Course Title: Learning for Independence, Family and Employment (LIFE)WVEIS Code 0929

Course Title: Learning for Independence, Family and Employment (LIFE)WVEIS Code 0929

21st Century Standards Profile

Human Services

Course Title: Learning for Independence, Family and Employment (LIFE)WVEIS Code 0929

Student’s Name______


Course Description: The LIFE (Learning for Independence, Family, and Employment) student will develop skills to function successfully within their current family and peer groups. By utilizing basic skills and higher order thinking skills, the student will learn management problem techniques, resource management, consumer education, and skills in relationships. Students will use reasoning processes, individually and collaboratively, to take responsible action in families, workplaces, and communities. Students will utilize problem solving techniques and teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction. Students will become members of a local student organization, such as FCCLA. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.

Level of Competence:

  • Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
  • Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
  • Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.

Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Leadership, Citizenship, and Teamwork Skills
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.1.1 / assess factors involved in successful leadership skills, citizenship traits, and teamwork traits.
HS.O.LIFE.1.2 / apply leadership, citizenship, and teamwork skills as an integral part of classroom activities.
Standard 2: Reasoning for Action
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.2.1 / contrast consequences of adequate and inadequate reasoning for self, others, culture/society, and global environment.
HS.O.LIFE.2.2 / analyze recurring and evolving family, workplace, and community concerns.
HS.O.LIFE.2.3 / analyze practical reasoning components.
HS.O.LIFE.2.4 / implement practical reasoning for responsible action in families, workplaces, and communities.
HS.O.LIFE.2.5 / demonstrate inquiry and reasoning to gain factual knowledge and test theories on which to base judgments for action.
Standard 3: Individual Development
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.3.1 / summarize the developmental characteristics of early adolescents.
HS.O.LIFE.3.2 / analyze circumstances that impact individual development.
HS.O.LIFE.3.3 / analyze accountability for self care.
HS.O.LIFE.3.4 / analyze the concept of independence.
Standard 4: Relationships Skills
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.4.1 / examine concerns regarding peer relationships.
HS.O.LIFE.4.2 / identify personal concerns regarding building and maintaining relationships.
HS.O.LIFE.4.3 / analyze strategies to develop a positive self-concept.
HS.O.LIFE.4.4 / demonstrate verbal and non-verbal communication that strengthen relationships.
HS.O.LIFE.4.5 / explain skills that are important in developing good relationships with other persons.
Standard 5: Personal Relationships
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.5.1 / summarize characteristics which build significant, respectful, and responsible relationships.
HS.O.LIFE.5.2 / analyze conflicts related to relationships.
HS.O.LIFE.5.3 / examine ways to relate to people of different ages, abilities, genders, and cultures.
HS.O.LIFE.5.4 / communicate by expressing individual feelings, needs, and ideas constructively.
Standard 6: Personal Resources
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.6.1 / assess personal values and goals.
HS.O.LIFE.6.2 / identify personal resources.
HS.O.LIFE.6.3 / explain personal responsibilities for setting and reaching goals.
HS.O.LIFE.6.4 / demonstrate a plan for use of personal time based ongoals and values.
HS.O.LIFE.6.5 / explain reasons management is important in the workplace.
HS.O.LIFE.6.6 / determine how resources can be used to reach goals.
Standard 7: Consumer Strategies
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.7.1 / explore needs, wants, and values common to adolescents and tell how these affect consumer decisions.
HS.O.LIFE.7.2 / exhibit buymanship skills useful in managing resources.
HS.O.LIFE.7.3 / compare consumer rights with consumer responsibilities
HS.O.LIFE.7.4 / identify other sources of consumer information.
HS.O.LIFE.7.5 / explain ways ecological needs affect consumer goals
Standard 8: Family Issues
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.8.1 / explain the functions of a family to its members and to society.
HS.O.LIFE.8.2 / create strategies to build healthy families.
HS.O.LIFE.8.3 / assess ways to deal with family stress and crisis.
HS.O.LIFE.8.4 / examine global concerns related to the family.
Standard 9: Leadership Roles as a Family Member and a Global Citizen
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.9.1 /

assess societal conditions affecting individual, family, and community well-being.

HS.O.LIFE.9.2 /

use organizational skills to determine and implement individual and team goals.

HS.O.LIFE.9.3 /

collaborate with team members to achieve goals.

HS.O.LIFE.9.4 /

evaluate consequences of actions.

Standard 10: Nutrition, Food Preparation, and Etiquette
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.10.1 / determine safe and sanitary ways of food preparation.
HS.O.LIFE.10.2 / formulate nutrition goals based on current guidelines for meeting nutrition needs.
HS.O.LIFE.10.3 / evaluate sources of nutrition information.
HS.O.LIFE.10.4 / explain consequences of alternatives related to various nutrition issues .
HS.O.LIFE.10.5 / make judgments about appropriate courses of action.
HS.O.LIFE.10.6 / plan for collaboration in the lab.
HS.O.LIFE.10.7 / demonstrate accurate food preparation methods.
HS.O.LIFE.10.8 / demonstrate appropriate and courteous etiquette.
Standard 11: Participating in the student organization
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.LIFE.11.1 / identify the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization.
HS.O.LIFE.11.2 / explain the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization.
HS.O.LIFE.11.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.

Profile Summary


Student’s Signature______Date______


Instructor’s Signature______Date______