Week / Topic / Date Completed
1 / -  Linear Functions: Chapter 5
2 / -  Linear Functions: Chapter 5
-  Review and Assess
3 / -  Slope Intercept Form : Chapter 13:2
-  Review and Assess
-  Percents: Chapter 6
-  Applying Percents
4 / -  Percents: Chapter 6
-  Applying Percents
5 / -  Percents: Chapter 6
-  Applying Percents
-  Review/Assess
Thanksgiving Week / - 
6 / -  Data Analysis and Probability: Chapter 7
7 / -  Data Analysis and Probability: Chapter 7
8 / -  Data Analysis and Probability: Chapter 7
-  Review and Assess
9 / -  Review for Midterm
10 / -  Flex week
-  Midterm Exam

Course Name __M/J Mathematics 2 Advanced - 1205050____

Semester 1 Course Overview 2011-2012


Week / Topic / Date Completed
1 / -  Welcome students, get to know you activities for data collection
-  Start Smart: Chapter 0
-  Diagnostic Testing
2 / -  Integers: Chapter 1
3 / -  Integers: Chapter 1
-  Review and Assess
-  Rational Numbers: Chapter 2
4 / -  Rational Numbers: Chapter 2
-  Add/Subtract Fractions
-  Multiple/Divide Fractions
5 / -  Rational Numbers: Chapter 2
-  Review and Assess
-  Linear Equations: Chapter 3
6 / -  Linear Equations: Chapter 3
-  Review and Assess
7 / -  Similarity and Proportional Reasoning: Chapter 4
8 / -  Similarity and Proportional Reasoning: Chapter 4
9 / -  Review/Assess
-  Flex days, Standards Review, Benchmark Testing

Course Name __M/J Mathematics 2 Advanced - 1205050____

Semester 2 Course Overview 2011-2012


Week / Topic / Date Completed
1 / -  Surface Area and Volume: Chapter 8
2 / -  Surface Area and Volume: Chapter 8
3 / -  Surface Area and Volume: Chapter 8
-  Review and Assess
4 / -  Measurement and Proportional Reasoning: Chapter 9
5 / -  Measurement and Proportional Reasoning: Chapter 9
6 / -  Measurement and Proportional Reasoning: Chapter 9
7 / -  Measurement and Proportional Reasoning: Chapter 9
-  Review and Assess
8 / -  Transformations: Chapter 10

9 / -  Transformations: Chapter 10
-  Review and Assess
Week / Topic / Date Completed
1 / -  NGSSS Review
2 / -  NGSSS Review
3 / -  FCAT Week
4 / -  Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Chapter 11
5 / -  Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Chapter 11
6 / -  Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Chapter 11
-  Review and Assess
-  Statistics: Chapter 12
7 / -  Statistics: Chapter 12
-  Review and Assess
8 / -  Inequalities, Functions and Monomials: Chapter 13
9 / -  Inequalities, Functions and Monomials: Chapter 13
-  Review/Assess
10 / -  Final Exam Review
11 / -  Final Exams

Curriculum and Pacing Guide: 1205050 M/J Mathematics 2, Advanced

Math 2A

(7th Grade Advanced Math)

Glencoe Math Connects Plus, Course 2, Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2011

Revised June 2011

Useful websites for various concepts:


-  Username:florida02

-  Password:math2011

-  Glencoe-BrainPop Links: Search “BrainPops” scroll to find topic

http://standards.nctm.org (Principles & Standards for School Mathematics)

http://illuminations.nctm.org (NCTM Illumination for School Mathematics)

http://education.ti.com/educationportal/sites/US/homePage/index.html (Ti Calculator)

http://www.neufeldmath.com/ (Understanding Math)

http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/lessons/ (Shodor: Interactive Lessons)

http://www.fldoe.org/default.asp (Florida Department of Education)

http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/virtual_manipulatives_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm (Virtual Manipulative; Interactive 4 Classroom)


·  7th grade FCIM: LORàDistrict MS Curriculum & ResourcesàMathà7th gradeàneeded topic)

·  Manipulative: (LORàDistrict MS Curriculum & ResourcesàMathàUsing Manipulativeàneeded topic)

