St.Francis Preparatory High School

Teacher: Mr. J.LaRocca


Course Title: Biology- The Living Environment

Textbook: Biology (Miller & Levine)

Additional required texts:

  • High Marks: Regents Living Environment Made Easy (Bookstore)
  • St. Francis Preparatory Biology Lab Manual (Bookstore)

Course Objective: Students will develop an understanding of concepts related to the living environment and will develop the ability to apply these science concepts in the classroom, in the laboratory, and in life.

Required Supplies:

1.Three ring binder with loose leaf and dividers

2. Pencils and pens (blue or black ink only)

3.Two-pocket folder

4.Marble composition notebook for lab

Class Rules and Gudelines:

  1. Respect: Foremost, we are to respect our teacher, our peers, and ourselves. All rules posted in the school calendar must be followed.
  2. Preparedness/Materials:All students are to be seated in their seats, prepared with all required supplies, and ready to work when the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a grade deduction. Lateness to class will result in detention. Note: Do not discard materials. Hand-outs, tests, etc. from class as they will likely be needed to prepare for the regents exam.
  3. Cutting: Cutting classeswill notbe tolerated and will be subject to a significant grade deduction and parent notification; there areNOexceptions to this rule.
  4. Disruptions/Distractions: Disruptions to the class, violation of the SFP dress code, or possession of cell phones, pagers, ipods, or other potentially distracting electronic devices during class may result in detention, grade deductions, or further disciplinary action.
  5. Laboratory Conduct: Appropriate conduct is imperative in the laboratory. No food drinks, or any other items, which may pose a dangerous situation, are permitted in the lab area. Each student must complete at least 15 satisfactory lab reports as mandated by New York State in order to take the Living Environment Regents Exam. Material covered in the lab will be included in tests and quizzes. Lab activities must be printed out prior to reporting to lab, and all lab reports must be typed unless other instructions are given. They must be stapled and include an attached cover page, which includes your name, class period, the date, and title of the lab. All outside sources must be cited correctly. Further instructions for format will be explained in class. Late lab reports will suffer an automatic 50% percent deduction. Labs submitted a cycle late of thereafter will be given a grade of zero. All labs will be submitted electronically via TURNITIN.COM or they will not receive credit.
  6. Absenteeism and Assignments: Class attendance at St. Francis Prep is a major priority. All students are required to complete all required work even if they are absent.Students who are absentrequirea pass. Class work and homework are due on announced dates; late homework assignments will NOT be accepted for credit. If you are absent from class,youare still responsible for all assignments due, missed class work, exams, and/ or lab work. Try not to be absent during an exam. If a student is absent without legitimate documentation during an exam,he or she may be given a zero. As per school policy, if a student is absent from class 6 or more times for any given quarter, this will be considered excessive absence. This will result in a mandatory 5 point deduction from the quarterly grade. Please be advised classes missed due to lateness or early dismissal will be included in this group(missed classes resulting from retreats, school trips and official appointments in the school building will not be included in the total number of absences and therefore should not count toward the 5 point deduction).
  7. Extra Help:Please keep in mind that extra help will always be readily available to all students in need. It is the student’s responsibility to seek help and inform the teacher that he or she will be attending. A regular, weekly time slot will be established.
  8. Electronic Devices: Responsible use of this technology is mandatory. Mr. LaRocca must approve the use of any electronic device used in class or lab. Under NO circumstances may a student record or photograph the teacher. The school's iPad and electronic device policy is stated in the student agenda book as well as the school calendar. Any violation of the policy or inappropriate use will automatically result in academic/disciplinary action.
  9. Honor Code: You are expected to adhere to all the provisions listed in the Honor Code. Cheating in any manner is a serious infraction and will not be tolerated. Anyone in violation of the Honor Code is subject to severe academic consequences as outlined in the school calendar.

Course Grading policy:

Exams/Quizzes- (45%)

Laboratory Reports –(30%)

Class work/homework- (20%)

Preparedness- (5%)

(Please sign but DO NOT detach)

I agree and understand that it is my responsibility to satisfy the requirements and abide by the set of rules to complete the course successfully. I have also shared this information with my parent/guardian as well.

Student’s printed name______ID#______

Class Period______Today’s Date______

Student Signature: Parent/guardian signature:
