Course rules for Master of XX (Specialisation)


1. The Faculty of XX may accept as a candidate for the Master of XX (Specialisation/s) (Coursework) a person who:

a. has qualified for admission to a Bachelor of XX degree with the relevant major or equivalent in the University of Tasmania with Credit average results; or

b. has completed the Graduate Certificate in XX (Specialisation) or the Graduate Diploma in XX (Specialisation) with a Credit average; or

c. holds a degree of another university or tertiary institution approved by the Faculty of XX for this purpose, and who is deemed by the Faculty of XX to be equivalent to a candidate in paragraph [a]; or

d. in exceptional circumstances, as approved by the Faculty, has qualifications and/or relevant work experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree.

2. Candidates for the award shall complete the award requirements, as hereinafter prescribed, in not less than three semesters of full-time study [or its equivalent] and not more than six calendar years, from the time of first enrolment.

Course Structure

3. To qualify for the award, the candidate shall pass units totalling 200% from the accompanying Schedule in either one discipline or a joint course of study in two disciplines.

4. The units which may be included in a course for the award shall, unless otherwise approved by the Dean, be in accordance with Schedules of units for the Master of XX (Specialisation/s) accompanying these specifications.

5. Units may be counted towards the award only if they have been taken in accordance with prerequisites determined by the Faculty of Arts and as summarised in Schedule of units for the Master of XX (Specialisatio/sn).

6. A candidate normally may not enrol in any semester in units totalling more than 50% weighting, or if the candidate is in full-time employment during any given Semester, more than 25% weighting.

7. Where two or more units of the same name or content are offered within the University, only one may be counted towards the award.

8. In every case the candidate's choice of units and the order in which they are taken shall be subject to approval by the Dean in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.

Credit for Previous Studies

9. Passes in subjects or units in other honours or postgraduate courses (completed or otherwise) in this University or another approved tertiary institution (or other approved professional examining body) may be credited towards the degree, provided that the Faculty may specify what more a candidate so credited shall be required to do to qualify for the award.


10. The Faculty may from time to time make amendments to the Schedules to these specifications.

11. Should any difficulty arise for a candidate previously enrolled because of any difference between course requirements and units offered under these specifications and those previously in force, the Faculty shall ensure that the candidate is not materially disadvantaged by these specifications.

12. The approved abbreviation for the award of Master of XX (Specialisation/s) shall be XX (Spec/s).