U. S. History A.P. - Assignment Calendar 2015-2016 - Semester I

Assignments are DUE on the day indicated. Assignments are subject to change!

In-Class Presentation Notes are due each Friday, unless otherwise announced.

Project: To what extent was the American Revolution, revolutionary? Due Jan. 5th

Unit 1

August 14First Day: The Course and the Exam

Early English Settlement 1600-1650

August 17 Virginia - early settlement p.33-34, p.38-42Virginia Population Characteristics

75 words: Jamestown foundation, problems and reorganization

50 words: Tobacco

Additional Quiz Items:Roanoke, Expansion, Exchanges of Ag. Technology

August 18 New England – early settlements p.44-49 col.1 doc:A Modell of Christian Charity (John Winthrop 1630)and Letter to the Town of Providence (Roger Williams 1655)

75 words: Massachusetts Bay Experiment

50 words: Plymouth Plantation

Additional Quiz Items: Expansion of New England

August 19 Virginia 1642-1677 pgs. 43-44

doc:TheDeclaracon of the People (Nathaniel Bacon 1675)

75 words: Turbulent Virginia

50 words: Bacon’s Rebellion

August 20New England 1637-1675 p.49 col.2 – p.51 andp 61 btm col 2 – p.62

50 words: The Pequot War 50 words: King Philip’s War

AQI: Settlers and Natives, Technology of Battle, Middle Grounds

August 21 Restoration Colonies 1670-1700 p.51-55

75 words New Netherlands/New York 50 words: The Carolinas

Last English Colonial Settlements 1700-1750

August 24 Last of the Colonies 1700-1750 pgs. 55-56 and p.60-61 and

Frame of Government (William Penn 1682)

75 words: The Founding of Georgia 50 words: The Quaker Colonies

AQI: The Southeastern Borderlands

August 25 Evolution of the Empire p.63-66, p.81-86 and letters: servants and settlers 1756-69

75 words: The Rise and Patterns of Colonial Commerce

50 words: The Dominion of New England

AQI: The Drive for Reorganization, The Southern Economy,

Northern Economic and Tech Life, Extent and Limits of Technology

August 26The Colonial Population pgs. 70-80

75 words: Indentured Servitude, 50 words: Changing Sources of Immigration

AQI: The Beginnings of Slavery in America

August 27 Patterns of Society pgs. 92-101 Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God(Jonathan Edwards 1741)and Benjamin Franklin on the preaching of George Whitefield

75 words: The Great Awakening 50 words The Enlightenment in the Colonies,

AQI: Witchcraft Phenomenon, Concept of Law and Politics

August 28 French and Indian War p.105-111

75 words: The Great War for Empire, 50 words A Tradition of Neglect

AQI: The Colonies Divided, New France and the Iroquois Nation

Unit 2The American RevolutionAmerican History Chapter 4

August 31 Multiple Choice Test Unit 1

September 1 The New Imperialism p.112-118

75 words: New Imperial Program, 50 words Paxton Boys

AQI: War’s debt,Proclamation of 1763, Regulator Movement

September 2 Stirrings of Revolt p.118-121 and Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress 1765

100 words:Stamp Act 1765, 50 words Sons of Liberty

AQI: Virginia Resolves, Townshend Duties, Boston Massacre,

Samuel Adams

September 3 The Philosophy of Revolt through Cooperation and War p.121-125 and

Howard Zinn pgs. 60-61

Speech to the Second Virginia Convention (Patrick Henry 1775)

75 words: Developing political philosophy 50 words Coercive Acts

AQI: Gaspee, Tea Act, Boston Tea Party and Zinn’s information

September 4 Independence p.125-128 and p.131-133

75 words: First Continental Congress, 50 words Declaration of Independence

AQI: Lexington and Concord, Olive Branch Petition, Common Sense, Responses to Independence (in class we will do Common Sense (Thomas Paine 1776))

September 7 LABOR DAY

September 8 War the Second Phase and Final Phase p.133-147

75 words: Financing War, 50 words the role of the French

AQI: Geo. Washington, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Yorktown, Treaty of Paris

September 9War and Society p.147-153 The American Revolution p.134-135

The American Revolution do Interpretations worksheet

50 words: Loyalists, 50 words Native Americans

Slaves, Women, Economy

September 10Confederation Creation of State Governments p.153-155 and

Act Establishing Religious Freedom(Thomas Jefferson 1786)

