Name ______2014 - 2015
Mr. Schmidt
I.Course Objectives/Curriculum
The history of the United States is the history of a great experiment in democracy. The basic principles set down by the Declaration of Independence became the guiding ideas underlying the nation’s development. All history after the Declaration has encompassed a continual search for ways in which to apply these principles. One of the major threads is developing an understanding of government and how it works. The course will also focus on public policy as a driving force in our nations development-political, economic, and cultural.
All Students will:
- master a broad body of historical knowledge
- demonstrate an understanding of historical sequence
- use historical data to support an argument or position
- interpret and apply data from primary source documents
- prepare for and successfully pass the Regents Examination
- research and write a paper on an historical topic approved by your teacher
- recognize historical trends and the people and events that shape them
- identify the braches of government and explain the roles of each
- recognize key geographic features and explain how they impacted the course of US history
II.School Supplies By Thursday, September 45h, please have the following:
- Large 3 Ring Binder: with loose-leaf paper and dividers.
- Dark blue or black pens and #2 pencils.
III.Class Requirements:
- Homework: See below
- Exams: Tests will be given at the end of each chapter on the final day of the week. Tests will include content from class notes, vocabulary words, and all worksheets.
- Projects: Projects will be assigned during the year to enhance classroom learning.
- Notebooks: A comprehensive and orderly notebook and binder is to be kept and will be graded each marking period.
- “Quality” Participation: Students are expected to be in attendance, complete assignments, make the proper effort, be prepared, and actively and positively participate in classroom discussions and activities.
- Mid-term Exam: A half-year exam will be given during January.
- Regents Exam is Final Exam: A Regents exam will be given during the scheduled exam time in June.
Attendance: Students are subject to the Auburn School District attendance policy. Failure to meet the attendance requirement will exclude the student from successfully passing the course. (see AHS handbook for details)
IVHomework Requirements:
- Assignments will be posted daily on the chalkboard.
- Assignments will be handed in at the beginning of class on the day they are due.
- Late assignments may be accepted, but a penalty will be applied to the grade.
- Homework answers must be legible and be written in complete sentences to be more fully understood.
- Makeup Work: Refer to student handbook
Being absent does not excuse you from the required work. Any work missed will be handed in in a timely fashion. In the case of an extended legal absence, you will have five days in which to make up all work. To wait longer than five days does not facilitate retention of old information, nor reinforce learning of new information. Makeup tests will be given after school. Work or tests not made up in one week will receive a grade of zero. Special situations will receive appropriate adjustments. It is your responsibility to make all arrangements.
- Classroom Standards:
- I enforce all school rules
- You will be in class before the bell rings and prepared to work. Students will bring to class daily:
Textbook, notebook, binder, supplies, and other materials required for class work. Students are required to sharpen pencils, discard papers, go to the bathroom etc. before the beginning of class.
- When someone talks…everybody listens. I will respect what you have to say, and I expect the same from you for me and for your fellow students.
- Students will conduct themselves in a manner conductive to serious thought and study. This means that students will be attentive and well behaved at all times. Respect for others, appropriate language and courtesy are expected.
Note: Failure to comply with the above standards will result in detention, parental contact, or other disciplinary action deemed necessary by the administration.
My Expectations of You:
- Be open minded
- Demonstrate respect for all others
- Communicate your problems and concerns to me.
- Have faith in yourself.
- Take responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and academic performance. Do Not Make Excuses.
What you can expect from me:
- Respect for you as an individual
- Regular written and verbal feedback
- Extra help.
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand the information for United States History and Government. In addition, please have a parent/guardian read and sign this. In this way, everyone will know what is expected for the successful completion of this class. Please return this to me by Thursday, September 4, 2014. With preparation, effort, and commitment, our challenges will be greatly reduced and our chances for success will be greatly enhanced.
Mr. Schmidt, US History and Government Teacher
Student’s Name - Print
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Phone Number