Chemistry I
Shanna Sweet
Lab site:
School phone: 336-4415
Course Objective-For each and every student to become proficient in the basic terminology used in chemistry, to safely and efficiently perform laboratory experiments, to utilize the scientific method and dimensional analysis in their approach to problem solving, and to prepare for advanced science classes.
Course Study – (Chapters 1-9, 12, and 15, time permitting)
Introduction to Chemistry Atomic Structure Ionic Bonding
Stoichiometry Acids & Bases Gas laws
Solutions Nomenclature The Mole
Matter and Energy Periodic Table Covalent Bonding
Scientific Measurement Electron Configuration Chemical Equations
Dimensional Analysis Chemical Periodicity Chemical Reactions
Class Rules-I expect you to behave as young adultsand to follow the school/district policies.
- Do the right thing
- Be on time; be prepared; and be ready to work.
- Be responsible.
Grades - Grades will be based on a total point system. You will be graded on daily assignments/homework, quizzes, labs, tests, and special projects. Tests will be worth 50% of your grade. It is very important that you do your homework, which you can expect daily. I do not accept late assignments; however, each student will be given one homework pass per nine weeks to use at your discretion. This homework pass cannot be used on multi day assignments, labs, quizzes, tests, or projects. No extra credit assignments will be given.
Attendance – Attendance is crucial to your grade. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class unless otherwise specified. Work turned in at a later time that is unexcused will not be accepted. When you have an excused absence, you have the same amount of time to make up your work as the length of time you were absent. (According to school policy) If you were absent for other reasons (school activities, trips, etc.) you should make arrangements before your leave to get your assignment so that it can be turned in on time or as soon as you return. It is the responsibility of the student to ask for and turn in an assignment missed due to absence.
Make Up Tests/ Labs – Tests and lab activities will be made up during a time arranged between the student and the teacher, not during class.
Tardiness- Refer to the school policy for tardiness. My class will start when the bell rings; if you are tardy you may not have enough time to catch up. YOU are responsible for making up any instruction time.
Fees- There is a $5.00 fee for this class. The fee covers the cost of consumable items used throughout the year.
Supplies –
1 or 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder Scientific Calculator** Loose-leaf notebook paperfor homework Pencil – A must for all work
Index cards
- **An inexpensive calculator is needed for this class. One that performs simple scientific calculations (scientific notation) is recommended. I prefer the TI-30XA, which can be purchased at Wal-Mart for less than $10.00. Calculators must be brought to class everyday.
Communication- I want to see your student succeed, and I believe parental involvement plays a large part in that success. I would like to be able to communicate with parents regarding student performance and upcoming class activities such as labs, tests, and special projects. I find the easiest way to do this is via e-mail and Remind text messages. Please include an e-mail address if you wish to be contacted regarding such matters. Please feel free to contact me whenever you have questions or concerns. I can be reached via e-mail or phone. My planning period is first hour (8:25-9:15).
Remind is for parents and students to use.
*Remind is a text messaging program that allows me to send group messages to remind parents and students of due dates, tests, assignments, etc.
*Remind does not allow me to see your cell number or you to see my cell number.
*Remind does not allow me to send texts to individuals, so I will not contact you about your child specifically through this method.
Follow the instructions on the following page to sign up for Remind text messages.
Text @84003 to (580) 307-3847
Please sign this syllabus and return to Mrs. Sweet.
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature______
E-Mail Address______
Alternate Preferred Method of Contact______