Barren County High School

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Honors Geometry AY

Instructor: Stephanie Esters


School Phone: 270-651-6315

Teacher Website:

You may also go to the Barren County High School homepage, click on “Teacher Websites” in the menu on the left side of the screen, then click “Stephanie Esters.”

Remind: Text @hon-geom-1 to 81010 to receive class updates and reminders via text message. This is a requirement for all students, and parents are also encouraged to join. Those who don’t have text messaging may also register to receive messages via email by simply sending an email to the following address: .

Course Resources: Students are required to come to class prepared each and every day. This includes paper, pencil, and a calculator (if you have one). You are also required to keep a class notebook/binder. See policy below for additional details. Textbooks will remain in the classroom, but they may be checked out if needed for extenuating circumstances. Students must also have access to smart phone, device with internet access, and/or a computer at times. If this is an issue, please let the instructor know and other arrangements can be made. Gather any necessary materials before class begins or else you may lose credit for class work as well as possibly face other disciplinary measures.

Course Description: This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Algebra I. The study of geometry includes experiences and activities that foster a feeling for the value of geometry in life. Emphasis is placed on the use reasoning skills, and two and three-dimensional modeling to solve problems, both mathematical and real-world.

Units of Study: Basics of Geometry; Segments and Angles; Parallel and Perpendicular Lines; Triangle Relationships; Congruent Triangles; Quadrilaterals; Similarity; Transformations; Right Triangles and Trigonometry; Polygons and Area; Surface Area and Volume; and Circles

Literacy Component: Mathematical literacy will be assessed using various modes of writing. Students will be asked to communicate results in written form using open response questions, on demand writing questions, and other forms of writing.

Grading Policy: You are to be punctual with your class assignments. Grades are computed on a weighted system, which is listed below. Grades should be accessed online via the Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal. Should a student need me to check grades, for any reason, see me outside of class.

Tests – 50%

Quizzes – 30% (lowest quiz each 9-weeks will be dropped)

Notebook/Classwork – 20%

Make-Up Policy: Students having excused absences shall be allowed the same number of days as they were absent to complete make-up assignments. Tests and quizzes should be made up during Friday WIN period or before/after school (see instructor to schedule). Please avoid unexcused absences, as they will result in a zero grade for any and all missed work without exception.

Class Notebook: You are required to keep a notebook, folder, or binder for this class. At the end of each chapter you will be asked to produce class notes, homework assignments, and weekly bellringer sheets from that chapter for a grade (grade varies depending on number of sections/assignments). All work should be kept in chronological order.

Final Exam Policy: All students will be required to take a Final Exam. The test will count for 20% of your over-all grade in this course.

Attendance Policy: You need to always be present for class. In the case of an excused absence or a field trip, it is your responsibility (NOT MINE) to gather and complete missed assignments. Please avoid unexcused absences, as they will result in a zero grade for any and all missed work without exception.

Cell Phone/Electronics Policy: Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be seen or heard during class time (unless you have permission from the teacher for educational activities). When you come into my classroom (even before instructional time begins) your phone should be OFF or on SILENT. Under NO circumstances are students permitted to use devices to access social media sites, take photos or make videos, watch unapproved videos, etc. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action. The device will be confiscated and the student will be written up. The cell phone will be held in the office, as per school policy.

Hall Passes: Each student is granted 5 emergency passes per quarter; however, I strongly discourage use of this pass by adding 5 points for every unused pass to your lowest test grade(s) at the end of every nine weeks. Once your passes are gone, they are gone... NO EXCEPTIONS. To use a pass, you must sign out on your class sheet and wear the hall pass around your neck.

Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty Policy: Cheating will not be tolerated! Students caught cheating or allowing other students to copy their work will receive a zero for that particular assignment or activity. Depending on the severity of the case, students may also be referred to the school administration, and parents may be called.

This is a contract. Please read carefully and sign below stating that you fully understand the expectations outlined in the course syllabus for Mrs. Esters’ class. Once you have signed, please return only this page of the contract to me. The remaining portion you may keep on hand as a constant reminder that you have agreed to follow the rules of this classroom and therefore face any consequences for violating the rules. *


Student Name (Print)


Student Signature


Parent Signature


* Note: Should you choose to not sign and return this form, it in no way excludes you from the agreement. It simply displays an unwillingness to accept responsibility and cooperate with others.

The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course.