within” the surgical room (thus, minimizing the tracking of soiled clothing & shoes into the operating room). **FAILURE to wear the required clothing may lead to a FAILURE of the class.
It is a privilege to learn and work with live animals. It is also a serious responsibility! Students deficient or failing in proper care of resident program animals, as determined by the coordinator and staff will be subject to disciplinary action and lowering of VETT 2364/Large Animal Technology grade. Refer to the Grand Rounds and Animal Care Rotations grading handouts given at the beginning of the semester. Also, please refer to the Student Handbook for further information.
Purpose: To provide appropriate husbandry and medical care for Resident Program animals.
Grading: As discussed in the Student Handbook, you earn points during your animal care rotations. You start
with "0" and earn points per rotation.
Animal Care Rotations (ACRs) will comprise a portion of your grade in 1 course per semester. ACR's are Pass/Fail. Passing will constitute 5% of the total course points. This equates to raising your grade 1/2 letter grade. See below for Failure.
Criteria for Pass/Fail are:
Attendance of 100% -- unexcused absences or excessive excused absences (at faculty discretion) will result in a drop of 1 letter grade for the course. Absences are made up 2 for 1,that is, you will perform 2 rotations for each one missed. Make-up rotations are scheduled at the faculty's discretion. It is the student's responsibility to communicate with the faculty regarding make-up rotations.
Performance evaluation by faculty. Failure will result in the drop of 1 full letter grade in the course. Faculty will evaluate the following criteria:
Team building
Team Work & Overall performance of entire team
Total time taken to complete rotation
Ability to perform & critically think concerning
U, BM, APP observations and comments
NOTE: **Failure of ACR's may potentially lead to COURSE FAILURE, repeat of the course and the semester, and/or dismissal from the Program per the discretion of the VT Coordinator.
It is our privilege to work with live animals during the Program. Their presence allows for class laboratory experiences. It is our Responsibility to care for them, improve their behavior and adopt them to caring, responsible homes. As everyone embraces this stewardship, you will experience fulfilling and rewarding careers.
Student attendance will be taken each class and each lab period. Your attendance and participation in both lecture and laboratory will affect your final grade. Participation in laboratories with a student’s demonstration of techniques and procedures,to the instructors’ satisfaction, is an important component of this course and will reflect in the grade. **“TEAM-WORK” (working together) is always expected from each student during large animal events. There will be no make-up laboratories. Material presented by guest speakers, during field trips, or any additional material discussed/handed out by the instructor may be covered on examinations.
Exam #1100pts.
Exam #2100pts.
Exam #3100pts.
Exam #4/(Final Exam)150pts. (75 pts. – new75 pts. – comprehensive)
(**Exams must be answered in pencil, black or blue ink to receive points.)
Math “Homework” Assignments: **For full credit theWC math tutorsmust be visited and forms
signed/stampedfor assignments #2 & #3. Assignments #1 & #4 will be an “in-class” assignment. Full credit will be based on “showing” math steps as well as obtaining the correct answer.
#1 (eq. sedation) 10 pts. (this will be an *IN-CLASS Assignment)
#2 (eq. short acting/field anesth. & antibiotics)10 pts.
#3 (eq. anesthesia)10 pts.
#4 (ruminant triple drip) 10 pts. (this will be an *IN-CLASS Assignment)
“Live” Animal/CaseMath Assignments: ***This math will be based on animals available/utilized and the
laboratories planned for VETT 2364. Due dates will be announced in class when assignment is handed out. A minimum of 2 days will be allotted from the time handed out to the due date. Full credit will be based on “showing” math steps as well as obtaining the correct answer.
#1(sm. rum. antibiotics & field anesthesia)10 pts.
#2(eq. sedation)10 pts.
#3 (eq. field anesthesia & gas anesthesia)10 pts.
#4 (sm. Rum. Analgesics & porcine anesthesia) 10 pts.
*Attendance: 120 pts. (30 lec./lab class days, plus 1 pt/ each 1 hr. Total of 120hrs = 7200 min. **Missing 20% = 24 hrs= 1440 min. of class will result in a FAILUREto pass this course**)
*Participation: 50 pts. (subjective, based on active participation in lecture lab,
includes laboratory preparation assignments including laboratory anesthetic math calculations, based on both class instructor’s as well as faculty technician’s opinions)
Homework Assignments: (*Homework to be provided via BLACKBOARD)
Diseases #120 pts.
Diseases #220 pts.
Diseases #320 pts.
Neurology assignment10 pts.
Laboratory Clean-up 40 pts. (weekly clean-up & Final clean-up)
Animal Care Rotations (ACR) (5%) 40 pts.
Total: 850pts.
** FAILURE to complete and/or turn in “any” assignment on time may lead to a FAILURE of the class.
Grading SCALE: 90% - 100% = A **Students found cheating on any class assignment
80% - 89.9% = B or test will result in a failure of the class.
70% - 79.9% = C
60% - 69.9% = D
Below/equal to 59.9% = F
Math assignments & Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. Assignments turned in later than this time will not be accepted. Assignments turned in early will not be accepted until collected on the due date.
Missed tests must be made up by 12:00 noon, no later than 2 days following the absence. Examinations must be taken in Evening Programs. Times allowed for taking the exam must be worked out with Evening Programs. A 5 pts. Penalty will occur on each made-up exam. Missed laboratory questions on the tests can not be made up due to the difficulty in setting up for the exam. These areas on the tests will receive 0 pts.
Students are responsible for ********contacting Dr. Dunkerley via phone prior to each day absent. Students may leave a message on the office or cell phone, but are required to contact the instructor a second time and talk in person by the end of the missed class day. Students failing to call will receive a 10 pt. participation penalty for each day the instructor was not contacted.
Students with significant health issues will be excused from penalties upon approval from Dr. D.
Regular class attendance is not only important from the standpoint of learning, but also is a must in order to be successful in this course. To succeed in the field of Veterinary Technology, one must always work as a “TEAM-MEMBER”. Students are held responsible for all materials covered during their absence and any changes made in the agenda.
***Absent for 24 hours (1440min. = approx. 5 days of class) will result in a “FAILURE” to pass this course. The class meets for 30 days, plus 1 pt./each 1 hr. attended. Points will not be given for any partial hours absent, including arriving lateleaving early.
To withdraw from the class, the student should initiate an official withdrawal through the counseling office; non-attendance DOES NOT constitute official withdrawal. Failure to withdraw may result in the student receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester.
To request a change to Audit (A) or Incomplete (I), the student must be maintaining a passing grade. The student must initiate the change with the instructor and sign the audit or incomplete agreement. If the Incomplete is due to a circumstance that prevents the student from being able to sign the form him/herself, the instructor may make other arrangements.
The last date to withdraw or change to audit for the Spring semester is April 12, 2013.
The TechnologyLearningCenter’s Reading & Writing Services helps student’s build analytic reading, solid research and effective writing skills. Additionally, Reading & Writing Services can supplement classroom instruction with information on MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual styles, Internet research strategies, source evaluation and documentation methods, and essay writing techniques. Hours: contact services
**Math Assignments #2 & #3 “require” attendance with aWEST Campus math tutor.
When severe winter weather hits, you may assume that TCC will be open for classes unless it is announced otherwise on television and radio stations. TCC does not automatically close if Tulsa Public Schools close. Final announcements concerning TCC classes will be posted on the Large Animal Technology Class Blackboard Announcement site by Dr. D.
It is important that your instructor have current contact information so you can be notified if necessary. Notify the TCC Registrar’s office and your instructor if your contact information changes during the semester.
Deliberate plagiarism is claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of another writer are your own; it includes having another writer do work claimed to be your own, copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, or following the work of another as a guide to ideas and expression that are then presented as your own.
At the instructor’s discretion, a student guilty of deliberate plagiarism may receive a zero for the assignment and an “F” in the course.
Accidental plagiarism is the handling of quotations and paraphrases without a deliberate attempt to deceive; it includes failing to mark the beginning of paraphrases, failing to get away from the language of the original text when paraphrasing, failing to mark quotations with properly placed quotation marks, and failing to properly identify the source of a quotation or paraphrase. At the instructor’s discretion, a student whose paper contains accidental plagiarism may have the opportunity to rewrite the paper with a reduction in grade.
Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned nor tolerated at campuses within the TulsaCommunity College system. Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately fraudulent misrepresentation is employed in an attempt to gain undeserved intellectual credit, either for oneself or for another. Academic misconduct is behavior that results in intellectual advantage obtained by violating specific standard, but without deliberate intent or use of fraudulent means. Academic dishonesty or misconduct cases are governed by the Campus Student Rights and Responsibilities Code (see Student Conduct Handbook).
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and students. Use of TCC computing resources is limited to purposes related to the College’s mission of education, research, and community service. Student use of technology is governed by the Computer Services Acceptable Use Statements/Standards found in the TCC Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook. These handbooks may be obtained by contacting any Student Activities or Dean of Student Services office.
Inappropriate classroom etiquette includes the following topics and will affect the student’s final grade.
-Failure to clean-up after one’s self during lecture and lab
-Excessive cell phone ringing or usage during class
-Excessive talking during class
-Disruption of class
-Inappropriate attire; failure to wear designated VT clothing
-Excessive sleeping during class
-Not Turning Assignments In On Time