Course: Introduction to the New Testament

Series: Kingdom and Covenant in the New Testament

Discussion Forum Three: The New Covenant

1.What role did covenants have in the Old Testament?

  1. Tom Petter – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (00:45)

2.How is the kingdom of God rooted in the theology of the Old Testament?

  1. Glen G. Scorgie – Bethel Seminary, San Diego(04:10)

3.What does Scripture reveal about the organic development of God’s kingdom?

  1. Robert G. Lister – Talbot School of Theology(06:30)
  2. Dennis E. Johnson – Westminster Seminary California(09:20)
  3. Robert B. Chisholm, Jr. – Dallas Theological Seminary(13:10)

4.How does Jesus continue David’s royal dynasty as God the Father's vassal king?

  1. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. – Third Millennium Ministries(15:20)
  2. Simon Vibert – Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University(16:20)
  3. Craig S. Keener – Asbury Theological Seminary(16:40)

5.Does the author of Hebrews consider the new covenant to be a covenant renewal or something completely new?

  1. Peter Walker – Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University(18:10)
  2. Mark Strauss – Bethel Seminary, San Diego(19:30)
  3. Dan Lacich – Northland, A Church Distributed, Orlando(20:45)

6.Can we say that those in the church that reject Christ have received saving grace?

  1. Dennis E. Johnson – Westminster Seminary California(22:05)
  2. Simon Vibert – Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University(24:05)
  3. Craig S. Keener – Asbury Theological Seminary(25:40)

7.How does Scripture describe God’s benevolence to believers and unbelievers alike?

  1. Michael J. Glodo – Reformed Theological Seminary(27:25)
  2. Stephen J. Wellum – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary(29:30)
  3. Dan Lacich – Northland, A Church Distributed, Orlando(31:50)
  4. Glen G. Scorgie – Bethel Seminary, San Diego(33:10)

8.In what ways did the Old Testament require inward devotion to God as well as outward obedience?

  1. Dan Lacich – Northland, A Church Distributed, Orlando(35:00)
  2. Michael J. Glodo – Reformed Theological Seminary(36:00)
  3. Douglas Stuart – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary(37:15)
  4. Sean McDonough – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary(41:00)

9.Why did Jesus have to remain loyal to God the Father and obey the Law during his earthly life?

  1. K. Erik Thoennes – Talbot School of Theology(42:00)
  2. Jim Maples – Birmingham Theological Seminary(43:05)

10.Why does God require loyalty to Christ as he is revealed in the New Testament?

  1. Eckhard Schnabel – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary(44:45)
  2. K. Erik Thoennes – Talbot School of Theology(47:35)

11.Do unsaved people benefit from involvement in the church?

  1. Simon Vibert – Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University(49:05)
  2. K. Erik Thoennes – Talbot School of Theology(49:45)
  3. Blakemore(50:20)

12.What blessings will God’s people receive after final judgment?

  1. Stephen J. Wellum – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary(53:05)
  2. Dan Lacich – Northland, A Church Distributed, Orlando(54:55)
  3. Sean McDonough – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary(57:25)