COURSE NAME: Information System Design

(CMPT 370)

Instructor: Dr. Abhijit Sen

Information System Design (CMPT 370)


Instructor: Dr. Abhijit Sen

Office: Room: ASB 9828

Phone: 599-3043, voice mail: 9946

Office Hours: Wed 1600 – 1730.

Wed 20:30-21:30


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Course Objectives

The course is designed to learn what is involved in designing effective and successful information systems. The course will cover aspects such as methodologies, standards, enterprise issues, people and their roles, data engineering, software engineering, pre and post implementation and design/development tools. The course will provide the student with a roadmap on how to design and develop information systems which an organization can use.



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Wednesday 17:30-20:20 / WMC-3210

</span>Course Text

“System Analysis & Design in a Changing World”, (4th Edition), John W.Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd, Thomson


“Requirements Analysis & System Design: Developing Information Systems with UML”, Leszek A Maciaszek, Addison Wesley, 2001

Teaching Strategy

Classes for the course will consist of series of lectures, case studies, class discussions and a project. The lectures will serve to introduce topics. However, there will be a strong focus on reading, appraisal and assimilation of appropriate suggested materials to provide further detail and context. Students are advised to read relevant materials, as they will help in the case studies, projects , and provide additional information.


There will be a Case Project and a Team Project. Students will work in groups of two for the Team Project.

The presentation for the Team Project will be done around week 8-9 of the course.

Grading System:

Assessment as a percentage of the final grade:

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Quizzes / 30%
Case Project/In Class work / 40%
Team Project / 30%

The final project implementation will take the place of a final exam administratively. That is, if you don't do it, you will be given an incomplete in the course, must pass to receive a clear pass in the course, etc.

The project marks given on the group-based evaluations will be multiplied by an individual adjustment factor. This will be determined from evaluations of participation by the group's members.


Email to Instructor

You should add a prefix of “CMPT 370” to your subject of email. This prefix will separate your email from the unwanted emails. Students should take note that email is not a real time online contact.

Policy on Assignment Submissions

You must hand in your assignment by the due date. Submit your assignments as detailed in each assignment. DUE DATE for assignments refers to the beginning of class time on the specified date.

Marks are deducted for late assignments (20% off for each day and they will not be accepted after 2 school days). Please notify TA if you are late.

The submission date for the project is FINAL.

Course Schedule:

The schedule is subject to change at instructor’s discretion.

Course Schedule:

CMPT 370 –SUMMER 2007
Information System Design
Week / Date / Topic / Chapters / Due Dates
1 / 9-May / Introduction / Student Survey / 1,2
2 / 16-May / :The Analyst as a Project Manager, Investigating System Requirements / 3,4
3 / 23-May / Modeling System Requirements / 5 / Case Project: Part 1 due
4 / 30-May / O-O approach to Requirements / 7 / Team Project Proposal Due
5 / 6-Jun / Evaluating Alternatives for Requirements, Environment, and Implementation / 8
6 / 13-Jun / Moving to Design / 9 / QUIZ 1
7 / 20-Jun / The Object-Oriented Approach to Design / 11 / Case Project: Part 2 due
8 / 27-Jun / Designing Databases / 12
9 / 4-Jul / Making the System Operational / 15 / Team Project Checkpoint Demonstration Due
10 / 11-Jul / Current Trends in System Developments / 16 / Case Project: Part 3 due
11 / 18-Jul / Team Project Presentations
12 / 25-Jul / Team Project Presentations / QUIZ 2
13 / 1-Aug / Review / Team Project Due
Individual weighting due


CMPT 370 Summer - 2007