50 words Revising State Governments 50 words Religious Liberty

AQI: Republicanism, Constitutions, Slavery

September 11Confederation A Search for a National Government p.155-160 and

Worksheet on theNorthwest Ordinance of 1787

75 words: The Articles of Confederation 50 words: Shays Rebellion AQI: Diplomacy, Ordinances of '84 and '85, Northwest Ordinance '87, Battle of Fallen Timbers

September 14Constitution Framing A New Government p.163-166 and

75 words: Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plans, 50 words Annapolis Convention

AQI: Advocates of Centralization,

September 15Constitution p. 166-170 The Background of the Constitution p.168-169

Worksheet on The Backgroundof the Constitution

75 words: the Great Compromise, 50 words: Slavery in the Constitution

AQI: Sovereignty, Separation of Powers, federal structure

September 16Ratification p.170-172and Federalist #10 doc. Worksheet

50 words:Antifederalists, 50 words: Bill of Rights

AQI: Federalists, ratification debate, Judiciary Act 1789, Cabinet

September 17Massachusetts Ratification Convention notes on slavery 1788 doc. Worksheet

Essay Exam in class

September 18Multiple Choice Test (Unit 2 with some questions from Unit 1)

September 21Federalists and Republicans p.172-176

Worksheets Hamilton In Defense of a Bank and Jefferson Against a Bank

75 words: Hamilton's Program, 50 words: Whiskey Rebellion

AQI: Bank of the United States, The "Republican" Party,Location of the Capital,

Native Americans

September 22Sovereignty p.176-178 and Downfall of the Federalists p. 178-182 and Farewell Address (Geo. Washington, 1796)the section you are assigned

75 words: Alien and Sedition Acts, 50 words: Jay’s Treaty

AQI: Citizen Genet, Pinkney Treaty, election of 1796, Treaty of Paris of 1800, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, election of 1800, Judiciary Act of 1801

September 23Nationalism p. 185-192 and Industrialism 192-193 and Virginia Resolution(James Madison 1798)

75 words:Second Great Awakening 50 words: Cotton Gin

AQI: Patterns of Education, Medicine and Science, developing "national culture", Deism,

September 24Jefferson the President p. 194-203 and First Inaugural Address(Jefferson 1801)

75 words: Transportation Innovations, 50 words: Marbury v. Madison

AQI: Barbary War, Impeachment of Justice Samuel Chase

September 25 Doubling the National Domain p. 203-207

75 words: Louisiana Purchase – Background, Louisiana Purchase and Quandary

50 words: Lewis and Clark Expedition, AQI: Burr Conspiracy

September 28 Expansion and War p.208-213

75 words: The Embargo 50 words: Battle of Tippecanoe

AQI: Conflict on the Seas, Impressment, Chesapeake and the Leopard, Non-Intercourse Act, Jefferson's Indian Policy, Tecumseh,

September 29 War of 1812 p.213-217 and Map of Congressional vote and Message to Congress (James Madison 1812)

75 words: War Hawks 50 words: Hartford Convention

AQI: War in the West, British Invasion, Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent

September 30A Growing Economy p.219-225

75 words: Transportation 50 words: Expansion into the old Southwest

AQI: Postwar issues, Expansion into the Northwest, the Trans-Mississippi West

October 1The Era of Good Feelings and the Missouri Compromise p.226-229

75 words each: Missouri Compromise 50 words: Panic of 1819

AQI: Seminole War, Adams-Onis Treaty, Tallmadge and Thomas Amendments

October 2 Marshall Court p. 229-230

50 words: Fletcher v. Peck,

AQI:Dartmouth College v. Woodward, Cohens v. Virginia

October 5 Nationalism p.229-231 doc. To Be Announced

75 words: The Monroe Doctrine 50 words: Gibbons v. Ogden

AQI: McCulloch v. Maryland, Johnson v. McIntosh, Worcester v. Georgia

October 6 The Revival of Opposition p.231-233

75 words: American System 50 words: Tariff of Abominations

AQI: Corrupt Bargain, Election of 1828

October 7 in class M/C Test Unit 3

Project Due January 5

Amer. History A.P. - Calendar 2015-16 - Semester I - Unit 4

October 8 Rise of Mass Politics p.238-242

75 words: Broadening Franchise 50 words: the Legitimization of Party

AQI: Dorr Rebellion, the Spoils System

October 9Our Federal Union p.242-246 and Second Reply to Hayne (Daniel Webster)

