Introduction to Criminal Justice
Course Requirements/Expectations of Students
1.Be in class on time. (School cut/tardy policy will be enforced.) Poor attendance will affect your grade.
2.Being tardy will result in NO CREDIT for the class opening activity.
3.Class work missed due to absence, which cannot be assigned, as make-up will result in NO CREDIT.
Be Prepared
Bring required books/ materials, handout materials, paper, and a #2 pencil to each class meeting.
If cheating occurs, the paper of the parties involved will be thrown out and a zero will be recorded for the activity. Parents and administrative staff will be notified.
Grading Policy
1.Based on accumulated point total for the following assignments:
a.Quizzes and tests
d.Research papers
e.Extra credit
f.Class participation
2.Grades are based on the following:
a.A – Excellent 90-100%
b.B – Above Average 80 - 89%
c.C – Average70 -79%
d.D – Below Average60 – 69%
e.F – Failing59% and below
3.The successful student attends class regularly, takes notes, watches the audio /visual presentations, and actively participates in class discussions. He/she does not arrive late, does not sleep in class, and does not spend class time in unrelated pursuits.
4.Please see me after class for questions about your grade or missed work.
1.Homework is due on the due date assigned. Late work will not be accepted for any reason if you were in class on the day it was assigned. If you are absent on the due date, the homework becomes due the next day you return to class.
Accept responsibility for required work and turn it in on time.
2.If no homework is assigned, students are expected to review previous modules.
3.It is your responsibility to develop and maintain good study habits; therefore LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED.
4.Illegible work and work with spelling and or grammar errors will be returned to be redone.
Quizzes and Opening Activities
Weekly quizzes will be given. If you are absent on the day of a quiz, you must make it up on the designated make-up day or you will receive a zero. There will be no make-ups for missing a class video or opening activity.
Tests and Exams
1.You have designated make-up days and times after you return to class to make up a test. A make-up test will be taken on “YOUR TIME” before or after class on DESIGNATED MAKE-UP DAYS ONLY (Make arrangements with Instructor).
2.UNEXCUSED ABSENCES on the day of any test or assignment due will result in a failure for that assignment.
3.UNEXCUSED TARDY on the day of any test or assignment due may result in a failure for that test or assignment.
4.You must make up missed work on the next designated make up day the following week or your grade will automatically become a zero.
Class Rules
1.Students must be in the classroom before the Late/tardy bell rings.
2.NO FOOD OR DRINKS will be permitted in the classroom.
3.Students will not talk or disrupt the class while the instructor is presenting a lesson.
4.Students are to remain in their assigned seats at all times until dismissed by the instructor.
5.If you are asked a question, raise your hand
6.Students are expected to keep busy on assigned tasks.
7.The only material to be on your desk is your notes for this class and a pencil.
Consequences – If you fail to heed class rules, the following may result:
1.First offenseWarning
2.Second OffenseRemain after class to discuss problem
3.Third OffenseDetention
4.Fourth OffenseParental contact will be made (tardy students will be referred to
an administrator
5.Fifth OffenseReferral to an administrator
NOTE: If you are defiant, the instructor reserves the right to skip and step and advance to the appropriate consequence.