Course No.: AUTO 97.0Course Title: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning
Section No.:63181 Class Hours: 5:00-8:00PmDays: Mon & Wed Room No.:( Camp) Prison
Instructor Name: Mr. Barklow Office No:Tel. Ext.:
E-mail Address:Units:4
Spring Term Begins Feb.13, 2017
Spring Term Ends May 27, 2017
See instructor for current information on drop dates. Students that miss 4 or more classes are subject to instructor drop.
STATEMENT OF ACCESS:Students with special needs are encouraged to meet with instructors to discuss the opportunity for academic accommodation and referral to Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) and services per Administrative Procedure (AP 3440)
High School Diploma or Equivalent (GED)
Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning 7th Edition (Pearson Education 2015) By: James D. Halderman
Course Description:
This course covers heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) theory, basic electricity, HVAC safety procedures, HVAC diagnostic equipment, and industry approved procedures to diagnose and repair HVAC malfunctions in the automobile.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:Utilizing appropriate safety procedures, Demonstrate familiarity with historical development and career information on the automotive industry; demonstrate safe, professional, and responsible work practices; identify and demonstrate the proper use of shop equipment and tools; identify and describe functions of vehicle subsystems; demonstrate the use of service publications; identify various automotive fasteners used in industry; and understand the importance of automotive maintenance
Student Learning Outcomes:
Uponcompletionofthecoursethestudentwill be able to:
Utilizing appropriate safety procedures, the student will explain the operation of the basic refrigeration cycle; analyze air distribution systems; demonstrate proper procedures for handling refrigerant and describe the operation of air conditioning and heating controls.
This course Prepares students for entry-level certification through ASE.
Attendance Policy: (Class attendance is not a measure of performance or proficiency. Whether a student is just physically present in the class is not a valid basis for grading. Reference Title 5 Section 55002 of the California Code of Regulations: (A) Grading Policy. The course provides for measurement of student performance in terms of stated course objectives and culminates in a formal, permanently recorded grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with section 55758 of this Division. The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of written expression that may include essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them to be appropriate, by problem solving exercises or skills demonstrations by students.)
Grading Policy
A = 100 – 90 % B = 89 – 80 % C = 79 – 70% D = 69 – 60% F = 59% or below
Certificate will be provided to the student that earns a grade of 70% or higher. All grades will be based on points accumulated throughout the course. Class homework is 30% of the total grade. All lab assignments will have a total accumulation of 10% of the total grade. Quizzes will be 30% of the total grade. Tests are 30% of the total grade.
Student Requirements
In order to accomplish the course objective, the student will be required to Readthe Book and complete all class and any lab assignments assigned by the instructor. Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. You are expected to conduct yourself professionally with respect and courtesy to all.
Anyone who thoughtlessly or intentionally jeopardizes the health or safety of another individual will be dismissed from the day's activity, may be withdrawn from the class, and/or barred from attending future classes or courses.
Due to the environment of the prison, the schedule of the assignment due dates will be subject to change according to the prison functions and their effect on the calendar of the course. The instructor’s flexibility will be determined by the needs of the student and/or Federal Prison institutions.
Description of Assignments: At the beginning of each chapter in the textbook, there is a section labeled
“Key Terms” (at the beginning of the chapter)it is the responsibility of the student to write these words down with their corresponding definitions. At the end of each chapter, there is also another section of “Review Questions”. It is expected of the student to answer these prompts with a short answer, a long wordy answer is not necessary.
A section ofMultiple-Choice Questions(ASE-Style-Chapter Quiz- Review Questions) can also be found at the end of each chapter; these too must be completed by the student.
If a student comes across information they do not understand, it is important that the student bring it up in class for clarification. The assignments at the end of the chapter are to be completed.
Description of Lab Assignments:
The class will primarily be taught by the lecture and demonstration method and supported by various media materials to address various learning styles. There will be question and answer sessions over material covered in lecture and media presentations.
Most of the Labs Require a Running Vehicle, Which is Not Allowed in the Prison Environment and thus Restricts the Lab Work Performed in this Course.
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