·  Model Drawing: (LORàDistrict MS Curriculum & ResourcesàMathàModel Drawingàneeded topic)

General Strategies / Benchmark
The student will relate new vocabulary to familiar words. / LA.
The student will draft writing by organizing information into a logical sequence and combining or deleting sentences to enhance clarity / LA.
QUARTER 1 - 1205050 M/J Mathematics 2 Advanced (Math 2A)
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 0: Start Smart/Diagnostic Testing / 1 / Ch 0-1: A plan for Problem Solving
-  What is the steps/plan for problem solving?
Ch 0-2: Estimate with Decimals
-  How does estimating sums, differences, products and quotients with decimals assist with checking your answers?
Ch 0-3: Multiplying Decimals/ Ch 0-5:Divide Decimals
-  How does multiplying or dividing by a decimal affect the value of a number?
Ch 0-4: Multiple by Powers of Ten
-  How does multiplying by powers of ten affect the placement of the decimal?
Diagnostic Testing / MA.6.A.5.3
MA.6.A.1.2 / NAL-Understanding
-  Fractions Topic 5. An Introduction to Decimals
-  Fractions Topic 6. Percents/ Fractions/Decimals
Whole Numbers and Integers Topic 1. The Meaning of Whole Numbers CAN/US
-  Exponents Topic 1. The Meaning of Exponents
-  Exponents Topic 4. Scientific Notation
Notation converter:
-  http://webmath.com/sn_convert.html
Ti Calculator web:
-  Education.ti.com
Coolmath-Colorful how to
-  http://www.coolmath.com/prealgebra/02-decimals/index.html
-  http://www.gamequarium.com/decimals.html
ANGEL Model Drawing Links:
-  Multiplying by Decimals / MA.6.A.1.2,
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 1: Integers / 2 & 3 / Ch 1: Main EQ
-  How can you use numbers to describe concepts such as sea level, losing yardage in a football game, or temperatures that drop below zero?
Ch 1-1: Integers and Coordinate Plane
-  What is the significance of absolute value?
-  How do positive and negative numbers affect number operations?
Ch 1-2: Add/Subtract Integers
-  How is adding and subtracting integers like adding and subtracting whole numbers? How is it different?
Ch 1-3: Multiply/Divide Integers
-  How is multiplying and dividing integers like adding and subtracting whole numbers? How is it different?
Ch 0 to 1: Accumulative Review/Assess / MA.7.A.3.1, MA.7.G.4.3
MA.7.A.3.2 / NAL-Understanding Whole Numbers and Integers
-  Topic 4. The Meaning of Integers
-  Topic 5. Adding Integers
-  Topic 6. Subtracting Integers
-  Topic 7 Multiplying Integers
-  Topic 8 Dividing Integers
Math Goodies
-  http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol5/intro_integers.html
Basic Skill Prac. Games
-  http://classroom.jc-schools.net/basic/math-integ.html
Amby’s Math Resources
-  http://amby.com/educate/math/integer.html
Glencoe: BrainPop
-  +/- Integers:
ANGEL Manipulative Link:
-  Adding Integers
-  Subtracting Integers / Integers,
negative integers, positive integers, graph, absolute value
coordinate plane, quadrant, x-axis, y-axis, origin, ordered pair, x-coordinate, y-coordinate
zero pair
additive inverse / MA.7.A.3.1,
3466,3571,3666,3720,13885,3620,3621,3721,82453,3670,3671,3770,3771,61649,34546,147835, 142631,34548
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 2: Rational Numbers / 3, 4 & 5 / Ch 2 Main EQ
-  What are rational numbers?
Ch 2-1: Rational Numbers
-  Describe the relationship between rational numbers, integers, and whole numbers.
Ch 2-2: Add/Subtract Fractions
-  How is adding unlike fractions different than adding like fractions? How is it different?
Ch 2-3A-D: Multiply/Divide Fractions
-  How is multiplying fractions different from adding fractions? How is it the same?
Ch 0 to 2: Accumulative Review/Assess / MA.7.A.5.1
MA.7.A.3.2 / NAL-Understanding Fractions
-  Topic 3. Equivalent Fractions
-  Topic 6. Percents/ Fractions/Decimals
-  Topic 8. Adding Fractions
-  Topic 9. Subtracting Fractions
-  Topic 10. Multiplying Fractions
-  Topic 11. Dividing Fractions
