Course: Humanities 10 Individualized

What do you want your child to accomplish or understand? (related to learning outcomes) / Greater Understanding of the following five social studies:
1. Applications of Social Studies
2. Society and Culture: CANADA FROM 1815 TO 1914
3. Politics and Law: CANADA FROM 1815 TO 1914
4. Economy and Technology: CANADA FROM 1815 TO 1914
5. Environment: CANADA FROM 1815 TO 1914
Oral Language: Enhancement of Speaking and Listening Skills
Reading and Viewing: Bolster Reading Comprehension Skills
Writing and Representing: Increase variety and complexity of Written Communications
To acquire knowledge and understanding in the following four domains of learning:
1. Bible Doctrine
2. Christian Worldview
3. Service
4. Personal Devotions and Discipleship
What activities are you planning to do to accomplish your goals? / Monthly Lectures based on the following integrated themes:
Episode One: The Clash of Empires... Introducing the Empire Imagination... The War of 1812 and beyond.
Episode Two: Rebellion in the Empire... The Revolts in Upper and Lower Canada
Rebellions – Christ and Caesar and the appropriate response to difference in value
Episode Three and Four: Reinventing the Empire... Towards Confederation and The Dominion of Canada
Governance and Structuring: questions of political visions; where does “rule” come from
Changing National Identity: identity, identity, identity
Episode Five and Six: An Old Empire Adopted / A New Empire Imagined
MacDonald’s National Policy – The Problem-Policy issue and Canadian idealism
Economy: from abundance in God’s promise to scarcity and fear (Limit and the Land)
Episode Seven and Eight: Empire Outcasts ... Marginalizing the Weak in the ‘New’ Dominion
Human Relations: Gender Roles, Ethnicity, right to rule, hierarchical to horizontal shifts
Aboriginal Issues, Colonization and Assimilation – losing who we are for what is Empire
Episodes Nine and Ten: Empire Expansion... More Provinces, More Land, More Wealth, Less Faith
Immigration: various approaches on identity, persecution, deliverance, promise
Regional differences and Disparity: dealing with diversity and inequity; Corinthian body, etc
Multi-genre Writing Assignments
Elluminate Oral and Text Interactions
How will we check to see if your student has accomplished the goals? / Possible Grading Rubric (To be negotiated with Humanities Teaching Team)
90% Major Portfolio Evidence (You will need to hand in 10 major assignment sets during the course of the year. A major assignment would be something like a research essay (1000 to 1500 words with at least 10 sources including internet sites and conventional hardcover books), a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation, an elaborate interview project etc. etc.).Please note that grade 10 level portfolio evidence should demonstrate considerable critical thinking, creativity, research, and craft.
10% Self-Evaluation (This is the portion of the grade you or your parent/guardian will assign for your faithfulness in completing everyday work… it will also include small assignments that you may be working through in preparation for your major portfolio evidence… I will collect this grade from you at the end of the course)
What materials/resources are you going to use to accomplish your goals? / ELLUMINATE LECTURES (see learning strategies section)
DL Curricula/ Support Teacher Materials T.B.A.
Home Educator Selections and / or Support Teacher Selections will depend on course option selected.
Option #1 100% Support Teacher Resources
Option #2 Mixture of Home Educator and Support Teacher Selections
Option #3 Predominantly Home Educator Selections
How are you going to divide up your plans over the year so that they will get accomplished? / Select One:
1st Semester – September to end of January.
2nd Semester – February to mid June.
Linear – September to June.