COURSE NAME: Community Mental Health


Spring 2009




(773) 588-3350





Title / Principles of Community Psychology, 3rd Edition.
Author(s) / Levine M., Perkins, D.D. & Perkins, D.V.
Copyright / 2005
Publisher / New York: OxfordUniversity Press.
ISBN / 0195144171
Edition / 3rd

PP7322 Community Mental Health

Spring 2009

Fridays 9:00- 11:45 am

Valerie Harrington, Ph.D.

Office Hours: Tuesdays 12-2pm, and by appointment


Phone: (773) 588- 3350

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide an overview of community mental health systems, with specific attention to administrative, organizational, cultural and political issues as they pertain to policy and program development, managed health care, and other trends in the delivery of mental health services.

Course Objectives:

Each student will:

1. achieve an historical, ideological and legislative overview of community mental health and mental health systems.

2. obtain an understanding of the administrative and clinical principles required to effectively organize, deliver, and evaluate mental health services in the community.

3. examine the provincial and ethno-centric approaches to psychological treatment and develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches.

4. develop an understanding of the impact of societal, cultural, and environmental influences on the community's psychological well-being.

5 achieve an understanding of policy formation, managed care, and current trends in mental health service delivery.

6. obtain a knowledge of the emerging role of psychologists in a variety of mental health settings.

7.obtain experience in working as a team member with other professionals in resolving a group problem and developing a common product.

8.develop an appreciation of social responsibility within a community mental health context.

Course Requirements:

Attendance:Attendance is mandatory. Students who miss more than one class must drop the class or receive a failing grade. Students must be present for the first day of class as groups will be organized on this day.

Reading Assignments:Readings will be assigned from the required text. Additional reading will be provided as handouts in class, or as an electronic link to library resources. A schedule will be passed out on the first day of class. See below for text.

Midterm Assignment (Part 1) (20% of grade): Students will interview a community leader on the issues currently facing his or her particular community, identifying needs, resources, and challenges present. Students will write a 3-5 page paper describing the context and results of the interview.

Midterm Assignment (Part 2) (25% of grade): Students will develop a plan to address the needs of the community discussed in Part 1, employing specific prevention and intervention techniques discussed in class. Students will write a discussion of the prevention strategy in a 5 page paper.

Group Project (45% of grade/ 45 points): Students will work in teams of 4-6 people to develop a group project. The project will be a program proposal containing the essential components for planning and running a Community Mental Health Program that incorporates the principles, practices and concepts of community psychology and the CMH paradigm.Proposal papers will be about 30 pages in length. Proposals will also be presented orally to the rest of the class. Students will be graded holistically, with all members of the team receiving the same grade. More details on the project will be provided in class.

Class Participation (10% of grade/ 10 points): Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions and in the work toward their team project. Lateness and/or inattention to class activities will detract from your grade.

Final Grade:

A final letter grade will be based on the following point values:

A(93 to 100 points)

A-(90 to 92points)

B+(87 to 89 points)

B(83 to 86 points)

B-(80 to 82 points)

C(79 and below)

Required Text:

Levine M., Perkins, D.D. & Perkins, D.V.(2005). Principles of Community Psychology, 3rd Edition. New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Recommended Texts:

Mosher, L.R., & Burti, L. (1994). Community Mental Health: A Practical Guide. New York: W.W. Norton and Co.

Kiritz, N.J., (1980) Program Planning & Proposal Writing. The Los Angeles: GrantsmanshipCenter News.

Hershenson, D.B., Power, P.W., Waldo, M. (1996) Community Counseling. New York: Allyn and Bacon

Dalton, J.H., Elias, M.J., Wandersman, A. (2001). Community Psychology. Australia: Wadsworth Thompson Learning

Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology-Mission Statement

The doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at Argosy University/Illinois School of Professional Psychology-Chicago Campus is an APA accredited program (APA, 750 First St. NE, WashingtonD.C.20002, (202) 336-55000). This program is designed to educate and train students so that they may eventually be able to function effectively as clinical psychologists. To ensure that students are prepared adequately, the curriculum provides for meaningful integration of theory, training, and practice. The Clinical Psychology Program at Argosy University/Illinois School of Professional Psychology-Chicago Campus emphasizes the development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills essential in the formation of professional psychologists who are committed to the ethical provision of quality services. Specific course objectives of the program include the following:

-The training of practitioners capable of delivering diagnostic and therapeutic services effectively to diverse populations of clients in need of such treatment

-The development of mental health practitioners who understand the biological, psychological, and sociological bases of human functioning

-The training of practitioners who are capable of exercising leadership both in the health care delivery system and in the training of mental health professionals

-The preparation of mental health practitioners capable of expanding the role of psychologists within society

-The education of psychologists capable of working with other disciplines as part of a professional team

Disability Statement

It is the policy of the Argosy University/Chicago to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disability, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student with disabilities needs accommodations to complete the instructor’s course requirements, the student must notify the Director of Student Services. Procedure for documenting student disability and the development of reasonable accommodation will be provided to students upon request. Students will be notified by the Director of Student Services when each request for accommodation is approved or denied in writing via designated form. It is the student’s responsibility to present the form (at his or her discretion) to the instructor in order to receive the requested accommodation in class. In an effort to protect student privacy, Student Services will not discuss the accommodation needs of any student with the instructors.

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism Statement

The University seeks to foster a spirit of honesty and integrity. Any work submitted by a student must represent original work produced by that student. Any source used by the student must be documented through normal scholarly references and citations, and the extent to which any sources have been used must be apparent to the reader. The University further considers resubmission of a work produced for one course or the submission of work done partially or entirely by another to be academic dishonesty. It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification from the course instructor about how much help may be received in completing an assignment or exam or project and what sources may be used. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty or plagiarism shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the University.

Technology Statement

ArgosyUniversity encourages the use of technology throughout the curriculum. Some of the assignments used in this class will include computer scored Rorschach, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A profiles. Students will be allowed to use computer generated interpretive reports for their assignments. However, according to APA ethics with respect to the use of these reports, students are not permitted to include statements copied directly from these reports in their own written work.

You are recommended to retain a copy of this syllabus for your records.