Multimedia & Image Management Techniques

Teacher Information:

Name: / Ms. Debi Brown
Department: / Business and Information Technology (BITE)
Phone: / (918) 758-2075 ext. 3144
Email: /
Location / Okmulgee High School, Room 303-304
Office Hours: / MTF 10:15 – 11:05
W 9:50 – 11:15
After School – 3:20 pm, or by apt.

Class Information:

Number: / 8150 (OK Promise Approved)
Pre-requisite: / Fundamentals of Technology or
Business and Computer Technology
Career Cluster/Pathway: / Information Technology/Web and Digital Communications
Career Majors: / 3D Animator, 3D Modeler, Animator, Audio Production Engineer, Desktop Publisher/Graphic Designer, Graphic Design Specialist, Interactive Media Specialist, Motion Graphics Artist, Multimedia Assistant, Multimedia Specialist, Office Information Specialist, Special Effects Technician, Video Editor, Video Game Designer, Video Producer, Video Production Assistant, Web Designer, Web Designer (Entry Level), Web Producer, Web Specialist, Webmaster
Length: / 1 academic year

Course Description:

Students will acquire fundamental skills in image creation, and management procedures and techniques as they create, revise, optimize, and export graphics for video, print, and web publishing.

Specific Learning Competencies - Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify differences in platforms, browsers, display settings, etc., and related issues.
  2. Use scanning software and scanning devices to properly scan reflective and transparent mediums.
  3. Demonstrate basic design procedures using photo-editing software that include photo enhancement, correction, restoration, and manipulation.
  4. Understand and employ design and color principles while creating visually appealing graphic images.
  5. Manipulate, troubleshoot, compress, publish and export graphics and/or animations.
  6. Apply appropriate techniques for web and print publishing.
  7. Demonstrate sensitivity in communicating with a diverse workforce.
  8. Understand legal and ethical issues in the IT field.
  9. Prepare visual design specifications and evaluate visual appeal.
  10. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of digital imaging techniques and equipment.
  11. Select and utilize appropriate software and hardware tools.
  12. Produce or acquire graphics, animation, audio, and/or video content.
  13. If using Adobe Photoshop for image editing, apply the following features appropriately: color, efficiency and automation, file management, filters and effects, image properties, layers, masks and channels, text tools, and user interface.
  14. If using Fireworks for image editing, apply the following features appropriately: animation, commands, effects, setup, web images, behaviors, drawing tools, exporting, and tools.
  15. If using Adobe Illustrator for vector graphics, apply the following software features appropriately: automation and customization, compiling objects, interaction with web and other applications, type tools, color, objects and shapes, interface, and enhancing artwork.
  16. Create and manipulate original digital images using the features of vector graphics software.

Methods of Instruction:

Lectures, class discussions, hands-on-training, demonstrations, projects and performance evaluation


  1. Come to class every day on time
  2. Follow directions
  3. Apply good listening skills
  4. Concentrate on your work
  5. Recognize problems and find solutions
  6. Manage time effectively
  7. Maintain a safe work environment
  8. Be honest
  9. Be respectful
  10. Dress properly and practice good grooming
  11. Be cooperative
  12. Have a positive attitude
  13. Be a courteous and considerate team member


  • Help keep the classroom clean. Food and drinks are to be left on the table by the door.
  • Late Work. Assignments can be turned in late, but for late credit. You can only make up assignments within a week of when they were due.
  • Ask questions. If you don’t know or understand something, be honest and let me know.
  • Participate in class
  • Check Schoology daily. Everything you need to know about each and every day will be on Schoology.
  • Don’t cheat. I will know.
  • Cellphones: I don’t want to see them. There will be a charging station provided. Once a phone is put in the charging station, it is to remain there the entire hour.
  • Use appropriate language. Cursing and other inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
  • Warnings. You will receive one warning, then a parent/guardian will be called or other disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Food and Drink. All food and drink items are to be placed on the table by the door. Absolutely no food or drink by computers.


  1. Entering the classroom
  2. Enter the classroom quietly without any horseplay.
  3. Begin answering the bell ringer and reading the updates on Schoology.
  4. You have been absent
  5. If an activity is in progress, join in if you can. If you don’t know what to do, ask someone around you or me. Do not just wait doing nothing!
  6. If you need to make up computer work you missed please make arrangements with me. I am usually in the classroom/lab 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  7. Backpacks
  8. All materials needed for this class will be provided.
  9. Do not bring backpacks into the computer lab. You or I may trip and fall.
  10. I recommend leaving your backpack in your locker, but you can also set them under the food or drink table.
  11. During Class
  12. After the bell ringer, I will ALWAYS talk about what we are doing that day. After that, depending on the lesson, I will either demonstrate, discuss, or we will have presentations.
  13. The rule of thumb is to listen while someone is speaking. Be respectful and give them your full attention.
  14. Using Textbooks
  15. Treat books and all classroom materials and equipment with respect. (You are using it but it is not yours)
  16. Please wait in line and get the book in an orderly fashion.
  17. Toward the end of the period please return books to the shelves.
  18. Please return them as neatly as you found them.
  19. When there is a visitor in the room
  20. When someone who is not part of our classroom comes into the room (teacher, administrator, parent, or speaker) you are expected to follow the normal rules and -procedures. Be polite.-
  21. If the visitor needs to speak with me privately, I expect you to remain quiet and work until I finish.
  22. Getting directions and turning things in
  23. All of this will be done through the class website, Schoology.
  24. Updates – These are the general directions and objectives for the day.
  25. Directions – These can be found attached to an update or under the Assignments folder on the class homepage.
  26. Dropboxes – These are where you will turn assignments in.
  27. Class dismissal
  28. About 3 minutes before the bell rings, please return any books, writing utensils, or equipment you were using to its proper place.
  29. Tidy/straighten up your work area for the next student.
  30. DO NOT hover by the door.
  31. Please push your chairs in once the bell rings.

Grading Policy:

This course will include bell ringers, research, projects, and various quizzes and tests. Many projects will contain a rubric that tells you exactly what you must do to successfully complete the project. For bell ringers, ONLY if you tell me ahead of time that you are going to be gone will I give you the bell ringer for the missed day. Cheating and inappropriate language policy: Any assignments to have been found cheated on or that include inappropriate language (includes abbreviations) will receive a 0% and will not be redeemable.

Grading scale:

90% to 100%= A

80% to 89%= B

70% to 79%= C

60% to 69%= D

Below 59%= F

Required Certification:
Brainbench: / Adobe Photoshop

Recognized Primary Course Textbooks and Instructional Resources:

  • Digital Multimedia, South-Western Cengage Learning, ISBN 978-0-44527-6
  • Introduction to Multimedia, Glencoe, ISBN 0-07-823644-4
  • Photo & Digital Imaging, Jack Klasey, ISBN 1-56637-879-6
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 Revealed, Delmar Cengage Learning, ISBN 978-1-133-69322-2
  • Adobe InDesign CS6 Revealed, Delmar Cengage Learning, ISBN 978-1-133-81521-1
  • Various online websites and class website (

Multimedia & Image Management TechniquesPage 1

August 2014