Freshman English

Course Philosophy

The upcoming year is a transition period for many incoming students. High school freshman English will be a new challenge for students. This course will teach principles needed in order to prepare a more successful, flexible student, so he/she may pursue the career, college, or technical school of his/her choice. Students will experience new, challenging approaches to literature and gain competency in literacy.

Course Objectives

·  To increase students’ usage of correct grammar

·  To introduce students to how an author’s choices create different effects in writing

·  To increase students’ reading comprehension

·  To develop students’ writing skills

·  To increase students’ presentation skills

·  To prepare students for end of course exams and success on ACT tests

Course Expectations

Students should bring all class materials daily. This includes highlighters, papers, pens or pencils with lead, erasers, white out, class reading materials, assignments for the day, and independent reading materials. Students are expected to take notes in this class. Note-taking guides will be provided to students. Students should work on their class assignments while in this class. Working on another class’s homework will not be tolerated. Students are expected to come to class on time with their work for that day finished. Homework turned in after it is collected is considered late, even if it is turned in that same class period. Most importantly, students are expected to interact in this class! Be prepared to speak and ask questions.

Late Work Policy

All homework should be complete when a student walks in the door. All assignments are due when collected. Any assignment turned in after collection, even if it is the same class period, is considered one day late. Assignments will lose one letter grade for each day late, up to 5 school days late for a score of 50. After this point late work will not be accepted unless there is an extenuating circumstance that must be communicated via parent email or phone call. This may seem harsh but there is no late work in college, and this policy is designed to help students transition to that expectation. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, the handbook policy will be followed. However, if a project is due the day a student is absent, the project will be due when the student next returns to school. Projects are announced before hand and students should know due dates early.

Cheating Policy

Students caught plagiarizing will be given the opportunity to redo an assignment. However, the highest they can earn in this instance is a “C.” Parents will be notified with a copy of student’s turned-in work and a copy of their plagiarized work. Students will have a limited time to make up an assignment at this point.

Missing Assignments

Assignments will only be handed out once. If a student loses his or her assignment, he/she may look at the course’s website ( and print the missing assignment from there. Not all assignments will be posted on the website due to copyright infringement. It is students’ jobs to keep track of their work. Absent students will receive their work when they return, or it may be emailed to them in some cases if requested.

Units of Study

·  Reviewing Grammar and Short Story Elements

·  Introduction to Literary Analysis

·  Introduction to Argumentative Writing and Analysis

·  Synthesizing Information for Specific Purposes

·  Reading Shakespeare

Class Reading

·  Ender's Game

·  Romeo and Juliet

·  The Odyssey

·  To Kill A Mockingbird

·  "The Gift of the Magi"

·  "The Most Dangerous Game"

·  “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”

·  “The Scarlet Ibis”

·  Assorted poetry, art work, and music

·  Non-fiction reading to include speeches and memoirs

Students should also keep personal reading materials handy. Whenever a student finishes an assignment early, he/she will be expected to read quietly at his/her desk. For this reason, students must bring a book of their own to class. Library trips will occur when possible to help students find independent reading.

Course Assignments

Students should expect to see homework such as:


Grammar Practice

Out-of-class writing and reading

Classroom Rules

1.  Follow directions.

2.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3.  Come to class with needed materials.

Students can receive a warning, a detention, a phone call or email home, office referral, or ISS for failure to follow rules. Each situation is unique, and consequences will be determined at the time of the offense. Students are in college tracked courses. I expect them to act maturely and responsibly.

Tardies/Cell Phones/Food and Drink

These items will follow the procedures outlined in the student handbook. Walking into the classroom even ONE SECOND after the bell will be counted as a tardy. I will not argue about if a student’s foot was in the doorway at the conclusion of the bell or just outside the door. To avoid a detention, be in your seat when the bell finishes ringing. J

Syllabus Contract

I ______have read the syllabus above and understand what is expected of me in this class. I understand the rules regarding late work and know it is my responsibility to print missing assignments. I understand the rules, and will accept the consequences of my actions, should my behavior warrant them.

______(Student Signature)

I have read the syllabus and understand the coursework expected of my child. I also understand that if my child fails to turn in an assignment within the time constraints outlined above that they will either receive a 0.

______(Parent Signature)


I believe a student’s success is largely dependent on having supportive parents. I need your support to help create a cohesive classroom environment. I welcome any comments/concerns from parents and may be reached at:

Please include your comments, contact information, and any requests from me in the space provided.


Supply List





White out tape

Loose-leaf lined paper

3 Ring Binder (2 inch or larger)

Notebook tabs (at least 7, labeled “Class Notes,” “Grammar,” “Vocabulary,” “Literature,” “Toolbox,” “Returned Grades,” “Handouts”)

Post-it tabs

Index Cards (1 package)

Paper clips