Course: / INTL 2030/section International Law
Term/Semester: / e.g. Summer, Fall, Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring, Spring 1, Spring 2
ECTS: / UG-term courses=4 ECTS, UG semester courses = 6 ECTS
GCP Coded: / [Filled in by the university]
Prerequisites: / Enter the course prerequisite(s) (if any) from the University catalogue and any local prerequisites that may have been specified by the department.
Labfee: / [Filled in by the university]
Required reading materials: / Please provide the list of books you submitted via the textbook order form.
Last update: / yyyy


Instructor: / (Title if applicable) first and last name (, suffix if applicable)
e-mail: / Enter your … e-mail address
phone: / Optional
office room/hours: / Office, Day / time


Please enter the official course description as found in the catalog (for undergraduate courses see: for graduate courses:

You may add any additional text or description you deem necessary.


  • The student is able to acquire a basic understanding of the history, sources and features of the international legal system.
  • The student is able to develop a basic knowledge of the United Nations system and of other international organizations of global reach.
  • The student is able to know the primary bodies of international law including e.g. international humanitarian law, laws of armed conflict.
  • The student is able to acquire the ability to understand and interpret international legal principles relevant to current issues and events and global politics.
  • The student is able to understand and interpret legal documents.


WVPU courses at the graduate or undergraduate level are never based purely on one final examination. WVPU courses combine a diverse and cumulative set of oral, written, and examinations assessments to determine final grades. The specific distributed weight of assignments and exams vary from course to course depending on the level and discipline and oversight of the respective academic department.

Enter your breakdown here. Please review Study and Examination Guidelines Paragraph 6, for grading standards of Webster University. [Please keep in mind that this is very importantto guarantee objective assessment of student work]

(Based on 100 points): / Instructors can determine the components of evaluations. Below is just an example.
Midterm (if any):
Final (if any): / e.g. 40
e.g. 15
e.g. 25
Written work:
Literature review:
Research paper:
Policy Memo:
Book Review: / e.g. 50
e.g. 10
e.g. 20
e.g. 10
e.g. 10
Oral work:
Participation: / e.g. 10
e.g. 5
e.g. 5


List policies that are specific to your course, such as your policy on acceptance of and/or penalties for late work, an explanation of how you enforce the attendance policy (for example, whether lateness counts as a partial absence, or points taken off for each absence or partial absence, etc.).


Students are required to inform themselves of WVPU academic policies. A full list of these policies is available on the WVPU website:


Week 1 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 2 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 3 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 4 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 5 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 6 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 7 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 8 (enter date/s) / Enter weekly topic and assignments
Week 0 (break week) / No classes are held during break week

NOTE: Semester courses continue meet after the break fora total of 15 weeks.Enter 7 additional weekly assignments if you are teaching a semester course.

[SRS1]Your Department Head is responsible for providing you with updated and accurate information in order to fill out the form below.