Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS)
Lecturer: Dr Tanwie Talom GilbertEmail: Phone Number: 010-2406-6555
Class Hours: Wednesday 8:45am -11:45am
1- Course Description
This course is aimed at giving students an in-depth knowledge in selected topics on the African continent. While most challenges the world is facing today are global in nature, it is important to understand how different regions are affected, and are dealing with these challenges. This course is designed to enable students to understand new realities from an African perspective, and explore ways in which the region is coping with these challenges. Students will have the opportunity to examine reports that assess the impact of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa over the past decade and a half. The course also discusses the potential for, and limitations faced by sustainable development in light of the recently launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The last part of the course discusses Aid for Trade and the potential impact on the Sub-Saharan African region.
A range of teaching and learning methods will be used in a very participatory study environment. Students are encouraged to ask questions, engage in group discussions, debates.
11- Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to critically discuss
- The definition and nature of development aid
- The focus of the millennium development goals
- Areas in which the MDGs recorded the most success or failure
- Obstacles to the achievement of the MDGs in the African region
- The focus of the SDGs, and how the international community applies lessons learned from the MDGs
- The future of development aid –Aid for Trade
111- Assessment
The assessment of this course will consist of a midterm assignment, presentation, an end of course paper, and final examinations. Class attendance and participation will also count towards the final grade.
Mid-term Assignment – 20%
Mid-term Presentation – 20%
Final paper – 20%
Final Examination – 30%
Class attendance and participation – 10%
1V- Tentative Course Outline
This is a tentative outline, and may be subjected to changes without prior notification to students.
Week 1- General Introduction, the definition aid and theoretical underpinnings
Week 2-The nature of development aid, how and why development aid is changing
Week 3- The reform of aid management; Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action, and the Busan Agreement
Week 4-Painting a socio-economic and political picture of Sub-Saharan Africa on the eve of the MDGs
Week 5- The conception and focus of the Millennium Development Goals
Week 6-Major achievements of the Millennium Development Goals
Week 7- Goals with below target performances
Week 8- Challenges to the achievement of the MDGs
Week 9- Mid-term Presentations
Week 10-Social, Economic and Political challenges facing Sub-Saharan Africa Post MDGS
Week 11-The Sustainable Development Goals, conception and focus
Week 12-How the SDGs differ from the MDGs and prospects
Week 13-The future of Development Aid – Aid for Trade- Economic Infrastructure
Week 14-The future of Development Aid – Aid for Trade- Building Productive capacities
Week 15-The future of Development Aid – Aid for Trade- Trade Policy and Regulation