-  Topic 13. Improper and Mixed Fractions
Ti Calculator Web:
-  Education.ti.com
Interactive 4 classroom Activities
-  http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/fractions_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm
ANGEL Model Drawing Links:
-  Division by Factions 1
-  Multiplying by Factions
Kids Online Resources
-  http://www.kidsolr.com/math/fractions.html
Alg. Basics: Exponents
-  http://www.math.com/school/subject2/lessons/S2U2L2GL.html
-  x/÷ Equations:
-  +/- Equations: / Terminating decimals,
repeating decimals,
bar notation
rational numbers, common denominator, least common denominator (LCD)
Like fractions
Unlike fractions / MA.7.A.5.1
34399,3592,3742,34383,34384,34385, 11427,13386,13556,34138
34424,34429,19601,33548,19595,34425,34403,13530,128362,128386,1283362,34417,34414,34416,34497, 34721,3930,14144,14265,3801,14032,34448,34447,128386,128362,128370,13530,128345,128249,3751,34497,82444,19602,34410,34412,34414,34416,34417,34418,
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 3: Linear Functions / 5 & 6 / Ch 3: Main EQ
-  What do you know about the solution to an equation?
-  What is the significance of the equals sign?
Ch 3-1: Addition/Subtractions Equations
-  How do you solve an equations involving add/subtraction?
Ch 3-2: Multiple/Divide Equations
-  How is it possible for both sides of an equation to remain equal when both sides are multiplied or divided by the same number?
Ch 3-3: Multi-step Equations
-  Why is it important to combine like terms before completing number operations when solving two-step equations?
Ch 1 to 3: Accumulative Review/Assess / MA.7.A.5.2
MA.7.A.3.4 / Understanding Equations
-  Topic 2. Solving One-Step Equations
-  Topic 3. Solving Two-Step Equations
-  Topic 5. Adding Expressions
-  Topic 7. Multiplying Expressions
Equation Match Activity (BBC ed.)
-  http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/data_analysis_graphs_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm
Algebra.Help Calculator
-  http://www.algebrahelp.com/calculators/equation/
Hotmath: Solving Multi-step Equations
-  http://hotmath.com/help/gt/genericalg1/section_1_3.html
BrainPops-2-step equations
http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/brainpops/00063104/00063104.html / Equation,
Equivalent equation
Multiplicative inverse
Two-step equation / MA.7.A.5.2
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 4: Proportions and Similarities / 7 / Ch 4: Main EQ
-  What are ratios and proportions and how do we use them in our daily lives?
Ch 4-1: Proportions
-  How can you determine if two ratios form a proportion?
-  How are ratios, proportions, and scale drawings used in the real-world?
Ch 4-2: Scale Drawing and Models
-  How are scale drawings used in real-world situations? / MA.7.A.1.6,
MA.7.A.1.1, / Understanding Percent
Topic 4. Ratios and Proportions
Interactive 4 classroom Activities
-  http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/ratio_proportion_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm
Algebra.help: Proportion Calculator
-  http://www.algebrahelp.com/calculators/equation/proportions/
-  Similar Triangles
-  Using Proportions / Rate,
Unit rate
Equivalent ratios
Cross product
Scale drawing,
Scale model,
Scale factor / MA.7.A.1.6,
9 / Ch 4-3: Similarity and Proportional Reasoning
-  What makes multiple shapes similar? How can you use this information to calculate missing information?
Ch 1 to 4: Accumulative Review/Assess
Review and Assess
Chzpters 1-4 Accumulative Test
Benchmark Testing / MA.7.A.1.1,
MA.7.G.4.1 / Similar figures, Corresponding sides, Corresponding angles,
Indirect measurement
QUARTER 2 – 1205050 M/J Mathematics 2 Advanced (Math 2A)
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 5: Linear Functions / 1 / Ch 5 Main EQ
-  What kinds of relationships might exist between two quantities and what do the graphs of theses relationships look like?
Ch 5-1: Rates and Function