75 words: Nullification Crisis and Resolution 50 words: Webster-Haynes Debate

AQI: Theory of Nullification, Eaton Affair

October 12NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day

October 13 The Removal of the Indians p.246-250

75 words: Trail of Tears 50 words: Seminole War

AQI: Changing Attitudes Towards Native Americans, Black Hawk War, Federal and State Indian policy

October 14 PSAT

October 15 Jackson and the Bank War p.250-253 and The Bank Veto (Andrew Jackson)

75 words: The Bank War 50 words: Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge Case

AQI: the Bank and its "enemies"

October 16 Changing Face of American Politics p.253-260 and The "Age of Jackson" p.240-241

75 words: Election of 1840 50 words: Whigs

AQI: Democrats, "Great Triumvirate", Panic of 1837, Whig Diplomacy 1837-1842

Project Due January 5

October 19 The Changing American Population p.263-269 and

75 words: Know Nothings 50 words: German and Irish Immigration,

AQI: Rise of Nativism

October 20 Transportation, Communication, and Technology p.269-278Fincher's Trade Review March 26, 1864 75 words:Erie Canal 50 words: the growth of factor

AQI: growth of railroads, innovations in communication, growth of corps, interchangeable parts

October 21Northern Work, Industry and Agriculture p. 278-294

75 words: Lowell System 50 words: middle class life

AQI: Commonwealth v. Hunt, difficulties for union organizing, economy of the Old Northwest 1840-1860, McCormick Reaper

October 22 Southern Economy, Society and Slavery p.297-316

75 words:Rise of King Cotton, 50 words: slave resistance

AQI: white southern culture, slave culture

October 23(Homecoming Parade) The Romantic Impulse p.320-326

75 word: Transcendentalists 50 words Utopian communities

AQI: Hudson River School, James Fennimore Cooper, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Edgar Allen Poe, Mormons

Sectionalism and Manifest DestinyAmerican History

October 26 Remaking of Society p.326-333 and Memorial to the Legislature of Mass. (Dorothea Dix)

75 words: Seneca Falls Convention 50 words: Temperance,

AQI: Reforming Education, Asylum Movement, Feminism

October 27 NO SCHOOL Faculty In-Service

October 28 The Crusade against Slavery p.334-340 and Platform of the Amer. Anti-Slavery Society 1833

75 words: William Lloyd Garrison, Black Abolitionaists

AQI: American Colonization Society, Anti-Abolitionism, Harriet Beecher

October 29 Oregon and Texas p.343-350

75 words: Manifest Destiny 50 words: Texas Rebellion, AQI: Oregon

October 30 Mexican War 352-354

75 words: Compromise of 1850 50 words: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

AQI: James Polk, The Southwest and California, The War

November 2in class M/C Test Unit 4

Project Due January 5

Amer. History A.P. - Assignment Calendar 2015-16 - Semester I Unit 5

November 3 The Sectional Debate p.355-359

75 words: Free Soil Party, 50 words: Wilmot Proviso

AQI: The Gold Rush,

November 4 The Crisis of the 1850's Kansas p.359-362 top Col.1

75 words: Kansas-Nebraska Controversy 50 words: Bleeding Kansas

AQI: Ostend Manifesto, Gadsden Purchase

November 5 The Crisis of the 1850's Kansas p.359-362 top Col.1

100 words: Kansas-Nebraska Controversy AQI: Ostend Manifesto, Gadsden Purchase, Bleeding Kansas

November 6 The Crisis of the 1850's Free-Soil through John Brown p.362-367

Liberator Dec 16, 1859, My Bondage and My Freedom (Frederick Douglass),

Address at Cooper Institute Feb. 27, 1860 (Abraham Lincoln)

75 words: Free Soil Movement 50 words Dred Scott Decision

AQI: Deadlock over Kansas,Emergence of Lincoln, John Brown's Raid

November 9 The Crisis of the 1850's Lincoln p.367-368 and Secession p.371-375

75 words: Election of 1860 50 words: Northern Advantages

AQI: Crittenden Compromise, Fort Sumter, Southern Advantages

November 10 Due: The Causes of the Civil War p.376-377 200 to 300 word essay

The Civil War"irrepressible" or "repressible" – a reflection on the debate.

