
Course:Math 160

Faculty Member:

Semester/Year: Spring 2013 / Semester/Year:
Institutional SLO / Course SLO #1 / Method of Assessment / Outcomes / Plan for Implementation / Reassessment / Outcome / Plan for Implementation
Thinking and Reasoning
Students will identify and analyze real or potential “problems” and develop, evaluate, and test possible solutions using creative thinking, analysis and synthesis, quantitative reasoning, and/or transfer of knowledge and skills to a new context as appropriate.
Quantitative Reasoning
Students will use college-level mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze and explain issues in quantitative terms. / Throughout the semester students will be able to use trigonometric functions to solve triangles and to solve equations. / Quizzes, Tests / 1. 88% of students were able to correctly solve the word problem using a trig function
2. 79% of students were able to solve a simple linear trig equation.
3. 69% of students were able to solve a quadratic trig equation. / 1. State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more explicitly
2. Revise activities leading up to and/or supporting
assignments and activities
3. Increase in-class discussions and activities
4. Increase student collaboration.
5. Procure articles/books on teaching about


Department: Math

Course: Math 160

Faculty Member:

Semester/Year: Spring 2013 / Semester/Year:
Institutional SLO / Course SLO #2 / Method of Assessment / Outcomes / Plan for Implementation / Reassessment / Outcome / Plan for Implementation
Thinking and Reasoning
Students will identify and analyze real or potential “problems” and develop, evaluate, and test possible solutions using creative thinking, analysis and synthesis, quantitative reasoning, and/or transfer of knowledge and skills to a new context as appropriate.
Quantitative Reasoning
Students will use college-level mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze and explain issues in quantitative terms. / By the end of the semester students will be able to analyze trigonometric graphs. / Quizzes, Tests / 1. 73% of students were able to identify a tangent graph.
2. 66% of students if given an equation were able identify the period, amplitude, phase shift and range of the graph.
3. 87% of students if to given graph transformations were able to identify the correct equation.
4. 87% of students if to given a graph were able to identify the equation / 1. State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more explicitly
2. Revise activities leading up to and/or supporting
assignments and activities
3. Increase in-class discussions and activities
4. Increase student collaboration.
5. Procure articles/books on teaching about