-  Why is it useful to be able to represent functions in various ways?
Ch 5-2: Slope
-  How are slope, rate of change, and constant rate of change related?
Ch 13-2C: Slope Intercept
-  How does the y-intercept affect the slope of a line?
Ch 5-3: Variation
-  When is a linear function a direct variation?
-  How is direct variation different from inverse variation? / MA.7.A.1.4
MA.7.A.1.4 / Interactive 4 Classroom Activities:
-  http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/algebraic_functions_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm
Ti Calculator Activity:
education.ti.com/educationportal/.../download_file.jsp?cid=US... - Similar
Applications of Linear Functions Activities
-  http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/linear-functions-applications.html
BrainPop: Slope/Intercept
-  http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/brainpops/00112044/00112044.html / Functions,
Function rules,
Function table,
Domain, range
Linear Function
Rate of change,
Constant rate of change
Slope / MA.7.A.1.4
2 / MA.7.A.1.4
MA.7.A.1.5 / Direct variation
Constant of variation
Inverse variation
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 6: Percents / 3 / Ch 6: Main EQ
-  What are percents and how are they used in everyday life?
Ch 6-1: Percent
-  How can fraction equivalents be helpful in estimating percents?
Ch 6-2: Proportions and Equations
-  How do you solve problems using percent proportion?
Ch 6-3: Applying Percents
-  How can percent equations be applied to real-world situations?
-  How is calculating sales tax similar to calculating tips?
Ch 1 to 6: Accumulative Review/Assess / MA.7.A.1.2,
MA.7.A.1.1, MA.7.A.1.2, / NAL-Understanding
-  Fractions Topic 6. Percents/Fractions/Decimals
-  Percent Topic 6. Problems Involving Percent
-  Percent Topic 7. Percent in Business
Ti Calculator Website:
-  Education.ti.com
Interactive 4 classroom
-  http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/percent_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm
Math.com-1st Glance:
-  http://www.math.com/school/subject1/lessons/S1U1L7GL.html#sm6
BrainPop-Using Proportions
-  http://www.glencoe.com/sec/math/brainpops/00112047/00112047.html / Percent proportion
Percent equation / MA.7.A.1.2,
3593,13881,34391,17528,14195,17480,17593, 34430, 34439,19606, 34185, 34431, 34437, 3549, 3649, 17479, 17594, 17595, 19605,34445, 34443, 34449, 3495, 3542, 34398, 34438, 34441, 19597, 34186, 34390, 34432,34431,82443,34182,3520,3749,17481,34594,19596,17595,34181,17481,3520,3749,34182,34433,17593,344349
34321,34327,128297,34448,34447,34446,128386,128362,128370,13530,128345,128249,3751,34497,82444,19602, 34410, 34412, 34414, 34416, 34417,34418,34446,82436,82452,3391,3728,3780,5672,5677,19579,34322,3580,13537,13576,13584,13898
4 / MA.7.A.3.2
MA.7.A.5.1 / Percent of change,
Percent of increase,
Percent of decrease
5 / MA.7.A.1.2,
MA.7.A.5.1 / Sales tax,
Simple interest
Ch / wk / Essential Question (EQ) / NGSSS / Resources / Vocabulary / DW Test item #’s / Teacher Reflection
Ch 7: Data Analysis and Probability / 6 / Ch 7: Main EQ
-  How can you collect and organize data? Then how can you use the data to make predictions?
Ch 7-1: Statistics
-  Why is it important to understand statistics and different types of graphs? / MA.7.S.6.2
MA.7.A.3.2 / Understanding Probability
-  Topic 1. An Introduction to Probability
-  Topic 2. What is chance
-  Topic 3. Dice Probability
-  Topic 7. Independent Events
-  Topic 8. Dependent Events
Interactive 4 Classroom Activity:
-  http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skill_builders/data_analysis_graphs_math_seventh_7th_grade.htm
Introduction to Probability
-  http://www.onlinemathlearning.com/math-probability.html
Portal Discover Resources:
-  http://msteacher.org/epubs/math/math3/activities.aspx
-  Probability of Compound Events
-  Probability of Events / Circle graph
Stem-and-leaf plot
Leaf, Stem
Outlier / MA.7.S.6.2