November 11 NO SCHOOL Veterans’ Day

November 12North and South p.375-388

75 words each: Economic Measures 50 words: Emancipation

AQI: Raising the Union Army, Wartime Politics,Confederate Government,

Money and Manpower, Economic and SocialEffects of the War

November 13Strategy and Battles p.388-403 Letter Jan. 11, 1863 (Thomas Warrick)

75 words: Europe and the Disunited States 50 words The Year of Decision

AQI: The Opening Clashes, The Last Stage

November 16Reconstruction p.405-413 Louisiana Black Codes 1865

75 words: The Congressional/Radical Plan 50 words: Competing Notions of Freedom

AQI: Issues of Reconstruction,Plans for Reconstruction The Death of Lincoln,

Johnson and"Restoration", Fourteenth Amendment, Black Codes,

The Impeachment of the President

November 17 Reconstruction p.413-425

75 words: The Reconstruction Governments 50 words: Abandonment of Reconstruction

AQI: The Grant Administration

November 18Post-Reconstruction South p.425-435

75 words: The New South 50 words: The Birth of Jim Crow

November 19 M/C/ Exam for Unit 5

November 20The West p. 439-448 (Part of Unit 6)

75 words: The Western Tribes, 50 words: Anti-Chinese sentiment and laws

AQI: Hispanic California

November 23 The Romance of The West 448-458

75 words: Arrival of the Miners 50 words: Cattle Kingdom

November 24The West and the Tribes p.458-464 The "Frontier" and the West p.456-57

50 words: Dawes Severalty Act

AQI: Sand Creek Massacre, Little Bighorn, Chief Joseph, Wounded Knee


Amer. History A.P. - Calendar 2015-16 - Semester I - Unit 6 (Cont.)

Project Due January 5

November 30Sources of Industrial Growth p.471-480

75 words: Industrial Technologies 50 words: ConsolidatingCorporate America

AQI: The Science of Production

December 1Capitalism and Its Critics p.480-485Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth

75 words: Social Darwinism 50 words: Alternative visions

AQI: The Self-Made Man

December 2 Industrial Workers p.486-494

75 words Homestead Strike 50 words: Haymarket Square

AQI: Women and Children at Work, The Struggle toUnionize, The Knights of Labor, The AFL, Pullman Strike

December 3 Urbanization p.497-512 and How the Other Half Lives (Jacob Riis1890)

75 words: Exclusion 50 words: Migrations

AQI: Lure of the City, Ethnic City, Assimilation, Frederick Law Olmstead,

Daniel Burnham, Jacob Riis, Louis Sullivan

December 4 Urban Life, Consumer Society and the Politics of Equilibrium p.519-534

75 words: Mass Communication 50 words: the Two Party System

AQI:The Machine and the Boss, Movies, Working Class Leisure, Literature, Art, Darwinism, Educating Women, Presidents and Patronage, New Public Issues

December 7The Agrarian Revolt p. 464-467 and p.534-540 Omaha Platform 1892

75 words: Populism 50 words: Farming on the Plains,

AQI: Commercial Agriculture, Farmers' Grievances, Agrarian Malaise, the Grange, Farmers Alliances

December 8 The Crisis of the 1890's p.540-547 col.1Populism p.542-543

75 words: Election of 1896 50 words: McKinley and Recovery

AQI: Panic of 1893, the Silver Question, The Cross of Gold

December 9McKinley and Imperial p.549-554 and Speech Sept. 16,1898(Albert Beveridge)

75 words: New Manifest. Destiny, 50 words: Hemispheric Hegemony

AQI: Yellow Journal p.552-553

December 10The War with Spain p.554-560 Wm. J. Bryan Imperialism Aug. 8, 1900

75 words: Controversy Cuba, 50 words: Debate over the Philippines

AQI:War, Puerto Rico

December 11The Republic as Empire p.560-564(8th Grade Visitation Day)

75 words: Philippine War 50 words: The Open Door

AQI: Governing Colonies, Modern Military System

December 14 Flex Day

December 15EXAMS

December 16EXAM

December 17EXAM- Comprehensive M/C: Units 1-6 emphasis on Unit 6

December 18 – January 8

Project Due January 5

American History A.P. Assignment Calendar 2015-2016 - Semester II

Project - Due January 5th.

Assignments are DUE on the day indicated. Assignments are subject to change!

In-Class Presentation Notes are due each Friday, unless otherwise announced.

Project - Due January 5th
Unit 7


January 11NO SCHOOL

January 12 The Progressive Impulse p.567-573 and Christianity and the Social Crisis (wrksht)

75 words: Muckrakers 50 words: Jane Addams and Hull House

AQI: the Social Gospel, Professional Associations, Women and the Professions

January 13 Women p.573-577 The Parties p.577-581 and Twenty Years at Hull House (wrksht)

75 words: Woman Suffrage 50 words: Robert La Follette

AQI: "New Women", Clubwomen, Municipal Reform and New Forms of Governance,

January 14 the Crusade, Challenge p.581-588 and Progressive Reform p.570-571(wrksht)

75 words: W.E.B. DuBois 50word: Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

AQI: Western Progressives, NAACP, The Temperance Crusade, Immigration estriction, Eugene V. Debs,Wobblies, Decentralization and Regulation

January 15 Roosevelt and Square Deal p.588-592 Autobiography T.R. Roosevelt and (wrksht)

75 words: Pure Food and Drug Act 50 words: Conservation and Preservation

AQI: Theodore Roosevelt- Background, Northern Securities Company, "Square Deal", John Muir, Panic of 1907

Progressivism: Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson

January 18Martin Luther King Day

January 19Skip to T.R. The Big Stick p.601-604

75 words Panama Canal 50 words: Roosevelt Corollary

AQI: Portsmouth Peace Conf., Platt Amendment,

January 20 Taft: p.592-594 and Dollar Diplomacy p.604

75 words: Dollar Diplomacy 50 words: Ballinger-Pinchot Dispute,

AQI: New Nationalism, Progressive Party

January 21 Wilson and the New Freedom p.595-597

100 words: Federal Reserve Act 50 words: Federal Trade Commission

AQI: New Freedom, Underwood-Simmons Tariff, Clayton Anti-Trust, Child Labor Laws

January 22 Wilson: Diplomacy and Morality p.604-606

75 words: Wilson and Mexico 50 words:The Caribbean and Nicaragua

World War I

January 25 The Road to War p.606-613 Doc. Zimmerman Note Worksheet

75 words: Neutrality and anti-war sentiment 50 words: Technology and warfare

AQI:Lusitania, Zimmerman Telegram, War at Sea, Selective Service Act, trench warfare, Casualties

January 26 The War and American Society p.613-620

50 words:War Industries Board 50 words: “Great Migration”

AQI: Financing the War, Labor and the War, Espionage and Sedition Acts,

persecution of German-Americans

January 27 The New World Order p.620-623 The 14 Points Wilson wkst

75 words: Ratification Battle 50 words: Paris Peace Conference

AQI: The Fourteen Points, Wilson's Ordeal

January 28 A Society in Turmoil p.624-630 The Evolution of Negro Leadership - du Bois

75 words: Red Scare 50 words: Marcus Garvey

AQI: Industry and Labor, African Americans,Sacco and Vanzetti, Retreat from Idealism

January 29 The New Economy and New Culture p.633-648

75 words: Technology and Economic Growth 50 words: Harlem Renaissance

AQI: Labor, A. Philip Randolph, Labor in the West, Supreme Court and Labor, Farming in the 1920's, Impact of the Automobile, Advertising, Movies and Broadcasting, Religion in the 20's, Women in the 20's, Margaret Sanger, Women's Rights, Youth Culture, The Disenchanted

The 1920's

February 1 Republican Government p.653-656

75 words: Government and Business 50 words: Harding Administration Scandals

AQI: Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge,

February 2 Conflict of Cultures p.648-653

75 words: Nativism and National Origins Act 1924 50 words: Prohibition

AQI: The New Klan, Religious Fundamentalism, Scopes Trial, Democrat's Ordeal

February 3 The Depression p.659-663 and Herbert Hoover campaign speech 1928 (wrkst)

75 words: Causes of the Depression 50 words: The Great Crash,

AQI:Progress of the Depression

February 4 flex day

February 5 Multiple Choice Unit 7

Advanced Placement U. S. History

Assignment Calendar 2015-2016 - Semester II

Unit 8

The Depression: Hoover, Crash and Early New Deal

February 8 Hard Times and Depression Culture p.663-676